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Biology Fall Review
Name _______________________________________________ Date ________ Per __
Biology Fall Review
Remember, this review sheet is meant to provide guidance for your studies. It is not an all-inclusive review of questions
that will be asked on the test. Be sure to review all notes, worksheets, labs and assessments as well as the using the
online textbook. To complete this review, fill in the missing information and answer the practice questions.
Safety and the Scientific Method
Review safety rules, safety symbols, and safety equipment
Potential Hazards of Acetone
May cause eye, skin, nose, and throat irritation. Inhaling or swallowing vapors may be
harmful or fatal. Known to cause birth defects. Vapor may ignite explosively.
1. Look at the information given in the table above. What safety precautions would you need to take when working
with acetone? ________________________________________________________________________
2. A biology class is planning an investigation on plant growth. The students will first examine the external
features of a bean seed, then they will remove the seed coat and examine the cotyledons. They will use a scalpel to
cut a small piece off of the cotyledon and test for starch with a drop of iodine solution. What are three safety
precautions students must take while doing this lab? _____________________________________________
3. “Clouds are more beautiful on winter days than on summer days.” This statement is a poor hypothesis
because it is not —
A. a question
B. testable
C. observable
D. a comparison
4. Vocabulary Terms to know:
a. hypothesisb.
Identify the variables in an experiment and classify each as independent, dependent or controlled variables. (Appendix
A and pp.1062-1063 will help)
5. An independent variable is _____________________________________________________________
6. The dependent variable is ______________________________________________________________
7. The _______________ variables (constants) are those things that must not change throughout in order for the
experiment to be valid (fair). They are the same between the control group and the experimental group.
8. In a controlled experiment, change only ___________ variable at a time.
Identify the control group in an experiment and explain why it is important in a valid experiment.
9. A control group in an experiment is the group which is not subject to the independent variable you are testing.
10. In an experiment, why do you need a control group? _____________________________________________
11. A group of students wanted to see what affect adding Gingko biloba would have on the growth of young
guppies (a type of fish). The fed the guppies their regular diet, but added 2 drops of Gingko biloba to their food each
day and measured their mass every days for three weeks. At the end of their experiment, the guppies had grown by
14 grams. The students concluded that Gingko biloba caused the guppies to grow larger.
12. Identify the (a.) independent, (b.)dependent and (c.)controlled variables.
a. __________________
b. __________________
c. __________________________________________________________________________
13. Is the students’ conclusion valid? Explain.
14. Describe the control group set-up for this experiment:
Be able to draw valid conclusions, and make inferences from experimental data.
Practice: Graph the three points given in the table onto the graph paper given. Draw a straight line between the
three points. Identify the missing data.
15. On the above graph, what is the independent variable? ________________________________________
16. On the above graph, what is the dependent variable? _________________________________________
17. From your graph, predict what the radius of a tree would be if it were 4 years old. ___________________
18. What conclusion can you draw from this graph? (In other words, how are the two variables related?)
19. Students conducting a study on an insect population placed 25 insects of the
same size in a box. The amount of food, water, and shelter available to the
insects were kept constant. Each month, students removed and counted the
number of insects present, recorded the total, and returned the insects to the
box. The graph to the right shows the number of insects in the box over a 12
month period.
Which of the following inferences can be made regarding this insect population?
A All the insects in the box are the same age.
B The insects hibernated from January to April.
C The population has carnivorous members.
D The population reached carrying capacity by January
Biochemistry (The Big 4 Biomolecules/Macromolecules)
Identify the four types of macromolecules, including their functions and the monomers from which they are made.
20. Macromolecules are large molecules (polymers) built of smaller units, called _____________________
21. Fill in the following chart:
Nucleic Acids
22. Look at the following pictures/diagrams. Which type of macromolecule is represented in by each picture?
23. Vocabulary terms to know:
a. polymer/monomer (see chapter 2)b. cell theoryc. cell organelles ( review structures and functions for all cell organelles)d. eukaryote
e. prokaryotef. lipid bilayerg. protein channelh. diffusioni. osmosisj. isotonick. hypertonicl. hypotonicm. active transport
n. passive transporto. photosynthesisp. cellular respiration-
Differentiate between PROKARYOTE and EUKARYOTE cells and name the parts of each.
