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Short/Long Written Answers
1. Define “weather” and “climate” in your own words.
2. Explain why the Sun is considered the source of
almost all the energy on Earth.
3. List all the local factors that affect climate.
4. Describe one example of how climate affects people.
5. Make a list of the components you would find in
Earth’s atmosphere.
6. State whether each of the following terms is related
more to weather or to climate.
a. cloud cover
b. annual rainfall
c. chance of precipitation
d. average monthly temperature
7. Define the word “biome.”
8. What is the difference between solar radiation and
thermal energy?
9. List the six biomes in Canada. Briefly describe their
climates and name one animal and one plant found in
10. Compare the similarities and differences between
weather and climate, and explain how each affects
your daily life.
11. Explain what is meant by the term “the natural
greenhouse effect.”
12. Why is it important that some of the solar radiation
hitting Earth returns to space?
13. What is thermal energy?
17. What types of information do scientists find when they
analyze the ice cores?
18. What is global warming potential?
19. Why is the natural greenhouse effect necessary to life
on Earth?
20. Explain what would happen to Earth without the
natural greenhouse effect.
21. Define “conduction,” “convection,” and “radiation,” and
draw a sketch of each to illustrate their mechanisms of
heat transfer.
22. State whether each of the following is an example of
conduction, convection, and/or radiation. Explain if
you think there is more than one possibility.
a. You are cooking, and the handle of the spoon you
are using to stir the soup starts to feel hot.
b. A pail of hot water is added to a child’s inflatable
pool. After a while, the pool is warm.
c. You go to the park, and when you sit on a metal
bench, it is hot.
d. You are standing near a barbecue, and you feel
the heat on your face.
23. List three greenhouse gases. Describe how the
atmospheric concentration of these gases has changed
over the last 200 years.
24. Define the term “anthropogenic greenhouse effect.”
Why is it important to distinguish it from the term
“natural greenhouse effect”?
25. List three human activities that contribute to climate
26. What evidence have scientists cited as the reason for
their conclusion that human activity is a major cause
of the increase in Earth’s observed global warming?
14. Thermohaline circulation is driven by the relationship
27. Describe the relationship between the anthropogenic
between water temperature, salinity, and density.
greenhouse effect and climate change.
a. How does salinity affect the density of water?
b. How does temperature affect the density of water?
c. How do the salinity and temperature of water lead 28. Is it possible that climate change could occur in only
one part of the world? Explain.
to thermohaline circulation?
15. Describe the process of using growth rings on trees to 29. Why might the terms “natural greenhouse effect” and
“anthropogenic greenhouse effect” be useful even
derive information about climate.
though they are caused by the same gases?
16. Why is water vapour, a greenhouse gas, not included
in the global warming potential information?
30. How can the increasing severity of storms be
attributed to climate change?
Multiple Choice Questions
31. Which type of energy transfer occurs between two
substances in direct physical contact
a. Radiation
b. Circulation
c. Conduction
d. Convection
e. Negative feedback
40. Most of the solar radiation that enters Earth’s atmosphere is
absorbed by
a. Clouds
b. Earth’s surface
c. Zones of permanent ice
d. Gases in the atmosphere
e. Aerosols in the atmosphere
32. Which two gases make up 99 percent of Earth’s
a. Argon and nitrogen
b. Nitrogen and oxygen
c. Oxygen and carbon dioxide
d. Carbon dioxide and nitrogen
e. Methane and carbon dioxide
41. Which is the largest single indicator of climate change?
a. Extinction
b. Deforestation
c. Desertification
d. Global warming
e. The greenhouse effect
33. Which is the most abundant greenhouse gas in Earth’s
a. Ozone
b. Nitrogen
c. Methane
d. Water vapour
e. Carbon dioxide
34. What is the main cause of ozone depletion?
a. Methane emissions
b. Ultraviolet radiation
c. Decreased albedo in polar regions
d. Human-made gases that contain chlorine
e. Anthropogenic emissions of nitrous oxide
35. Which greenhouse gas is produced only through human
activity and no natural sources?
a. Ozone
b. Nitrogen
c. Methane
d. Halocarbons
e. Nitrous oxide
36. Which factor causes the concentration of water vapour in
the atmosphere to increase?
a. Condensation
b. Rising temperatures
c. Anthropogenic activities
d. Decrease in the atmospheric concentration of
e. Decrease in the atmospheric concentration of carbon
37. Which is not an example of electromagnetic radiation?
a. X-rays
b. Albedo
c. Visible light
d. Radio waves
e. Infrared radiation
38. Which type of energy transfer occurs as energy travels from
the Sun to Earth?
a. Radiation
b. Circulation
c. Conduction
d. Convection
e. Negative feedback
39. Which process cycles air through the atmosphere, moving
warm air upward and cool air downward?
a. Radiation
b. Circulation
c. Conduction
d. Convection
e. Negative feedback
42. What is a carbon footprint?
a. A type of fossil
b. A type of carbon offset
c. The area surrounding the base of a volcano
d. A measurement of the amount of greenhouse gases
e. A measurement of historical patterns of change in
Earth’s carbon cycle
43. Which activity in developing countries may be a major
contributor to global climate change?
a. Tourism
b. Agriculture
c. The use of electricity
d. The use of automobiles
e. The use of small cooking stoves
44. Which international gathering was held in 1979 to discuss
concern about climate change due to human activities?
a. The Kyoto Protocol
b. The World Climate Conference
c. The Advisory Group on Greenhouse Gases
d. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
e. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
45. A family is shopping for a new refrigerator. Some of the
refrigerators bear the label shown below. What does the
label indicate?
a. the refrigerator was made from
recycled materials
b. the refrigerator can only use CFLs or
LED light bulbs
c. The refrigerator was used in the past
and is being resold.
d. The refrigerator must be inspected
for emissions before purchase.
e. The refrigerator meets certain established standards of
energy use.
31. c
32. b
33. d
34. d
35. d
36. b
37. b
38. a
39. d
40. d
41. d
42. d
43. d
44. a
45. e