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Name: ________________________
Diseases Unit Review Guide
Your test will be Monday, March 4. There are 31 MC and 2 BCRs.
This review is due Friday, March 1 and will be graded for completion.
1. There are 5 major types of asexual reproduction. Name all 5 and give an example of each.
- example:
- example:
- example:
- example:
- example:
4. Describe the process of runners:
5. Describe the process of binary fission:
6. You have dimples just like your mother. Why could this be true?
Dimples are a genetic (inherited) trait.
Dimples are an environmental (acquired) trait.
Dimples are a chemical trait.
Dimples are a trait that occurs by chance.
7. A worm is cut into two pieces. Each piece grows into a new worm. This is an example of which process?
8. If a parent cell divides asexually and produces a small daughter cell that breaks off from the parent cell?
9. When a parent cell undergoes meiosis, which of the following best describes the product of this process?
Two daughter cells with the same number of chromosomes as the parent
Four daughter cells with the same number of chromosomes as the parent
Two daughter cells with half the number of chromosomes as the parent
Four daughter cells with half the number of chromosomes as the parents
Use this information to answer questions 10 and 11.
Spider plants reproduce primarily by asexual reproduction by growing a long stem, or runner. Spider plants also
can reproduce by wither sexual reproduction, where plants receive pollen from other plants and make seeds.
The seeds then grow into new plants.
10. Which statement best describes the new spider plant that is produced by runners in asexual reproduction?
The new plant will be genetically identical to the original plant.
The new plant will have half the number of chromosomes as the original plant.
The new plant will have twice the number of chromosomes as the original plant.
The new plant will have different chromosomes than the original plant.
11. Which statement best describes the new spider plant produced from seeds by sexual reproduction?
The new plant will be genetically identical to both parent plants.
The new plants will be genetically identical to only one parent plant.
The new plants will have entirely different chromosomes from both parents.
The new plants will be similar to the parent plants, but not identical to either one.
12. What is the major advantage of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction?
Sexual reproduction happens at a faster rate than asexual reproduction.
Sexual reproduction requires two parents.
Sexual reproduction provides for variation among offspring.
Sexual reproduction involves both mitosis and meiosis.
13. Selective breeding is the process of choosing which two animals (or plants) to breed, depending on what
characteristics you want the offspring to have. For example, if you wanted to breed bigger pigs to provide
more meat, you would mate the biggest boar with the biggest sow, producing big piglets. You would then
mate the two largest offspring which over time would result in larger pigs. The goal of selective breeding
is to produce offspring that have a desirable characteristic.
Identify the example of selective breeding:
a. breeding frogs with two heads
b. producing corn crops which are resistant to cold weather and insects
c. running a test to determine the source of some DNA
d. transferring a glow in the dark gene from a jellyfish into a goldfish
14. Which of the following statements are TRUE about chromosomes and genes?
a. Genes are made of chromosomes
b. Chromosomes are made of genes
c. Both of these
15. Which of the following is TRUE?
a. The more chromosomes you have, the more advanced you are
b. We have the same chromosomes in almost every cell
c. Our chromosomes are inside our genes
d. Each chromosome controls one trait
16. Which of the following is an example of a gene
a. Hair color
b. Short
c. Bb
d. XX
17. Which parent determines the sex of the offspring?
a. The father – he can supply an X or a Y
b. The mother – she can supply an X or a Y
c. The father – he can only supply an X
d. The mother – she can only supply an X
18. Which of the following pair or words have the most SIMILAR meaning?
a. Purebred and homozygous
b. Hybrid and homozygous
c. Hybrid and purebred
d. Homozygous and heterozygous
19. If “F” represents having finger hair, what would represent having no finger hair?
a. F
b. f
c. N
d. n
20. Is finger hair, F, (from the question above) a dominate or recessive allele?
a. Dominant
b. Recessive
c. Neither
d. Both
21. If tall is dominant which of the following is true for a plant that is homozygous for tall?
a. The plant’s phenotype is TT
b. The plant’s genotype is TT
c. The plant’s phenotype is short
d. Both b and c are correct
Use the information below to determine if the following statements are TRUE or FALSE.
On peas, round (R) is dominant over wrinkled (r). A
certain pea plant has the alleles Rr.
22. The plant is a hybrid __________
23. This plant’s genes are homozygous. ______________
24. This plant’s phenotype is Rr. ______________
25. This plant’s genotype is Rr. ___________
26. This plant’s phenotype is round. _______________
27. This plant’s genotype is round. ______________
28. A recessive hybrid plant would be short. _______________
29. This plant is a purebred. ______________
Answer the following question using the Punnett square to the right.
30. How many possible phenotypes may an offspring have?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
31. How many possible genotypes may an offspring have?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
32. Which allele is dominant?
a. G
b. g
c. Gg
d. gg
33. Which is true for both parents?
a. They are homozygous for this trait
b. They are heterozygous for this trait
c. A and B
Comparison of Asexual versus Sexual Reproduction
Number of
What type of
# of Chromosomes
(unicellular or
(same or half)
Variety of
DNA for
(more or
same as
35. What does it mean to have a trait run in the family?
36. Compare the process of Mitosis and Meiosis. Use your meiosis notes to help you.
Circle the type of reproduction:
Circle the type of reproduction:
asexual or sexual
asexual or sexual
What type of cells are produced:
What type of cells are produced:
How many cells are produced:
How many cells are produced:
How does the DNA compare to the original
parent cell?
How does the DNA compare to the original
parent cell?
WORD BANK for Questions 37-47
37. The passing of inherited traits from parents to offspring is called _______________.
38. The scientific study of heredity is called __________________.
39. In sexual reproduction, each offspring receives one
from each parent (or half its DNA
from each parent).