24. Eukaryotes contain _____________________________, while __________________ do not.
25. Bacteria cells are examples of ________________. Plant cells are examples of_______________
26. Is the picture on the right a prokaryote or eukaryote cell? _______________________________
Be able to explain the function of each cell part.
Name the parts labeled A – I on cell I and J – O on cell II, and provide a brief description of the function
of each part.
Differentiate plant cells and animal cells.
27. Only plant cells contain _________________, ___________________ and a large _______________
28. Only animal cells contain ________________________
29. Which of the cells pictured is a plant cell(Figures I and II)? Defend your answer. _____________________
Identify parts of the cell membrane and explain its function
30. The cell membrane is selectively permeable, which means__________________________________________
31. The cell membrane allows the cell to maintain homoeostasis, which is
Label the following parts of the plasma membrane below (phospholipids, cholesterol, carbohydrates, peripheral
proteins, integral proteins, cytoskeleton, glycocalyx)
Differentiate and identify examples of diffusion, osmosis, active transport, and passive transport
32. Fill in the following table:
Type of Transport
Facilitated Diffusion
33. Suppose you took a sea urchin egg, which is normally in salty ocean water, and placed it into fresh
water (lower salt concentration).
a. What particles would you observe moving across the cell membrane? ____________________.
b. What is this movement called? ___________________
34. Saltwater fish use energy to remove extra salt from their body through the gills. In this way, water balance is
maintained in the blood.
a. Which process removes the salt from the fish? ___________________________________
b. The ability of the fish to maintain a stable internal environment is known as ______________________
Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
Know the balanced formulas for photosynthesis and cellular respiration and be able to compare and
contrast the two processes.
35. The formula for photosynthesis is : ______________________________________________________
36. Photosynthesis takes place in the ___________________________ in plant cells.
37. The formula for cellular respiration is: ______________________________________________________
38. Cellular respiration takes place in the ___________________________ of both plant and animal cells.
39. How are photosynthesis and respiration similar? ____________________________________________
40. How are photosynthesis and respiration different? ____________________________________________
41. Why are photosynthesis and cellular respiration often considered opposites?
a. Photosynthesis produces twice as many ATP molecules as cellular respiration does.
b. Water is released during photosynthesis and consumed during cellular respiration.
c. Photosynthesis occurs during the day, and cellular respiration occurs at night.
d. Oxygen is produced during photosynthesis and used during cellular respiration.
42. What would be the result if you removed a cell’s mitochondria?
43. List and describe the three stages of aerobic cellular respiration. Include the number of ATP molecules produced at
each stage. (Refer to the text page 222).
44. Which of the processes shown in the figure below is considered an aerobic process? ___________________
45. Which process is anaerobic in the flow chart shown to
right? ________________
46. Fill in the two empty boxes to show the two
types of fermentation.
Differentiate glucose and ATP and know when the cell uses each.
47. The molecule that is used for short-term energy in a cell is __________________, while ______________ is
used for long-term energy storage.
48. What molecule is shown above? _____________________________ Label its three parts.
49. In which part of the molecule is the energy that the cell can convert to drive cell processes? ____________
Mitosis and Meiosis
Name the stages of the cell cycle and cell division and describe what occurs at each stage.
50. Label the phases of the cell cycle (see diagram to the right)
a. _____________ - _________________________________
b. _____________ - _________________________________
c. _____________ - _________________________________
d. _____________ - _________________________________
51. Cell division has two stages, mitosis (division of the ______________)
and cytokinesis (division of the ______________________).
52. Using the stages of MITOSIS Fill in the following chart :
Name of stage
What happens?
53. Look at the diagram on the right. What is this structure called? __________________
Identify the parts: a. _______________
Differentiate between mitosis and meiosis and relate to asexual and sexual reproduction.
54. Fill in the following chart:
Type of cells
Number of
daughter cells
Diploid or haploid
daughter cells?
parent cells?
