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Unit A, “Processes of Living Things”
Chapter 1, “From Single Cells to Body Systems”
Lesson 1, “What Are Cells, and What Do They Do?” pgs. A6-A13
A single square inch of human skin has more than ______19 million_________ cells.
Within blood vessels there are two types of blood cells. Draw and label them.
The first microscope was invented ____in the early 1600’s___________.
In 1665, Robert Hooke observed a thin slice of cork through a microscope. He saw tiny
walled spaces or tiny rooms, which he called ______cells_________.
Define Cell – the basic unit of structure and function of all living things
All plants and animals have what in common?
They are all made up of cells
Name three different types of cells.
1.White blood cells
2.Red blood cells
3.Muscle cells
Parts of a Cell
Even smaller structures in cells are called organelles.
Define these plant and animal cell organelles:
Cell Membrane – a thin covering that holds the parts of the cell together, it also
separates the cell from its surroundings (skin)
Nucleus – controls the cell’s activities (brain)
Chromosomes – threadlike structure located in the nucleus, contains information about
the characteristics of the organism
Cytoplasm – jellylike substance
Mitochondria – release energy from food (powerhouse/power plant)
Vacuoles – storage for food, waste, or water
What two organelles do plant cells have that animal cells do not? What are their
Cell wall – gives the plant strength
Chloroplasts – make food for the plant
How Cells Move
Define Diffusion – when particles of a substance move from an area where there are a
lot, to an area where there are fewer
Give an example of diffusion:
Spraying perfume in the classroom, particles spread out so everyone smells aroma
Passing gas in the classroom, particles spread out
Define Osmosis – the movement of water and dissolved materials through the cell
Give an example of osmosis:
If entire class tries to enter Mr. Moose’s classroom at same time through door (cell
membrane), some make it in, some do not
Tissues, Organs, and Systems
Define Tissue – cells that work together to perform a specific function
Name four kinds of tissues:
1.Nervous tissue
2.Muscle tissue
3.Connective tissue
4.Epithelial tissue
Tissues that work together form an _____organ__________.
Give an example of an organ:
Define System – organs that work together
Give an example of a system:
Circulatory system
Digestive system
Cells working together form a ______tissue_________.
____Tissues___________ working together form an ________organ_______.
_____Organs__________ working together from a ______system _________.