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What Features Are Shared by All Cells?
A. Cells Are Enclosed by a _____________ _______________
B. Cells Use ____________ as a Hereditary Blueprint
C. Cells Contain Cytoplasm
1. Contains ___________, __________, and the proteins, __________,
_____________________, ___________, ___________, amino acids, and
___________________ needed for most of the cell’s metabolic activities
D. Cells Obtain ____________ and _____________ from Their Environment
1. Cells need energy to drive __________________ function
2. The ultimate source of all cellular energy is the ____________
E. Cell Function Limits Cell ___________
1. Cell volume _______________ more rapidly than its surface area does,
________________ diffusion (Figure 4-2)
How Do Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells Differ?
A. The Genetic Material of Prokaryotic Cells Is _______ _________________
within a Membrane
B. The Genetic Material of _________________ Cells Is Contained within a
Separate, Membrane-bound Structure Called the _______________
What Are the Main Features of Eukaryotic Cells? (Figures 4-3, 4-4)
A. Generally _____________ Than Prokaryotic Cells
B. Contain ___________________-___________________ Organelles
What Role Does the Nucleus Play? (Figure 4-5)
A. The __________________ _____________________ Controls Passage of
Materials into and out of the Nucleus
1. _______________ membrane
2. Perforated with ______________-____________ __________ through which
water, ions, and small molecules can freely pass
3. _____________________ proteins block the passage of certain large
B. The Nucleus Contains _____________________ (Figure 4-6)
C. ______________________ Components Are Made at the Nucleolus
What Roles Do Membranes Play in Eukaryotic Cells?
A. The Plasma Membrane ______________the Cell and Helps It _____________
with Its Environment
B. The ____________________ __________________ Manufactures and
Processes Proteins and Lipids (Figure 4-7)
1. ____________________ attached to the rough endoplasmic reticulum
synthesize membrane proteins and proteins for secretion
2. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum synthesizes ____________ and
_________________ _____________
C. The __________ _______________ Sorts, Chemically Alters, and Packages
Important Molecules (Figure 4-8)
D. We Can Follow the Travels of a Secreted Protein
1. Secretory protein is manufactured on _________________ of the rough ER
2. Protein is packaged into _____________ that are formed from the ER
membrane and that travel to the ____________.
3. ___________________ is released into the Golgi and carbohydrates are
3. Protein is repackaged into vesicles in the ____________ ______________
and travel to the plasma membrane, where _______________protein is released
G. ___________________Serve as the Cell’s Digestive System
Which Other Structures Play Key Roles in Eukaryotic Cells?
A. _______________ Regulate Water and Store Substances
1. Large water-filled vesicles in plant cells
2. Store water, sugars, and amino acids and hazardous wastes
B. ________________________ Extract Energy from Food Molecules
1. Energy is extracted from sugar molecules and stored in the high-energy bonds
of _____________
C. _________________ Capture Solar Energy
D. The Cytoskeleton Provides ___________, ____________, and
1. Composed of microfilaments, ________________ filaments, and
2. Assemble, ________________, and ____________ to generate movement
3. Organizes ____________________ in the cytoplasm (Figure 4-9)
E. ____________ and _________________ Move the Cell or Move Fluid Past the
Cell (Figure 4-10)
What Are the Features of Prokaryotic Cells?
A. Prokaryotic Cells Lack ____________________ and Contain DNA in a Single
Circular __________________ in the ________________ Region (Figure 4-11)