55. If a cat has 38 chromosomes in each of its body cells, how many chromosomes will be in each daughter cell after
mitosis? ________ How many after meiosis?__________
56. What are gametes? _________________________________________________________________________
57. What is a zygote? ___________________________________________________________________________
58. What is fertilization? _____________________________________________________________________
DNA and Protein Synthesis
Describe the parts and basic structure of DNA
59. DNA is shaped like a twisted ladder – this shape is called a ______________________________________
60. What is the major function of a DNA molecule?________________________________________________
61. The DNA strands are made of nucleotides. Each nucleotide contains a ____________________________,
__________________________ and ________________________
62. The four nitrogen bases in DNA are _________________________________________________________
63. The nitrogen bases make up the “rungs” of the ladder. The two sides of the “ladder” are held together by
___________________ bonds between the nitrogen bases.
64. Sketch a DNA nucleotide and label the parts:
65. All of the following are found in a DNA molecule except —
A carbon dioxide B deoxyribose
C nitrogen
D phosphate
Sequence the complementary strand when given a template strand of DNA
66. In DNA, the nitrogen base pairing rules are: A pairs with _____ and C pairs with _____
67. For DNA replication the template strand was TGCTAGATTCGA, what would be the base sequence of the
complementary strand?_______________________________________________________
Explain how an organism inherits certain traits
68. The DNA of an organism is found in the ___________ of the cell.
69. The DNA base sequence determines the proteins that are made. Why is this important? ___________________
70. What is the function of a DNA molecule? ________________________________________________________
71. Which of the following is identical for every cell in an organism’s body?
A Amount of ATP
B Function of cell
C Size of cells
D Genes in DNA
Describe the process of DNA replication
72. Before DNA can replicate, the two strands must __________________________
73. After DNA replication, there are two molecules that are ______________to the original DNA molecule.
Differentiate between DNA and RNA
74. In DNA, the sugar is ___________________, while in RNA the sugar is ____________________.
75. DNA is _______________-stranded. RNA is _______________-stranded
76. Instead of Thymine, RNA contains ___________________.
77. DNA always stays in the ____________________, while mRNA can move out into the ________________.
Explain protein synthesis
78. Define protein synthesis.__________________________________________________________________
79. Transcription is __________________________________________________________________________
80. What is the end product of transcription? ________________________
81. In what organelle does transcription occur? ______________________
82. Translation is ___________________________________________________________________________
83. What is the end product of translation? _________________________
84. In what organelle does translation occur? _______________________
85. mRNA’s job is ________________________________________, while tRNA’s job is to
86. DNA passes information to RNA during the process of ________________________.
Determine the sequence of the mRNA strand when given a template strand of DNA (or figure out the DNA that
codes for a certain mRNA strand.
87. In RNA, the nitrogen base pairing rules are: A pairs with _____, C pairs with _____ and T pairs with ________.
88. If the mRNA strand were CGGUAAUCA, what would be the base sequence of DNA that coded for that
strand? ______________________________________________________________
Transcibe and Translate a given DNA code or given mRNA code using the codon chart and codon wheel in your
89. A codon is a ____( # ) nucleotide RNA sequence that codes for a specific amino acid
90. Many amino acids bonded together make up a _________________________
91. If a portion of the DNA template strand were ATACCGCACGAT… (use your codon chart or p.303 for this section).
a. After transcription, what would be the mRNA strand? _______________________________________
b. After translation, what would be the amino acid sequence?
92. Label A through F on the diagram to the below.
Explain what a mutation is and recognize examples (both gene mutations and chromosomal mutations)
93. Gene mutations occur when there is a change in the ________________________ sequence of the DNA.
94. Mutations only get passed to offspring if _________________________________________________
95. Mutations in DNA molecules can occur when —
F replication of DNA is exact
G a DNA enzyme attaches to an RNA codon
H RNA codons are replaced by DNA nucleotides
J a change occurs in DNA nucleotide bases
96. The chain above represents three codons. Which of the following changes would be expected in the amino
acid chain if the mutation shown above occurred? (You may use your codon chart!)
a.The amino acid sequence would be shorter than expected.
b.The identity of one amino acid would change.
c. The amino acid sequence would remain unchanged.
d.The identities of more than one amino acid would change.
97. Which type of mutation usually has the most significant impact on the protein being formed?___________________
98. In what type of cells should mutation occur to be passed on to offspring? _____________________
Understand key terms used in genetics.
