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NAME: ________________________
Please print out these pages and HANDWRITE the answers directly on the printouts. Typed work or answers on
separate sheets of paper will not be accepted.
Importantly, guided readings are NOT GROUP PROJECTS!!! You, and you alone, are to answer the questions as you read.
You are not to share them with another students or work together on filling it out. Please report any dishonest behavior to your instructor to be
dealt with accordingly.
Get in the habit of writing legibly, neatly, and in a NORMAL, MEDIUM-SIZED FONT. AP essay readers and I will skip
grading anything that cannot be easily and quickly read so start perfect your handwriting.
Please SCAN documents properly and upload them to Archie. Avoid taking photographs of or uploading dark, washed out,
side ways, or upside down homework. Please use the scanner in the school’s media lab if one is not at your disposal and keep completed
guides organized in your binder to use as study and review tools.
READ FOR UNDERSTANDING and not merely to complete an assignment. Though all the answers are in your textbook,
you should try to put answers in your own words, maintaining accuracy and the proper use of terminology, rather than blindly copying the
textbook whenever possible.
“As you study this chapter, read several paragraphs at a time to catch the flow of ideas and understand the
reasoning that is being described. In some places, the text describes a narrative or story of events that led to
Darwin’s theory of evolution. Therefore, first read the narrative to absorb the big picture and then return to
answer the few questions that accompany this material.” [2]
1. What are two definitions for the term ‘evolution’?
The Darwinian revolution challenged traditional views of a young Earth inhabited by unchanging species. [2]
2. Detail the impact on science, scientific positions, natural observations, discoveries, and/or contributions to
evolutionary theory made by the following individuals. Include a perspective of time in your answer and define
any important terminology introduced. [1]
Aristotle and Scala Naturae:
b. Carolus Linnaeus:
George Cuvier (define paleontology as part of your entry):
How would Georges Cuvier have explained the appearance of the record of life shown in the rock strata? [2]
3. Explain the following terms or concepts.
Strata and Fossil Formation:
4. How did the Old Testament view the origin of species?
5. James Hutton and Charles Lyell were geologists whose ideas strongly influenced Darwin’s thinking. What were
the ideas each of them contributed [2] and what impact did they have on Darwin?
James Hutton
b. Charles Lyell
What is the importance of the principle of uniformitarianism? [2]
7. Darwin was not the first to theorize that life evolves. Jean Baptiste de Lamarck proposed his own theory for
evolution. He proposed two principles explaining the mechanisms that allowed life to change over time. Explain
a. The Principal of Use and Disuse
b. The Principal of the Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics
8. What was so revolutionary about Lamarck’s ideas? Why were they important?
9. a. In Chapter 1, you read that scientific hypothesis must be TESTABLE and FALSIFIABLE. [1] What did these
mean again?
b. If you apply these criteria, is Cuvier’s explanation of the fossil record scientific? Explain. [1]
c. If you apply these criteria, is Lamarck’s hypothesis of evolution scientific? Explain. [1]
Descent with modification by natural selection explains the adaptations of organisms and the unity and
diversity of life. [2]
10. Darwin’s Voyage on the HMS Beagle had a great impact on Darwin’s research. Darwin embarked from England on
the HMS Beagle in December 1831. As the crew surveyed the coastline of South America and traveled around the world,
Darwin observed and collected thousands of plants and animals, especially in South America. He noticed marine fossils high in
the Andes and hypothesized that they had reached such heights by being trust up after many earthquakes and geological
processes. Overall, he realized that the physical evidence did not support the traditional view of a static Earth only a few
thousand years old.
He noticed that characteristics of plants and animals were very well suited to each distinct environment. He noted that plants
and animals in temperate regions of South America were more similar to those species living in South American tropics than
species living in European temperate regions. Fossils also resembled living species in the same area. He further hypothesized
that birds that colonized the Galapagos originated from South America and diversified upon reaching the different islands after
noting that many of the birds on each of the islands seemed to be finches but distinct species.
Darwin observed many examples of adaptations and eventually proposed an explanation for how they arise,
namely through natural selection. Define and explain the following terms.
Evolutionary adaptation:
b. Give two examples of adaptations. While you are at it, explain why they are adaptations too. [2]
Natural selection:
11. How exactly did Alfred Wallace impact Darwin in his work? [3]
12. What were the two major points of Darwin’s publication “The Origin of Species”?
13. What did Darwin mean by ‘descent with modification’?
14. a. Study and UNDERSTAND how to read the evolutionary tree in figure 22.8. Based on this tree, around
what time did the most recent ancestor of the Mammut, Denotherium, and Platybelodon live? Explain.
b. How many lineages related to elephants are still alive today? Explain.
