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Psychology Review Part 1 – Chapters 1-8
Use your text and your notes to complete this review to be used on your Semester Exam. You may work in small groups
as long as the volume is kept down!
1. Know the following psychologist and their major contributions to psychology:
a. Wilhelm Wundt – father of psychology, structuralist, set up first Psychology lab
b. Ivan Pavlov – Pavlov’s dogs, classical conditioning, even our natural responses are subject to training.
c. John B. Watson – Behaviorist, led study on lil’ Albert, believed there was no such thing as free will.
d. Sigmund Freud – psychoanalyst, believed in unconscious determinants of behavior
e. Sir Francis Galton – believed in heritable traits, thought that royalty was more intelligent than common
B.F. Skinner – Behaviorist, created the skinner box, used operant conditioning to train
2. What is the major idea behind the six major schools of Psychology
a. Psychoanalytic – unconscious determinants of behavior
b. Behavioral – contingencies of reinforcement
c. Humanistic – self actualization – personal growth and the desire to achieve max. potential
d. Cognitive - our own perceptions, thoughts and feelings shape our behavior
e. Biological – our behavior is driven by our chemical balance, by neurons and neuro-transmitters.
Sociocultural – our behavior is driven by our culture and the society in which we were raised
3. What is the difference between basic science and applied science? Science is research for the sake of research –
to discover; whereas applied science finds real life ways to apply those things that science has discovered.
4. What is the main job of both the nervous system and the endocrine system? To send messages to the body and
prepare the body for action
5. What is the main difference between the nervous system and the endocrine system? Nervous system transmits
information neuron to neuron, chemically and electrically through neurotransmitters and therefore can localize the
information. The endocrine system transmits chemicals from glands to the entire body through the blood stream.
6. Who was Phineas Gage? Why was he important to psychology? Phineas Gage was a railroad worker who was
injured when a rail spike was shot through his head. Because he survived we were able to see how losing that part
of the brain affected behavior and therefore draw conclusions about its purpose.
7. What causes a grand mal seizure? An electrical storm of activity in the Corpus Callosum
8. What are the basic parts of a neuron and what are the basic functions of each? Cell body, axon, myelin sheath,
9. What are some common drugs that are classified as stimulants? caffeine
10. What are some common drugs that are classified as depressants? alcohol
11. According to Sigmund Freud what are the functions of dreams? Process days activities, help you work through
your unconscious fears and beliefs
12. Know the function of each of the following parts of the human eye:
a. Cornea – transparent part of the eye that covers the lens and iris
b. Lens – flexible elastic structure that changes its shape to focus light
c. Retina – coating on the back of the eye, containing receptor cells (rods & cones)
d. Pupil – the opening in the iris that regulates the amount of light entering the eye.
Define the following
13. naturalistic observation
14. case study
15. longitudinal studies
16. cross-sectional studies
17. central tendency
18. normal curve
19. hypothesis
20. self-fulfilling prophecy
21. placebo effect
22. Spinal cord
23. Pons
24. Medulla
25. Hypothalamus
26. Hippocampus
27. Limbic System
28. Pituitary gland
29. Thalamus
30. Corpus callosum
31. Cerebellum
32. Parietal Lobe
33. Occipital Lobe
34. Primary Motor cortex
35. Temporal lobe
36. Frontal Lobe
Psychology Review Part 2 – Chapters 8-13
Use your text and your notes to complete this review to be used on your Semester Exam. You may work in small groups
as long as the volume is kept down!
From beginning to end describe the four steps of classical conditioning:
CS (ring the bell)
UCS (food) – UCR – (Salivate)
UCS (feed the dog)
Achieve assimilation – CS (ring the bell) – CR (salivate)
2. How does operant conditioning differ from classical conditioning? In operant conditioning the subject acts on
the system and is reward or punished. Classical there is no action required by the subject
3. What is learned helplessness and how does one acquire it? Belief that you cannot succeed. It is learned
through operant conditioning.
