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Liberian Experiences with
REDD+ and the VPA-FLEGT Processes
Current situation and Challenges
Duala, Cameroon
September 24, 2013
Presented by: Samuel Kwennah
National REDD+ and VPA-FLEGT
Management Arrangements
• A National REDD + Technical Working Group established to play a
technical advisory role for the National Climate Change
Steering Committee. This Group liaises directly with the
Advisor to the president on Climate Change and energy
• A National Climate Change Steering Committee lunched by
the President of the Republic of Liberia. The Terms of
Reference have been developed and approved.
• The National Climate Change Secretariat Administrative
Coordinator has been recruited to facilitate implementation
of R-PP activities, with office at the Ministry of States &
Presidential Affairs
• The REDD+ consultation & Participation Task Forces
established (C&P Taskforce), to provide expertise and
oversight on communication, outreached and public
Stakeholder Consultations and
• Regional dialogue and information sharing workshops REDD+ held
in 15 counties;
• VPA Support Unit established on September 1, 2013 following the
end of the VPA process in August;
• Three National Civil Society Dialogue Workshops held with
representative from civil society groups including NGO, academia,
media, youth groups, women group;
• Nationwide radio campaign for REDD+ and R-PP awareness raising
– Dissemination of REDD+ and R-PP (FCPF) information in Liberian
English and translated into the 16 local Liberia languages, and
broadcast via 54 local radio stations nation- wide
• The (unofficial) ratified by the National Legislature and currently at
the Executive for signing into Law.
REDD and VPA-FLEGT Readiness Progress Cont.
• A Stakeholder Consultation and Participation (C&P) Plan
designed and implemented in the formulation phase.
• REDD Technical Working Group (RTWG) developed a
national REDD+ and climate change website,
Communication materials (brochures) were prepared
before the consultations.
• A plan to follow up on consultations during the Readiness
Preparation phase has been developed.
• A communication strategy on REDD developed.
• Gender and Climate Change information shared and plan
of action developed with participant from both rural and
national women groups and structures.
• The VPA SU Inception phase started on September 1,
2013 and will continue to December 31, 2013
Implementation Framework
• R- PP implementation option developed which
highlights an acceptable procedure of
transparency, conflict resolution and grievance
• A proposed suggested up to 2015 and beyond
• A benefit sharing mechanism already
developed NBSTB established.
• VPA Support Unit currently conducting
consultations on capacity needs for rollout of
activities .
• REDD and VPA-FLEGT are new phenomenon in
Liberia, how can we CSO ensure that those who
are most affected understand these concepts and
develop their respond and mitigating
• There is a fundamental link between REDD and
FLEGT. In Liberia, the VPA that is the key driver of
the REDD and FLEGT processes has not been
signed into law by the President. This has stalled
the rollout phase (implementation) of the VPA-SU
Challenges Cont.
• Unlike the VPA, there is little support to local
integrated REDD+ initiatives couple with the lowlevel awareness amongst communities and CSOs;
• Low capacities, a crosscutting challenge at
government, community and CSO levels
• Human induced activities threaten REDD+ and
sustainable forest governance in Liberia;
• Chain saw and demand for timber on timber market;
• Signing of huge faulty concessions agreements in
• New Land policy drafted and an Act to lift the
Land policy into law already presented to the
president for onward presentation to the
national legislature;
• The VPA, hopefully will be signed in Law soon;
• The VPA Support Unit has began its inception
phase—September to December;
• The VPA-FLEGT and REDD+ program in Liberia
as was presented seems an easy task, but let
us assure you that it isn’t. There huge fight
over participation, who to be involve—
community representation—was a key issue.
Today we (CSO) determine to move forward
while at the same time remain engaged
constructively with the process.
• Let me entertain some question/s with
support from my colleague.