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Sample Questions for
Hour Exam 1
1. A hydrogen atom has one
electron. How many covalent bonds
can hydrogen form?
A) one covalent bond
B) two covalent bonds
C) four covalent bonds
D) no covalent bonds
2. Table salt is formed when
A) chlorine gives an electron to sodium.
B) a hydrogen bond forms between
sodium and chlorine.
C) sodium and chlorine share electrons
to form a bond.
D) sodium donates its single outer
electron to chlorine.
3. Which of the following statements regarding
the oxygen atom of a water molecule is true?
A) Oxygen is more positively charged than the
hydrogen atoms.
B) Oxygen attracts electrons less strongly
than the hydrogen atoms.
C) Oxygen is more electronegative than the
hydrogen atoms.
D) Oxygen is attracted to the negatively
charged atoms of other molecules.
4.The hydrogen atoms of a water molecule
are bonded to the oxygen atom by ________
bonds, whereas neighboring water molecules
are held together by ________ bonds.
A) hydrogen . . . polar covalent
B) polar covalent . . . hydrogen
C) ionic . . . covalent
D) polar covalent . . . ionic
5. Compared to a solution of pH 3, a
solution of pH 5 is
A) 100 times more acidic.
B) 10 times more acidic.
C) 10 times more basic.
D) 100 times more basic.
6. Sucrose is formed
A) from two glucose molecules.
B) from two monosaccharides through
dehydration synthesis.
C) when ionic bonds link two monosaccharides.
D) when glucose and lactose are combined.
7. Which of the following contains a carboxyl
and an amino group?
A) amino acids
B) fats
C) sugars
D) vinegar
8. Fatty acids with double bonds
between some of their carbons are
said to be
A) unsaturated.
B) saturated.
C) completely hydrogenated.
D) monoglycerides.
9. How are genes used by cells to build proteins?
A) The genes in DNA direct the synthesis of an
RNA molecule, which is used to build a protein.
B) The genes in RNA direct the synthesis of a DNA
molecule, which is used to build a protein.
C) DNA is transcribed into an amino acid
D) The genes in RNA direct the synthesis of
proteins directly.
10. One millimeter = ________
A) 0.10
B) 10
C) 100
D) 1000
11. Resolution is the
A) ability of an optical instrument to show
two close objects as separate.
B) size of an image.
C) ability of an optical instrument to magnify
an image.
D) distance between the lenses of a
12. Plasma membranes are permeable to
A) large hydrophilic molecules such as starch.
B) small ions such as Na+.
C) nonpolar molecules such as CO2.
D) hydrophilic molecules such as glucose.
13. ________ cells lack a
membrane-enclosed nucleus.
A) Plant
B) Prokaryotic
C) Eukaryotic
D) Fungal
14. Unlike animal cells, plant cells have
________ and ________. Unlike plant cells,
animal cells have ________.
A) chloroplasts . . . cell walls . . . centrioles
B) centrioles . . . chloroplasts . . . cell walls
C) chloroplasts . . . cell walls . . . a nucleus
D) centrioles . . . cell walls . . . large central
15. Which of the following statements regarding the
endomembrane system is false?
A) The endomembrane system is involved in the synthesis,
storage, and export of important molecules.
B) The endomembrane system includes the rough and
smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
C) The endomembrane system includes the nuclear
D) The endomembrane system is a system of interrelated
membranes that are all physically connected.
16. Secretory proteins are
A) produced by ribosomes on the
smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
B) chemically modified in the nucleus.
C) produced by the cell for internal use.
D) released from the cell through the
plasma membrane.
17. Which of the following statements regarding
the Golgi apparatus is false?
A) The Golgi apparatus works closely with the
endoplasmic reticulum.
B) The Golgi apparatus serves as a molecular
warehouse and finishing factory.
C) The Golgi apparatus decreases in size when a
cell increases its protein production.
D) The Golgi apparatus modifies chemicals
received from the endoplasmic reticulum.
18. Membrane phospholipids
A) have hydrophobic heads that face the
center of the membrane and are shielded
from water.
B) have hydrophilic tails that face outward
and are exposed to water.
C) are able to drift about in the plasma
D) remain fluid because they are tightly
packed against one another.
19. Most of the functions of a cell
membrane, including transport and
enzymatic function, are performed by
A) glycolipids.
B) proteins.
C) phospholipids.
D) cholesterol.
20. Which of the following statements
regarding membrane function is false?
A) The plasma membrane forms a selective
barrier around the cell.
B) The plasma membrane plays a role in
signal transduction.
C) The plasma membrane has receptors for
chemical messages.
D) The plasma membrane is the control
center of the cell.