99. A somatic cell or body cell of a normal human adult contains ______ chromosomes while the gametes contain
An egg cell produced by a human female can only contain what sex chromosome? ________
Define heterozygous - ___________________________________________________________________
Define homozygous - ___________________________________________________________________
Explain the difference between genotype and phenotype. Use an example in your explanation
Understand monohybrid cross and how to determine alleles for all generations (including standard crosses, and
dihybrid crosses).
What is the genotype of a male who is heterozygous for brown eyes (B)?____________________________
What is the genotype of a female who is homozygous recessive for blue eyes (b)?_____________________
Brown eyes are dominant over blue eyes, construct a Punnett square in the space below and show the
genotype and phenotype ratios of the offspring if two heterozygous adults were crossed.
From the Punnett square in the previous question, what percent of the offspring would you predict to have:
a. blue eyes? ______
b. brown eyes? ______
What conclusion can be drawn from the information below?
Jamie has free earlobes, which is a recessive trait in
humans. Her parents both have attached earlobes.
a. Jamie’s parents are both homozygous for the dominant trait.
b. Jamie’s parents are both homozygous for the recessive trait.
c. Jamie’s parents are both heterozygous.
d. Jamie’s grandparents all have free earlobes.
What is a sex-linked gene?
Who is more likely to suffer from a sex-linked disorder, males or females? Why?
Dihybrid Crosses & Probability
111. In cats, brown hair is dominant over white hair and short hair is dominant over long hair.
a. Cross: BbSs X bbSs. Draw the Punnett Square.
b. What is the genotypic ratio?
c. Phenotypic ratio?
d. What is the probability of the first offspring having white, long hair?
112. Cross: BbSs X BbSs. Draw the Punnett Square.
e. What is the phenotypic ratio for the resulting offspring?
113. Two cats heterozygous for short hair and tabby striping mate. Short hair is dominant over long hair.
Tabby striping is dominant over plain coat.
Answer the following questions:
a. What are the possible male gametes? (HINT: Use FOIL)
b. Female gametes? (HINT: Use FOIL)
c. Complete a Punnett Square for the cross:
d. Give the phenotypic ratio.
e. What is the probability of producing a long haired, tabby cat?
f. If you wanted to create a pure breed of long haired, tabby striped cats, you would choose kittens with which
114. For each of the offspring shown in the chart below, determine which set or sets of parents could be the
offspring’s mother and father.
A= TTRR mother and ttrr father
B=TtRr mother and TtRr father
C=TtRr mother and ttRR father
Answer yes or no in each box to indicate if the set of parents could be the actual parents of the offspring.
Parents A
Parents B
Parents C
Exercise: Beyond Dominant and Recessive
Directions: Complete the following definitions and Punnett squares. Use your textbook p. 272 – 274
as a reference.
Part 1: Define
Type of Inheritance
Incomplete dominance
Part 2: Practice Problems
Complete the following Punnett squares using the information below. Make to show all of your work.
A. Incomplete Dominance
In snapdragons, red flowers (R) is not completely dominant to white (W).
1. Homozygous red flower x homozygous white flower
2. Cross two Heterozygous flowers
B. Co-dominance
In cats, black spots (B) are co-dominant to white spots (W).
3. Homozygous black spots x homozygous white spots
4. Cross two Heterozygous cats
___________________________________________ Period: ______ Date: ___________
Exercise: Beyond Dominant and Recessive
Type of Inheritance
Polygenic inheritance
Multiple alleles
C. Polygenic Inheritance
Give 2 more examples of inheritances that are polygenic.
D. Multiple Alleles
In a hospital three babies were born simultaneously during a thunderstorm. The power went out only for a few
seconds. During that time, the babies were mixed. The hospital wants to be sure that they are giving the right
baby to the right parents by attempting to match the blood types. Can you help?
In humans, there are 3 alleles for blood types: A, B and O. Alleles A and B are dominant to O. Using the chart
below, who are the parents?
Blood Types
AA or AO
BB or BO
Baby A has type AB blood
Baby B has type O blood
Baby C has type B blood
The McBride’s blood types: O and AB
The Gonzales’ blood types: A and B
The Jones’ blood types: A and O
Use the space below to figure out your answers. Show your work. Good luck!
Who are the parent’s of baby A? ____________________________
Who are the parent’s of baby B? ____________________________
Who are the parent’s of baby C? ____________________________