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Identifying Organelles
A micrograph is a photograph or digital image taken through a microscope or similar
device to show a magnified image of an item. An Electron Micrograph is one such
image; it is produced using an Electron microscope. Examples of electron
micrographs of parts of cells viewed using the TEM (Transmission Electron
Microscope) are shown below. Examine the images and complete the questions asked
Identify the organelles labelled A:
Golgi bodies
Support your choice:
Appearance is stack of membranes(golgi
body) with small circles(vesicles) surrounding
which is what golgi bodies look like.
The TEM above shows two of the same type of
Identify this organelle: mitochondrion
(NOTE: organelle is singular to should use singular
form of the organelle)
Support your choice: TS of mitochondrion is
circular like this and you can see folded internal
membranes which are typical of a mitochondrion.
Identify the organelles labelled B
Support your choice:
B appear to be very tiny and circular which is how
ribosomes appear when view with TEM(like spots)
State two locations within a cell where this organelle
could be found
Suspended in cytosol
Bound to the rough ER
If you said inside mitochondria and chloroplast you
are also correct. But the ribosomes for general cell
use are in the first two locations.
What types of cells is this organelle found in?
All living cells have ribosomes(Cells from kingdoms
monera, animalia, plantae, fungi and Protista)
Identify this organelle:
Support your choice:
This organelle has the flattened shape of a
chloroplast and the clear stacks of flattened
disks within(grana) which are a key feature of
What types of cells would this organelle be
found in?
Some types of plant cells(photosynthetic plant
cells) and some protist cells.( to say eukaryotic
cells is too broad, even though it is correct
since they are not found in prokaryotic cells,
although they are not found in the majority of
eukaryotic cells either)
4 Identify and label the indicated organelles from the section through a rat liver cell:
Based on this image state two inferences that can be made about this cell and justify each one.
(i) That the cell is eukaryotic, since membrane bound organelles are evident eg. Nucleus and
ONLY eukaryotic cells have m.b.o OR which are lacking in prokaryotic cells.
(ii) That the cell requires quite a lot of energy, since there seems to be an abundance of
mitochondria which are the organelle that produce ATP via respiration
+ Other sensible inferences
Nuclear membrane
ER (hard to tell which
The organelles labelled C contain strong
hydrolytic(digestive) enzymes.
Name Organelle C: lysosome
Explain whether or not you would expect to
find this type of organelle in a prokaryotic
No since prokaryotic cells lack all membrane
bound organelles AND lysosomes are
membrane bound organelles.