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※ 注意: 不必抄題,作答時請將試題題號及答案依照順序寫在答案卷上,於
本試題上作答者, 不予計分。
單選題 (每題 2%)
1. What is a genome?
(A) a specific sequence of polypeptides within each cell
(B) The complete complement of an organism’s genes
(C) A specialized polymer of four different kinds of monomers
(D) A specific segment of DNA that is found within a prokaryotic chromosome
(E) An ordered display of chromosome arranged from largest to smallest
2. How do the two members of a pair of homologues chromosome differ from each other?
(A) the identity and relative position of the genes present on each of the chromosome
(B) their length
(C) the precise sequence of the DNA within each of the chromosome
(D) the position of centromere within each of the chromosome
(E) their staining patterns
3. Most animals exhibit the following structure or function except
(A) nervous and muscle tissue
(B) autotrophic nutrition
(C) unique types of intercellular junctions, such as tight junctions and gap junctions
(D) multicellularity
(E) sexual reproduction
4. The major branches of Eumetazoa are the Radiata and the Bilateria. These names refer to
what characteristic of these animals?
(A) size
(B) types of appendages
(C) body symmetry
(D) presence or absence of a nucleus in their cells
(E) embryonic cleavage
(背面有題 續翻背面)
5. Which of the following statements about hormones is incorrect?
(A) They are carried by circulatory system
(B) They are used to communicate between different organisms
(C) They elicit specific biological responses from target cells
(D) They are produced by endocrine glands
(E) They are modified amino acids, peptides, or steroid molecules
6. Frequently, very few molecules of a hormone are required to affect changes in a target cells.
This is because
(A) the mechanisms of hormonal action involves memory cells that have had prior contact
with the hormone
(B) hormone are lipid-soluble and readily penetrate the membrane of the target cell
(C) the mechanism of hormonal action involves an enzyme cascade that amplifies the
response to a hormone
(D) the mechanism of hormonal action involved the rapid replication of the hormone within
the target cell
(E) hormones are target molecules that remain in circulation for months and can repeatedly
stimulate the same cell
7. Which of the following is (are) characteristic of a simple nervous system?
(A) a nerve net such as is found in cnidarians
(B) nerve cell ganglia
(C) having electrical impulses traveling in both directions
(D) both A and C
(E) A, B and C
8. What is generally true of two sibling species?
(A) Genes are unable to pass from one sibling species’ gene pool to the others
(B) They shared a common ancestor recently in evolutionary time
(C) They are unable to produce hybrid offspring upon interbreeding
(D) Their reproductive isolation from each other is complete
(E) They are the result of anagenesis
9. If you discovered a bacterial cell that contained no restriction enzymes, which of the
following would you expect to happen?
(A) The cell would create incomplete plasmids
(B) The cell would be easily infected and lysed by bacteriophages
(C) The cells would become an obligate parasite
(D) The cells would be unable to replicate its DNA
(E) Both A and D would occur
10. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has been used to amplify DNA from which of the
(A) fossils
(B) bacteria
(C) viruses
(D) fetal cells
(E) all of the above
11. We now know that one gene-one enzyme hypothesis Is not entirely accurate because
(A) many gene code for RNA molecules that have no enzymatic activity
(B) a single gene codes for a single polypeptide chain, and many enzymes are made of more
than one polypeptide chain
(C) many genes code for proteins that are not enzymes
(D) A and B only
(E) A, B, and C
12. Alternative RNA splicing
(A) is a mechanism for increasing the rate of transcription
(B) can allow for the production of proteins of dramatically different sizes from a single
(C) can allow the production of proteins of dramatically different amino acid sequence from a
single mRNA
(D) B and C only
(E) A, B, and C
13. The innate immunity that protects a person digging in the garden from a developing a
microbial infection includes all of the following except
(A) the skin
(B) mucous membrane
(C) antimicrobial proteins
(D) lymphocytes
(E) acidic secretions
14. Both lysozyme and cytotoxic T cells
(A) are part of innate immunity
(B) kill cells through chemical interaction
(C) kill cells by inducing apoptosis
(D) kill cell sby generating membrane attack complex
(E) are involve din cell-mediated immune responses
15. Nucleic acid sequences that undergo few changes over the course of evolutionary time are
said to be conserved. Conserved nucleic acids should
(A) be proportionally more common eukaryotic introns than in eukaryotic exons
(B) include all mitochondrial DNA
(C) be found in the most crucial portions of proteins
(D) be abundant in ribosomes
(E) comprise a larger proportion of pre-mRNA (immature mRNA) than of mature mRNA
16. Proteins are alike in that all are
(A) eukaryotic
(B) multicellular
(C) nonparasitic
(D) photosynthetic
(E) marine
17. Which of the following would be least likely to affect osomosis in plants
(A) a difference in water potential
(B) proton pumps in the membrane
(C) receptor proteins in the membrane
(D) a difference in solute concentrations
(E) aquaporins
18. Waht is the main force by which most of the water within xyleum vessels moves toward the
top of a tree?
