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The Lymphatic System
February 2011
drains and filters protein containing
fluids from tissue which has escaped
from blood capillaries
transport fats from gastrointestinal tract
to the blood
defense – protect the body from foreign
cells, microbes, cancer cells
Lymph vessels
Major Structures of the
Lymphatic System
 Lymph
 Tonsils
 Spleen
 Vessels
 Lymph
 Adenoids
 Thymus
 Peyer’s
 Appendix
Lymph Organs
Structure Details
lymph – clear and colorless; composed
of water, lymphocytes, nutrients,
hormones, and salts; also known as
intercellular or interstitial fluid.
Originates in blood plasma
lymph vessels – carry fluid; more
permeable than blood capillaries
Structure Details
lymph nodes – small round structures located
in lymph vessels; they are located in clusters in
the following areas: cervical (neck), axillary
(armpits), pectoral (chest), abdominal
(stomach), inguinal (groin area), popliteal
(back of leg, behind knees)
Function: they fight disease by producing
antibodies, removing bacteria or malignant
cells, and filtering foreign substances;
contains large amounts of lymphocytes and
Structure Details
thymus- lymph tissue; located on
top of heart, reaches maximum size
in puberty and decreases thereafter
Function: all T- cells are made in the
bone marrow but mature in the
Structure Details
All B – cells are made in the bone marrow
B cells mature in the spleen – largest
lymphatic organ composed of lymph tissue
that is located in the left upper quadrant of the
Function: production of B lymphocytes;
phagocytizes bacteria and worn out
damaged RBC; stores and releases blood in
case of demand
Cells of the lymphatic system
macrophages – large phagocytic cell (cells
eats bad stuff) (like pacman chewing it up)
lymphocytes – originate in the bone
marrow; type of white blood cell that
provides immunity
T lymphocytes – (thymus dependent) 80% of
lymphocytes are T cells.
Different types of T cells –
cytotoxic T cells – respond to foreign antigens by
attaching to the foreign antigen (interact directly
with the cells – called cell-mediated immunity) (Memory
cells that recognize an antigen immediately become
cytotoxic T cells.)
helper T cells – stimulate the activation and function of
other T cells and B cells
suppressor T cells – inhibit the activation and function of
other T cells and B cells
Lymphocytes Continued
lymphocytes – (bone marrow-derived)
respond to foreign antigens by producing
antibodies that destroy the antigenbearing particles (don’t interact directly
with the cells – called antibody-mediated
 Antibodies (immunoglobulins) – destroy
any cell that bearing the matching antigen.
NK (natural killer) cells
NK cells recognize and destroy abnormal
They constantly monitor normal tissues
(called immunological surveillance).
A single NK cell can attack bacteria in the
interstitial fluid, body cells infected with viruses
or cancer cells. Abnormal cells occur throughout
life. Cancer arises when the abnormal cells
divide faster than the T cells can kill them.
Antigen vs. Antibody
Antigen – proteins, polysaccharides, lipids
that are located on a cells surface that
elicit an immune response
Self antigens- proteins that the body cells
recognize as “self”
Non-self- proteins that the body does not
Antibody – protein that B cells produce in
response to the presence of a non-self
When an antibody combines with an
antigen, it renders the antigen-bearing
cell/particle inactive and leads to the
destruction of the cell.
Causes agglutination or massing of cells
together so they can be destroyed.
Agglutination of antigens with
matching antibodies
Nonspecific Defense
First line of defense for the is the physical
barrier between the body and pathogen. Ex:
skin, mucous membranes, cilia, epiglottis.
Species resistance: a given organism develops
diseases that are unique to it. Examples are
mumps, gonorrhea and syphilis infect humans
but not other animals.
Disease may affect different animals differently.
Nonspecific Defense
second line of defense is the chemical barrier:
enzymes in body fluid that can damage, kill or
make the environment uninhabitable for the
pathogen. Ex. Gastric juice, tears, salt in sweat
Increase temperature, high pH, and high salinity
all cause proteins to denature and render cells
ineffective killing them over time. Therefore, are
chemical barriers all seek to do one of these
things. Raise temp, lower pH, or raise salinity to
kill bacteria and possibly viruses.
Fever and inflammation are part of the chemical
Fever: endogenous pyrogen (protein)
raises the set point in the brain for body
temperature. (hypothalamaus)
The higher temperature reduces the
levels of iron in the blood, which
decreases the amount of oxygen in the
blood that the pathogen needs to
survive. Limited oxygen is also what
causes you to fell bad.
Also, phagocytic cells attack more
How does Tylenol and ibuprofen work?
Tylenol and ibuprofen limit an enzyme in
cells called COX which is needed to
produce prostaglandins.