4. What is the difference between negative reinforcement and punishment? Negative reinforcement increases
the desired behavior while punishment decreases undesired behavior
5. What are the three stages of memory? Input, Storage, Retrieval
6. According to George Miller short-term memory is limited to about ____Seven_________ items.
7. List the 3 things that can result in forgetting. Decay, Proactive interference (early memory blocks present),
Retroactive interference (current memory blocks past)
8. What are the three kinds of thinking? Directed Thinking (convergent), Nondirected (divergent),
9. According to the book what is involved in creativity? Flexibility, recombination, insight
10. What are the different theories of motivation? Instinct, Drive-reduction, incentive, cognitive
11. Studies show that high achievers prefer to be associated with experts that will help them achieve more.
12. Show the stages of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. 1) Physiological 2) Safety 3) Belonging 4) Esteem 5) selfactualization
13. Charles Darwin argued that people from different cultures express certain basic feelings in the same way.
14. What are the differences between achievement test, aptitude tests and interest inventories? Achievement test
measure the knowledge you have retained (ACT or TAKS/EOC), Aptitude measure your potential to achieve
(SAT), Interest Inventories measure levels of interest in different areas
15. Classical Conditioning
16. Acquisition
17. Discrimination
18. generalization
19. extinction
20. behavior modification
21. Heuristics
22. functional fixedness
23. flexibility
24. recombination
25. homeostasis
26. test validity
27. test reliability
28. cultural bias
29. Rorschach Ink blot test
Psychology Review Part 3 – Chapters 14 - 20
Use your text and your notes to complete this review to be used on your Semester Exam. You may work in small groups
as long as the volume is kept down!
1. According to Freud what are the three parts of the personality and their functions?
Id – the devil on our shoulder, pleasure based, our inner child, it wants what it wants
Superego – the angel on our shoulder, morally based, our inner mother, conscience, brings guilt
Ego – ourselves, reality based, the part of our personality that chooses what will be done
2. What are the eight defense mechanisms that we studied? Describe each.
Rationalization – making up acceptable excuses for behaviors that cause us to feel anxious
Repression – pushing our thoughts out of consciousness into our unconsciousness.
Denial – refusal to accept the reality of something that makes you anxious.
d. Projection – assigning our own feelings to others.
Reaction Formation – replacing an unacceptable feeling or urge with an opposite one.
Regression – going back to an earlier and less mature pattern of behavior.
Displacement – occurs when you cannot take out your anger on the source of your frustrations, so you
take it out on a less powerful person instead
Sublimation – refers to redirecting a forbidden desire into a socially acceptable desire.
3. What are contingencies of reinforcement and what type of psychology are they associated with? They are the
positive reinforcements, negative reinforcements or punishments that teach us to behave in certain ways. They
are associated with behaviorism
4. What is the trait theory of personality? Every person has certain personality traits that are quantifiable that define
your basic personality.
5. How does your primary and secondary appraisal of a situation affect your stress level? Primary evaluation –
immediate evaluation (irrelevant, positive, negative) secondary evaluation – how do I deal with a potentially
stressful situation – coping stratagies
6. List and describe the 4 types of conflict situations:
Avoidance – avoidance
c. Approach - avoidance
Double Approach - Avoidance
7. What is the fight or flight response? Response of the sympathetic nervous system
8. What is a dissociative disorder and what types of dissociative disorders exist? Experiencing alterations in
memory, identity, or consciousness – dissociative amnesia, dissociative fugue, dissociative identity disorder
9. What do brain images show happens to the brains of people who have schizophrenia? Ventricles are enlarged
10. What different types of schizophrenia exist? Paranoid, catatonic, disorganized, remission, undifferentiated
11. What is the difference between physical dependence on a drug and tolerance to a drug? Dependence will cause
physical problems if you stop using, tolerance means you have to use more to have the same effect
12. What are the characteristics and techniques of client-centered therapy? Client and therapists are partners – use
nondirective therapy, active listening and unconditional positive regard
13. What type of therapy is aimed at changing unrealistic assumptions about oneself and other people? Rationalemotive therapy
14. What are the three characteristics of a good therapist? Psychological health, empathy, experience in dealing with
people and understanding their complexities
15. What are the three sides of Robert Sternberg’s triangular theory of love? Passion, intimacy, commitment
16. Schachter’s experiment showed that high anxiety produced a need for human contact. Thank you!
17. What attitudes are most resistant to change? Internalized attitudes. Your Welcome!
18. Strategies such as the “foot-in-the-door” technique are aimed at influencing the audience. Good luck on the test!
19. self-actualization
20. unconditional positive regard
21. eustress
22. distress
23. obsession
24. compulsion
25. anxiety
26. Phobic Disorder
27. Panic Disorder
28. conversion disorder
29. Munchausen’s syndrome
30. bipolar disorder
31. psychoanalysis
32. resistance
33. cognitive dissonance