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Development and Climate Change:
A Strategic Framework for the World Bank Group
• Mandate and Preparation of Paper
• Global Consultations – Phase I
• Draft Full Paper
Click on the attached weblinks
below to read
– Objectives
– Guiding Principles
– Action Areas
– Measuring Progress
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Link to Phase I Consultations
• Examples of Actions and Indicators
Mandate and Preparation of Paper
• Development Committee requested at 2007
Annual Meetings
– “comprehensive, strategic framework for World Bank
Group engagement” to address climate change
Concept and Issues Paper for 2008 Spring
Full paper for discussion at 2008 Annual
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Chapter 1
Link to Phase I Consultations
Consultations: Facts & Figures
• March – July 2008 on Concept and Issues
• Online, face-to-face, videoconferences
• 71 countries, more than 1,800 individuals
• Governments, civil society, UN agencies,
indigenous peoples, youth, private sector
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Link Phase I Consultations
Consultations: “Who We Heard From”
Stakeholder Groups
Civil Society
Private Sector
WBG Staff
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Link Phase I Consultations
Consultations: “Who We Heard From”
Representation at Consultations
MultilateralsIncluding WB
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Link Phase I Consultations
Consultations: “What We Heard” - I
• Don’t forget core mandate: poverty reduction
• Global solution is necessary – leadership required
by developed countries
Mixed views on funding for climate change: 1)
additionality to ODA; 2) grants vs. loans; 3)
relationship to UNFCCC funding mechanisms
Be neutral to UNFCCC negotiating party positions
while advocating constructively for developing
More focus to supporting adaptation for developing
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Link Phase I Consultations
Consultations: “What We Heard” - II
• Debate: increasing energy access vs. use of
fossil fuels
Don’t overlook importance of healthy
ecosystems and biodiversity
More needs to be done on capacity building and
knowledge sharing, in partnership with UNDP,
Equity issues relating to vulnerable groups, such
as indigenous peoples, need attention
Private sector needs
– post-2012 certainty for investment decisions
– risk mitigation to accelerate new technology investment
– speed and certainty in the dissemination of new donor funds
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Link Phase I Consultations
Finalizing the Full Paper
• Consultations Phase II
– Public comment through September 15
• Web-based platform, face - to - face, VC
• Board of Directors will consider on
September 23, 2008
• Development Committee will discuss at
IMF/World Bank Annual Meetings on
October 12, 2008
The Development Challenge
• Addressing climate change is critical to
development and poverty reduction
Asymmetry of impacts and causes: poorest
countries will suffer earliest and most – rich
countries made largest contribution
Increasing energy access remains critical
Unprecedented scale of solutions needed for
finance, technology, capacity
Unprecedented global cooperation necessary
Leadership by developed countries required as
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to read
Chapter 1
Objectives of the Strategic Framework
1. Enable the WBG to effectively support
sustainable development and poverty
reduction at the national, regional, and
local levels, as additional climate risks
and climate-related economic
opportunities arise.
2. Exploit the WBG’s potential to facilitate
global action and interactions among all
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Chapter 3
Guiding Principles
• Priority of growth, energy access, and
attainment of MDGs in developing countries
Neutrality to UNFCCC negotiations
Working in strategic partnerships to achieve
global impact
Inform and support the development objectives
of operational strategies by WBG entities
Country-led approach
Customized support per client demand
Focus on learning and capacity building
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Chapter 3
Six Areas for Action
1. Support climate actions in development
Mobilize concessional and innovative finance
Facilitate the development of innovative
market mechanisms
Leverage private finance
Accelerate the development and deployment of
new technology
Step up policy research, knowledge and
capacity building
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Chapter 1
1. Support climate actions in
development processes
• Strengthen resilience of communities and
economies to climate risks
• Capture full range of benefits: social,
economic, environmental
• Take advantage of low carbon growth
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Chapter 4
2. Mobilize concessional and
innovative finance
• Learn and share lessons from Climate
Investment Funds
Ensure strong IDA performance to provide a
platform for supporting climate resilience with
new and additional financing
Increase complementarity and effective use of
all instruments at WBG’s disposal
Contribute to the development of the global
financial architecture and monitoring of financial
flows to developing countries
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Chapter 5
Climate Investment Funds
• Transformational impact at scale
• US$6 billion target
• Clean Technology Fund
– contribute to demonstration, deployment, and transfer of lowcarbon technologies
• Strategic Climate Fund
– pilot new development approaches or scale-up activities aimed
at a specific climate change challenge or sectoral response
through targeted programs
• Pilot Program for Climate Resilience
• Equitable governance and decision making
• Sunset clause
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Chapter 5
Link to
3. Facilitate the development of
innovative market mechanisms
• Deepen reach of carbon market
• Increase benefits to local communities
• Increase customized application of climate
risk insurance
• Put capital markets to work for climate
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Chapter 6
4. Leverage private finance
• Continue improving investment climate in
developing countries
Support enabling environment for EE and RE
Use IFC, MIGA and IBRD guarantees more
Package traditional instruments with climate
Use customized applications to support
underserved clients such as municipalities and
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Chapter 7
5. Accelerate the development and
deployment of new technology
• Scale up CGIAR work on agriculture technology
Maximize opportunities provided by Clean
Technology Fund and GEF/IFC Earth Fund
Support clean technology development:
– Focus on creating knowledge base to facilitate
countries’ decision making
– IFC preparing strategy for investing in clean
– The Bank is working to adapt successful innovation
models from other sectors
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Chapter 8
6. Step up policy research,
knowledge and capacity building
• World Development Report on climate change (Nov 2009
Work with UN partners to strengthen data collection,
monitoring and reporting on progress with global climate
Build country-specific knowledge on additional cost of
adaptation and low carbon growth
Develop methods to analyze climate risks and GHG
emissions at the project level
Expand training and knowledge sharing on climate –
development linkages
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Chapter 9
Measuring Progress
• Dual-track approach for results framework
– Monitor key actions, deliverables, indicators
from FY09 – FY11
– Develop comprehensive results framework
over next two years through a consultative
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Chapter 10
Examples of Actions and Indicators
2009 ~ 2011
• Screen for climate risk in hydropower and other water
investments with long life spans
Screen for energy efficiency opportunities, starting with
energy projects
Operationalize Forest Carbon Partner Facility and Carbon
Partnership Facility
Capitalize and operationalize Climate Investment Funds
Increase use of climate risk insurance products
Increase financing for EE and RE by average of 30% per
Increase support to sustainable forest management,
sustainable agriculture and food production, sustainable
transport and urban development investments
Improve monitoring and reporting of financial flows for
climate action
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