(A) evaporation of water through stoma
(B) active transport of ions into the stele
(C) the force of root pressure
(D) osomosis in the root
(E) atmospheric pressure on roots
19. We know from the experiment of the past that plants bend toward light because
(A) phytochrome stimulation floreign production
(B) auxin is inactive on the dark side of the stem
(C) the sun stimulates stem growth
(D) cell expansion is greater on the dark side of the stem
(E) they need sunlight energy for photosynthesis
20. Which of the various species concepts identifies species based on the degree of genetic
exchange between their gene pools?
(A) morphological
(B) phylogenetic
(C) ecological
(D) biological
(E) paleontological
21. What would be expected if the amount of interstitial fluid surrounding the capillary beds of
the lungs were to increase significantly?
(A) The amounts of oxygen entering the circulation from the lungs would increase
(B) The amount of carbon dioxide entering the lungs from the blood would increase
(C) The pressure would cause the capillary beds to burst
(D) The amounts of oxygen entering the circulation from the lungs would decrease
(E) Both C and D would be expected
22. Which of the following occurs with the exhalation of air from human lungs?
(A) The residual volume of the lungs decreases
(B) The rib cage expands
(C) The diaphragm contracts
(D) The epiglottis closes
(E) The volume of the thoracic cavity decreases
23. Chromosome and genes share all of the following characteristics except that
(A) they are both present in pairs in all diploid cells
(B) they both undergo segregation during meiosos
(C) they both pair up with their homologous during prophase of mitosis
(D) their copy number in the dell decrease after meiosis, and increase during fertilization
(E) they are both copied during the S phase of the cell cycle
24. For a couple of decades, biologists knew the nucleus contained DNA and proteins. The
prevailing opinion was that the genetic material was proteins, and not DNA. The reason for
this belief was that proteins are more complex than DNA
(A) proteins have a greater variety of three-dimensional forms than does DNA
(B) proteins have two different levels of structural organization; DNA has four
(C) proteins are made of 20 amino acids and DNA is made of four nucleotide
(D) Only A and C are correct
(E) A, B, and C are correct
25. Avery and his colleagues purified various chemicals from pathogenic bacteria and showed
that ----was (were) the transforming agent
(A) lipid
(C) phage
(D) carbohydrate
(E) Protein
26. Which of these is reflective of the hierarchical organization of life from most to least
(A) kingdom, order, family, phylum, class, genus, species
(B) class, order, kingdom, phylum, family, genus, species
(C) genus, species, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family
(D) phylum, class, order, kingdom, family, genus, species
(E) kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species
27. Which is one of the main energy transformers of cells?
(A) mitochondrion
(B) lysosome
(C) peroxisome
(D) vacuole
(E) Golgi apparatus
28. Which of the following statements best represents the relationships between the light
reactions and the Calvin cycle?
(A) The light reactions supply the Calvin cycle with CO2 to produce sugars, and the Calvin
cycle supplies the light reactions with sugars to produce ATP.
(B) There is no relationship between the light reactions and the Calvin cycle.
(C) The light reactions provide ATP and NADPH to the carbon fixation step of the Calvin
cycle, and the cycle provides water and electrons to the light reactions.
(D) The light reactions provide the Calvin cycle with oxygen for electron flow, and the Calvin
cycle provides the light reactions with water to split.
(E) The light reactions provide ATP and NADPH to the Calvin cycle, and the cycle returns
ADP, Pi, and NADP+ to the light reactions.
29. CAM plants keep stomata closed in daytime, thus reducing loss of water. They can do this
because they
(A) fix CO2 into sugars in the bundle-sheath cells.
(B) fix CO2 into organic acids during the night.
(C) fix CO2 into pyruvate in the mesophyll cells.
(D) use the enzyme phosphofructokinase, which outcompetes rubisco for CO2.
(E) use photosystems I and II at night.
(背面有題 續翻背面)
30. Which is the longest of the mitotic stages?
(A) telophase
(B) metaphase
(C) anaphase
(D) prophase
(E) prometaphase
31. How many unique gametes could be produced through independent assortment by an
individual with the genotype AaBbCCDdEE?
(A) 64
(B) 8
(C) 16
(D) 32
(E) 4
32. Hydrangea plants of the same genotype are planted in a large flower garden. Some of the
plants produce blue flowers and others pink flowers. This can be best explained by which of
the following?
(A) Acknowledging that multiple alleles are involved
(B) Environmental factors such as soil pH
(C) The fact that a mutation has occurred
(D) The alleles being codominant
(E) The allele for blue hydrangea being completely dominant
33. Cinnabar eyes is a sex-linked recessive characteristic in fruit flies. If a female having cinnabar
eyes is crossed with a wild-type male, what percentage of the F1 males will have cinnabar
(A) 75%
(B) 0%
(C) 25%
(D) 50%
(E) 100%
34. How would one explain a testcross involving F1 dihybrid flies in which more parental-type
offspring than recombinant-type offspring are produced?
(A) The testcross was improperly performed.