40. The different forms of a gene are called ______________.
41. BB or bb is an example of _______________ because the alleles are the same.
42. Bb is an example of _________________ because the alleles are different.
43. A ____________ allele is one whose traits ALWAYS shows up.
44. A _______________ allele is one that is covered up or “hidden”
45. The _____________ is the actual trait the offspring gets.
Ex – tall, short
46. The ______________ is the different gene combinations (2 letters). Ex - BB, Bb, bb.
47. __________ and ____________ are the two specialized cells that form a fertilized egg.
Punnett Square Practice
48. A homozygous black guinea pig (BB) crosses with a homozygous white guinea pig (bb). Complete the
Punnett Square and write the genotype and phenotype percentages. Black fur (B) is dominant over white
fur (b).
Genotype (gene combination):
Phenotype (appearance):
Oompa Loompas usually have orange faces which are determined by a dominant gene (F). The recessive
condition results in a blue face (f). Olivia Oompa Loompa has a blue face and Octavius Oompa Loompa
has an orange face. The Punnett square below shows the genetic cross between Olivia and Ocatvius’
mother and father.
How many alleles did Olivia get from each parent?
What is Olivia’s gene combination? 2 alleles?
What are the alleles for Olivia’s mother?
What are the alleles for Olivia’s father?
Explain how it is possible that with the same parents Octavius can have an
orange face and Olivia a blue one.
50. Sickle cell anemia is a recessive disorder. The genotype for getting sickle cell disease is (hh). A healthy
husband and healthy wife decide to have children. They consult with a genetic counselor because they
know that the wife’s mother had sickle cell anemia.
What are the two alleles of the wife’s mother?
What are the two alleles of the wife?
What are the two possible sets of alleles of the husband?
Draw the two Punnett square possibilities for the marriage.
What percent of their offspring could have sickle cell?
51. Microarray Practice
A microarray is a lab technique used to determine the genotype for one trait of your offspring. The picture
below shows the test results for Cystic Fibrosis. Cystic fibrosis is a recessive disorder. Healthy is CC or Cc. A
genotype of cc is affected by Cystic Fibrosis.
Remember a microarray works by allowing you to visualize what genes are expressed in a cell. This is done by
placing DNA samples on a plate that contains wells. If a person is homozygous dominant, the sample will be
the color PINK on the slide. A person that is homozygous recessive will show the color BLUE on the slide. An
individual that is heterozygous will show a mix of both colors and appear PURPLE on the slide.
A – Homozygous dominant control
B – Homozygous recessive control
C – Negative control
D – Offspring DNA sample (2 wells)
52. Based on the microarray picture above, what is the genotype of the offspring?
53. Is the offspring (D) affected or not with cystic fibrosis?
54. Here are the results of a cystic fibrosis microarray for a family: Dad is blue, Mom is pink, Daughter is
Which member of the family does not have a recessive allele?
55. During sexual reproduction, how many alleles for any given gene are given from each parent?
56. What are the specialized cells produced during meiosis called? _____________
57. What are the female cells called? ______________
58. What are the male cells called? ______________
59. What is the term for merged specialized cells? _________________
Jenny and Jeremy’s Punnett square for Earlobes.
A = attached earlobes
a = unattached earlobes
60. What is the father’s genotype (gene combination)? __________________
61. What is the mother’s genotype (gene combination)? ______________________
62. Jenny has unattached earlobes, her brother Jeremy has attached earlobes. How could Jeremy have received
attached earlobes?
Female Lemming
Lemmings Punnett Square
Male Lemming
G = grey fur
g = black fur
63. Write a statement describing 50% of the lemmings produced in the cross above.
64. What is the probability that a lemming will be born with black fur? ______________
65. What is the probability that a lemming will be born with grey fur? ________________
66. The lemmings fur is determined by ________________________________________?
(how many genes and by whom?)
Use this graphic organizer to help you formulate your response to BCR prompt 1:
BCR #1: Asexual and Sexual Reproduction
Zach’s class was studying a type of single-celled organism called euglena. He learned that when a euglena reproduces, the new
organisms look exactly like each other and like the parent. He recalled that when his pet cat had babies, the new kittens looked
somewhat different from each other and both parents. Zach knew that euglena reproduce by dividing, a form of asexual reproduction,
and cats reproduce by sexual reproduction. Distinguish between asexual and sexual reproduction.
Topic Sentence:
Evidence piece 1: Explain why asexual Evidence piece 2: Explain why sexual Evidence piece 3: Include a discussion of
reproduction produces offspring that all reproduction produces offspring that genes in your response.
look like each other and like the parent.
look different from each other and their
Concluding Sentence:
Use this graphic organizer to help you formulate your response to BCR prompt 2:
BCR #2: Genetic Disorders
Genetic disorders are abnormal conditions or diseases that people can inherit. Today, doctors are able to perform genetic testing that
allows individuals to find out whether they are at risk for developing many different disorders. Some genetic disorders are caused by
traits that developed from mutations in the DNA molecule. Suppose the trait for a genetic disorder is “d” and the trait for not getting the
disorder is “D.” Mrs. Watson and her husband do not have this genetic disorder. Mrs. Watson’s mother has the disorder. Why might a
doctor recommend that Mrs. Watson’s young child be tested for this disorder?
Topic Sentence:
Evidence piece 1: Include a discussion of
gene combination.
Concluding Sentence:
Evidence piece 2: Include who gets the Evidence piece 3: Use a Punnett square
disorder and who does not get the to support your explanation.