Prostaglandins have many functions that
are good but they allow for us to feel pain,
develop fever, but won’t typically decrease
Inflammation is characterized by redness,
swelling, heat, and pain due to a
pathogen invasion, inhibits microbial
Inflammation increases blood flow to the
area and increases the leakiness of the
blood vessels so white blood cells and
platelets can get to the infected area.
This is caused by the protein Histamine.
Lymph flow is decreased. Why?
Specific Defense (Immunity)
Third line of defense – specific defense
cell-mediated immunity – this is where
T-cells, B-cells, and macrophages are
resistance to particular pathogens or to
their toxins
Specific Defense (Immunity)
Antibody-mediated immunity
Immune responses
Primary immune response – B cells and T cells
are activated and fight the pathogen. Antibodies are produced (takes 5-10 days to reach
detectable levels)
Secondary immune response – Some of the B
cells activated by the primary response remain
dormant as memory cells; if the antigen is
encountered in the future, the memory B cells
immediately begin to produce the antibody
Active and Passive Immunity
Active immunity – results when a person
produces an immune response to an antigen
that is long-lasting
Occurs naturally when a person is exposed to
a pathogen and develops a disease; person
gains resistance by initiating a primary immune
The primary immune response gives immunity
or a secondary immune response.
Active Immunity Continued
Occurs artificially when a person receives a
vaccine (bacteria or viruses that have been
killed or weakened so they can’t cause a
serious infection); but they still contain
antigens that stimulate an immune response;
doesn’t always last for life.
Still activates a secondary immune response.
Passive Immunity
Passive artificial immunity occurs when a person
receives antibodies produced by another
individual; person does not have an immune
response, so immunity is short-term.
Occurs artificially when a person receives
antiserum (ready-made antibodies).
Occurs naturally when antibodies pass from
mother’s blood into fetal bloodstream, also thru
breastfeeding; fetus acquires immunity against
pathogens that mother has developed immunity
against; lasts 6 months to a year after birth.
Types of Acquired Immunity
Naturally acquired active Exposure to pathogens
Symptoms of disease and
an immune response
Artificially acquired
active immunity
Stimulation of immune
response without
severe symptoms of
Artificially acquired
passive immunity
Injections of antibodies
Short term immunity
without an immune
Naturally acquired
passive immunity
Antibodies passed to
Short term immunity for
infant without
immune response
(lasts 6 mths to 1 yr)
Immune System Concerns
Three types of immune system
disorders …
Autoimmune Disorders
 Allergies
 Immunodeficiency Disease
Autoimmune Disorders –
a. Your system attacks your own self cells
b. Occurs when bacteria/virus causes T cells to
attack body’s own macrophage. Eventually
killer T cells start to view other cells in the
body as foreign
c. Examples: Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis,
Multiple Sclerosis
Allergies –
a. Allergens cause the system to have a
hypersensitivity reaction (think drastic overreaction) which causes an excessive immune
response. Severity can change year to year
and some start late in life – genetics can
predispose people to allergies
b. Delayed reaction allergy results from
repeated exposure to antigens
Allergies Continued
c. Some antibodies cause the release of
histamine …. Initiating allergic reactions
which can damage the tissues in the body
d. dilation of blood vessels, increased
vascular permeabilty, swelling, contract of
bronchial and smooth muscles, increased
mucous production
Allergies Continued
e. the result is severe inflammation- hives, hay
fever, asthma, or gastric disturbances
f. some are seasonal and others are year round
g. A severe allergic reaction (sudden breathing
difficulty) is anaphylaxis can cause anaphylactic
shock which can lead to death – treatment is an
epinephrine injection or tracheotomy. Symptoms
of an anaphylactic shock: hives, vomiting,
diarrhea, face, tongue and larynx swell
A drug used to counteract the
physiological effects of histamine
production in allergic reactions and colds.
Anti-histamines work by negating the
enzyme histamine. This effectively reverse
the effects. Blood vessels do not become
leaky, blood vessels of the facial region
are constricted, and mucus production is
AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome)
is caused by HIV (human immunodeficiency
virus. HIV targets helper T cells, which makes
a person infected unable to fight against this
Over time, the person is deficient in helper T
cells  immunodeficiency. It is acquired
(rather than induced) via lifestyle choices
(unprotected sex, intravenous drug use) or
events (blood transfusions)
initial symptoms- weakness, recurrent fever,
night sweats, swollen glands, weight loss
(similar symptoms of the flu)
latency period- 5-10 years person feels well,
immune system struggles with growing HIV
invading cells
AIDS (third stage)-opportunistic infection.
Those infected don’t die from AIDS, they
die due to a secondary infection such as;
the flu, pneumonia, etc because their immune
system is so weak, they can’t fight anymore.