Who was more closely related the Stegodon and the Mammuthus or the Stegodon and the Mammut? Explain
15. Define and elaborate on how did the concept of artificial selection impact Darwin’s ideas?
16. a. IN YOUR OWN WORDS, what were the four key natural observations Darwin described that helped
shape his ideas on natural selection?
b. IN YOUR OWN WORDS, what were the two inferences Darwin drew from these four observations?
17. How did an economist like Thomas Malthus influence Darwin’s ideas about natural selection?
18. It is important to remember that differences in heritable traits can lead to differential reproductive success. This
means that the individuals who have the necessary traits to promote survival in the current environment will leave
the most offspring. What can this differential reproductive success lead to over time? [2]
19. Explain why the following statements are valid in your own words.
‘Individuals do NOT evolve, populations do’
b. ‘Natural selection acts only on heritable traits’
‘What traits are favored depends on the environmental context’
“Now, take out your highlighter and mark the three statements above. Hold these ideas firmly in your brain!”
“Finally, if you are ever asked to explain Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection (a common AP essay
question), do not pull out the phrase “survival of the fittest.” Instead, cite the points made in question 16, explaining
the observations and inferences that are drawn from them.”
Evolution is supported by an overwhelming amount of scientific evidence. [2]
20. What are four types of evidence that elucidate the occurrence and mechanisms of evolution?
21. a. After reading the section discussing the research of John Endler on the wild guppies of Trinidad, study the
experiment described in the chapters Inquiry Box (Figure 22.13). Using the figures below, briefly, in your own
words, describe this experiment and explain how this work with guppies demonstrates observable evolutionary
change. [2]
b. What would happen if, after 22 months, guppies from the transplanted population were returned to the source
pool and WHY? [1]
22. What is the role of 3TC in inhibiting HIV reproduction? [2]
23. Explain the evolution of drug resistance to 3TC. [2]
24. a. Do antibiotics cause bacteria to BECOME resistant? Explain your response. [2]
b. Explain the evolution of Drug Resistance in bacteria in terms of natural selection.
25. Discuss why natural selection is NOT a creative mechanism (Use proper biology terminology and wording).
26. In what ways do fossils provide evidence for the theory of evolution?
27. Define the following terms and give an example of each.
Homologous structures (Homologies):
b. Vestigial structures:
Analogous structures (take a look at p. 465):
28. a.
Describe an example of an anatomical homology visible during the adult stage of development that
lends evidence to evolution.
Describe an example of an anatomical homology visible during the embryological stage of
development that lends evidence to evolution.
Describe an example of a molecular homology that lends evidence to evolution.
Describe at least one example of a homologous vestigial structure in snakes, in whales, and in humans (not
in text).
29. How do homologous structures give evidence for evolution? [2]
30. a.
What is an ‘evolutionary tree’ and what does it summarize?
b. What is a ‘branch point’ and what does it represent?
What is indicated by the hatch marks? [2]
d. On the evolutionary tree, label the vertical lines to the right, and annotate the key features that marks each
group. [2]
Based on figure 22.19, are crocodiles more closely related to lizards or to birds? Explain. [1]
31. a. Organisms that are only distantly related can resemble each other. [2] What is ‘convergent evolution’?
b. Convergent evolution might be summarized like this: Similar problem, similar solution. Can you give two
examples of convergent evolution?
32. In your own words, how does evolutionary theory explain homologous and analogous structures? (I expect to see
you using proper biology language, i.e. descent with modification, common ancestor, convergent evolution,
adaptation, natural selection, close or distantly related species etc...)
33. What is biogeography and why is it important to the study of evolution? [2]
34. How is biogeography influenced by continental drift?
35. How does evolutionary theory explain the existence of endemic species? Include a definition of ‘endemic’.
36. Please answer the Self-Quiz at the end of your chapter. Do your best to try it from memory first in order to
test how well you grasped the material.
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
4. ______
5. ______
Campbell et al. (2008). AP* Edition Biology. 8th Ed. San Francisco: Pearson Benjamin Cummings.
Adapted from Fred and Theresa Holtzclaw
Adapted from L. Miriello
6. ______