(B) The two genes are linked but on different chromosomes.
(C) The two genes are linked.
(D) Recombination did not occur in the cell during meiosis.
(E) Both of the characters are controlled by more than one gene.
35. A new DNA strand elongates only in the 5' to 3' direction because
(A) the polarity of the DNA molecule prevents addition of nucleotides at the 3' end.
(B) DNA polymerase begins adding nucleotides at the 5' end of the template.
(C) replication must progress toward the replication fork.
(D) DNA polymerase can only add nucleotides to the free 3' end.
(E) Okazaki fragments prevent elongation in the 3' to 5' direction.
36. Which would you expect of a eukaryotic cell lacking telomerase?
(A) high sensitivity to sunlight
(B) a reduction in chromosome length
(C) production of Okazaki fragments
(D) inability to repair thymine dimers
(E) a high probability of becoming cancerous
37. Which of the following covalently connects segments of DNA?
(A) DNA polymerase I
(B) helicase
(C) DNA polymerase III
(D) ligase
(E) primase
38. An obstetrician knows that one of her patients is a pregnant woman whose fetus is at risk for a
serious disorder that is detectable biochemically in fetal cells. The obstetrician would most
reasonably offer which of the following procedures to her patient?
(A) X-ray
(B) Ultrasound imaging
(D) Fetoscopy
(E) Amniocentesis
39. What is the mechanism for the production of genetic recombinants?
(A) X inactivation
(B) Methylation of cytosine
(C) Deletions and duplications during meiosis
(D) Crossing over and independent assortment
(E) Nondisjunction
40. As a young biologist, Charles Darwin had expected the living plants of temperate South
America would resemble those of temperate Europe, but he was surprised to find that they
more closely resembled the plants of tropical South America. The biological explanation for
this observation is most properly associated with the field of
(A) vertebrate anatomy.
(B) biogeography.
(C) bioengineering.
(D) embryology.
(E) meteorology.
41. Ichthyosaurs were aquatic dinosaurs. Fossils show us that they had dorsal fins and tails, as do
fish, even though their closest relatives were terrestrial reptiles that had neither dorsal fins nor
aquatic tails. The dorsal fins and tails of ichthyosaurs and fish are
(A) homologous.
(B) adaptations to a common environment.
(C) examples of convergent evolution.
(D) A and C only
(E) B and C only
42. Which of the following statements best summarizes evolution as it is viewed today?
(A) It is the differential survival and reproduction of the most-fit phenotypes.
(B) It is synonymous with the process of gene flow.
(C) It is the descent of humans from the present-day great apes.
(D) It represents the result of selection for acquired characteristics.
(E) It is goal-directed.
43. If the original finches that had been blown over to the Galapagos from South America had
already been genetically different from the parental population of South American finches,
even before adapting to the Galapagos, this would have been an example of
(A) founder's effect.
(B) bottleneck effect.
(C) genetic drift.
(D) all three of these
(E) both A and C
44. Turnover of water in temperate lakes during the spring and fall is made possible by which of
the following?
(A) the density of water changes as seasonal temperatures change.
(B) cold, more dense water layered at the bottom
(C) currents generated by nektonic animals
(D) warm, less dense water layered at the top
(E) a distinct thermocline between less dense warm water and cold, dense water.
45. Two plant species live in the same biome but on different continents. Although the two
species are not at all closely related, they may appear quite similar as a result of
(A) convergent evolution.
(B) gene flow.
(C) allopatric speciation.
(D) introgression.
(E) parallel evolution.
46. Which of the following is an example of Müllerian mimicry?
(A) a day-flying hawkmoth that looks like a wasp
(B) two species of moths with wing spots that look like owl's eyes
(C) a chameleon that changes its color to look like a dead leaf
(D) two species of unpalatable butterfly that have the same color pattern
(E) two species of rattlesnakes that both rattle their tails
47. Trophic efficiency is
(A) about 90% in most ecosystems
(B) the percentage of production transferred from one trophic level to the next.
(C) the ratio of net secondary production to assimilation of primary production.
(D) a measure of how nutrients are cycled from one trophic level to the next.
(E) usually greater than production efficiencies.
48. Human-induced modifications of the nitrogen cycle can result in
(A) decreased availability of fixed nitrogen to primary producers.
(B) eutrophication of adjacent wetlands.
(C) accumulation of toxic levels of N2 in groundwater.
(D) deprivation of nitrogen to ecosystems adjacent to nitrogen application.
(E) extermination of nitrogen-fixing bacteria on agricultural lands.
49. Which of the following is the most direct threat to biodiversity?
(A) overexploitation of species
(B) increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide
(C) zoned reserves
(D) the depletion of the ozone layer
(E) habitat destruction
50. Which of the following conditions is the most likely indicator of a population in an extinction
(A) The species is found only in small pockets of its former range
(B) The effective population size of the species falls below 500.
(C) The population is no longer connected by corridors.
(D) The population is geographically divided into smaller populations.
(E) Genetic measurements indicate a continuing loss of genetic variation.