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Grade Eight Unit Test – Cells, Tissues, Organs and Systems
1) What are the 6 characteristics of living things in same order as your text (provide and example to
demonstrate a thorough understanding):
2) What does the cell theory state?
3) Draw and label either a typical plant or animal cell in the space provided below.
The flagellum is a ________________ that helps some cells to move:
hair like part
D) A and B
protein source
E) B and C
whiplike tail
F) None of the above
5) Tell me what you know about cell organelles.
6) Explain any two cell organelles in detail. Provide a basic image if possible.
7) By using information from the nucleus and molecules from the cytoplasm ___________________
can put together protien.
8) Proteins are stored in the _____________________ ___________________________.
9) Because the cell allows certain substances to enter or leave, but not others, the cell membrane is said
to be ____________________ _______________________ .
10) In one sentence define diffusion.
11) Explain turgor pressure.
12) Diatoms are found in :
A) human cells
B) animal cells
C) plant cells
13) Diatoms contain:
a) protein
b) carbohydrates
c) fat
D) fresh water
E) salt water
F) Both fresh and salt water
d) chlorophyll
e) mitochondria
f) contractile vacuoles
14) Diatoms are …..
A) encased in two thin shells joined together
B) provide the energy for the flagellum to move about
C) confined to only containing genetic material
D) none of the above
15) TRUE/FALSE Euglena is both plant and animal like.
16) TRUE/FALSE If there is lots of sunlight, euglena act like a plant and make their own food.
17) TRUE/FALSE Euglena can feed upon smaller cells.
18) TRUE/FALSE Euglena are creatures of endoplasmic reticular developing proteins.
19) The oral groove of the paramecium is…..
20) How is an amoeba when digesting food similar to a white blood cell when digesting invading
bacteria? (Provide an image to explain).
21) Antibodies are made by a ______________________
_________________ ______________________ .
22) Antibodies are large molecules that lock onto __________________ ___________________.