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Any manifestation of life is activity’ says woods
worth (1948) and behavior is a collective
name for these activities. Therefore, the term,
Behavior includes all the conative activities
( walking, swimming, dancing ), cognitive
activities( thinking, reasoning, imagining ) and
affective activities( feeling, happiness,
sadness and angriness etc ).
It not only includes the conscious behavior and
activities but also the subconscious and
unconscious aspect of human mind and also
covers both overt and covert behavior.
A behavior is considered to be maladaptive,
-when it is age inappropriate
-when it interferes with adaptive functioning
-when others misunderstands it in terms of
cultural inappropriateness.
Behavioral theory is based on the concept that
all behavior adaptive or maladaptive is a
product of learning. problematic behaviors
occur when there is an inadequate learning
and therefore it can be corrected through the
provision of appropriate learning experiences
All human behavior is a response to a
stimulus from the environment
Human beings can control or determine the
behavior of others
The human personality is a mere pattern of
stimulus-response chains or habits
Both adaptive and maladaptive behaviors are
learned and strengthened through
Maladaptive can be unlearned and replaced
by adaptive behavior, if the person receives
exposure to specific stimuli and
reinforcements for the desired adaptive
The behavioral approach to therapy is that,
people have become what they are through
learning processes or through the interaction
of the environment with their genetic
endowment. Therefore,
It focuses on the maladaptive behavior rather
than on disease process, impaired
personality structure or unconscious conflict
Preference is given for observable and
measurable aspects of behavior such as
phobic avoidance, compulsive hand washing
Attention is paid to the cognitive processes,
imagery and subjective affect when they are
relevant to the analysis or modification of
Operational definitions are used for the
internal events
Treatment goals are defined specifically after
frank discussion and negotiation with the
patient and his family
Specification of the target behavior to be
modified and with what they should be
replaced must be determined by discussing
with the patient
It analyses problem behavior behavior and
understands its development in terms of its
initiating and maintaining variables
psychotherapy which aims at changing maladaptive
behavior and substituting it with adaptive behavior
It is based on theories of learning such as operant
conditioning ( B.F.Skinner ) and classical
conditioning ( Ivan pavlov )
Abnormal behavior can be favorably
influenced by therapeutic arrangements of an
individuals interaction with his or her
Principles of learning govern the
maintenance of abnormal and normal
behavior and thus can be utilized for
therapeutic gain
Behavioral assessment focuses more on the
current determinants of behavior rather than
the post-hoc analysis of the possible
historical antecedents
Specificity is the hallmark of behavioral
assessment and treatment; thus it is
assumed that patients are best understood
by what they do in a situation rather than by
what they say about themselves
Treatment strategies are individually tailored
to meet the varied needs, resources and
assets of the different patients
Instrumental and interpersonal behaviors are
more readily changed than cognitive and
affective levels of behavior. Thus treatment
usually begins with interventions aimed at
changing the overt behavior with the
expectation that cognitive and affective
changes will follow
Therapeutic interventions may result in
unintended side effects
Behavior therapy reflects an applied sciences
approach to the clinical problems and rests
on experimental evaluation of the treatment
Behavior therapy focuses on behavior in its
broad multimodal phenomenology; hence,
affects cognitions, imagery and biological
processes ( eg; heart rate or muscle tension )
Behavior therapy yields to patients learning of new
skills, adaptive coping styles or ways of
strengthening existing assets
Reciprocal inhibition: This is based on the premise that
the observable behavior or symptom is a learned
response to anxiety. The symptom is reinforced
because it leads to a reduction of anxiety even
though it is not a productive behavior. Reciprocal
inhibition substitutes a more adaptive behavior for
the symptom through learning an alternative means
of reducing the anxiety
Eg; desensitization and relaxation therapy
Assertive training: Assertiveness implies the ability
to stand up for one’s own rights while not infringing
on the rights of others. It is provided to alleviate
anxiety when the patient’s anxiety is arising from
interpersonal relationships. In assertiveness training
the patient identifies his usual mode of behavior.
Through role-play and practice, he modifies his
behavior toward increased assertiveness, this
increases self-esteem and the sense of self-control.
Thus, interpersonally based anxiety is reduced
Aversion therapy: It refers to the use of a painful
stimulus usually an electric shock of very low
voltage to create an aversion to a stimulus. This
approach attempts to change homosexual behavior.
Patients consider that their emotional pain is so
intense that physical pain is accepted to alleviate it
Token economy systems: These are positive
reinforcements programs. It encourages socially
acceptable behavior in chronically hospitalized
patients. The person is rewarded with a token
generally an eatable or a cigarette when the
desirable behavior occurs, where as he is penalized
by removal of tokens when undesirable behavior
takes place. When enough tokens are accumulated
they may be spent for snacks, out passes, to watch
a cinema or whatever is meaningful to the patient.
This pleasurable experience reinforces the future
repetition of the desired behavior and the reward
must be highly desirable to the client
Shaping: It is a behavioral modification technique
used to condition close approximations of some
desired adaptive behavior.
Devises behavioral objectives with the client
Identifies the behavior that is to be changed and
breaks them down into small and manageable
Advocates clients for identifying the behaviors that
are appropriate, constructive and amenable to
change whatever the treatment setting
Observes documents and outlines behaviors
targeted for change
Teaches and reinforces cognitive behavior
techniques particularly in inpatient or community
setting with a behavioral orientation
Teaches progressive relaxation to the client with
anxiety; models, shapes and reinforces appropriate
Initiates and leads group that focus on developing
social skills and assertive behaviors
Refers the clients for cognitive behavior therapy
As a member of the interdisciplinary team, conducts
6-20 sessions for effective outcome
The behavioral model views people as being
capable of exercising control over their own
behavior. They select, organize and
transform incoming stimuli. The concept of
reinforcement is crucial in this model.
Interactions between human and
environment strengthen the persons
behavior, little or no rewarding interaction
with the environment causes the person to
feel sad