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Project title: Promoting the implementation of National REDD+ initiatives and enhancing the
capacity for result-based phase in Tanzania.
Support area III: Conservation and sustainable use of natural carbon sinks / REDD+
Partner Institutions for embedding in the country of implementation/target area:
SUA, National carbon monitoring Centre, University of York, MCDI,
WWF Germany
3. Project Concept (max 1400 character in bullet form)
 Tanzania suffers from high rates of deforestation and forest degradation which
are among the main sources of carbon emission.
REDD+ policy has been implemented to date through the adoption of a national
strategy and of legal frameworks supporting participatory forest management
(PFM) to promote emission reduction and poverty alleviation.
PFM experiences and REDD+ pilot projects (PP) indicate difficult access to
voluntary carbon markets and inadequacy of financial mechanisms as major
drawbacks for ensuring benefit sharing by local communities. This situation could
decrease community participation and accelerate destruction of forests leading to
increased carbon emissions. Moreover, lack of land tenure clarity and land use
plans weakness hinder REDD+ implementation.
 Efforts for Monitoring Reporting and Verification (MRV) system and for
establishing Reference Emission Level (REL) exist but are not coordinated
between the national and local actions, and REL is still missing due to lack of
data and analysis capacity.
 Tanzania includes important biodiversity hotspots and water towers of the coastal
forest, eastern arcs, miombo woodland where several conservation initiatives
have been taken place in the last decades by the Government, NGOs, CBOs,
and development partners.
 Tanzania is facing challenges in conserving these areas. Fast socio-economic
development heavily dependent on natural capitals, and future investments on
agriculture, e.g. SAGCOT, infrastructure and energy sectors could further pose
major threats on them.
3.2 Target groups
• Local communities will be directly involved in the project implementation including approval
of village land use plans, adoption of alternative livelihood strategy. Also they will share the
benefits from established financial mechanisms.
• Local governments: Integration of land use plans in district development plan and approve for
smooth implementations. Also assist in project implementation such making by law to ensure
effective implementations of land use plans and will benefit from capacity building.
• Government executive agencies such as Tanzania Forest Service and National Carbon
Monitoring Centre will play a key role on technical advice in design project and implementation
of MRV and REL at subnational level and integrating the project results into policy
implementation. They will also benefit from capacity building.
• Academic and Research institutions will consolidate relevant knowledge and will provide
capacity building.
• Private sector will contribute to establish the financial mechanisms and will share the benefits.
• Decision makers will assist in policy guidance.
• NGOs will assist in project implementation, information collection and dissemination.
3.3: Overarching Project goal (outcome 1400)
Promote the implementation of National REDD+ initiatives and enhancing the capacity for
result-based phase for reducing greenhouse gases emissions, contributing to the national MRV
system, establishing the REL and triggering efficient financial mechanisms for climate change
Developed MRV system, REL and the financial mechanisms will provide the basis for benefit
sharing at both national and local levels.
The project will support the establishment of a nested approach where local initiatives will be
coordinated and linked to the national emission reduction and safeguard strategies.
Furthermore the capacity of the local communities is enhanced to sustainably manage the natural
capitals, to create economic opportunities to improve their livelihood, and to adapt to climate
3.4: Project outputs
• Reference Emission Level and emission reduction due to project interventions assessed by
• Financial mechanism for equitable benefit sharing harmonized and implemented within the
target areas by 2021.
• Long term strategy for conservation and sustainable use of carbon sinks for target areas by
• Capacity of local government, local communities and private sectors to conserve biodiversity
and ecosystem services enhanced.
• Policy brief produced including a proposal for scaling up the results of the project to implement
the national strategy.
3.5 Project actions
Work package 1 Project management
• Conducting preliminary and interim project partner meetings
• Establish and coordinate an institutional network of key actors for carbon sink conservation in
the area.
• Establishing the baseline scenario for both environmental and socio-economic conditions.
Work Package 2 Monitoring
• Conducting carbon assessment (inventory) in existing permanent plots and in new permanent
plots, at the beginning and mid-term of the project.
• Conducting biodiversity and socio-economic surveys, at the beginning and mid-term of the
• Develop carbon content maps from ground surveys data and remote sensing information at
different times.
• Assessing the relations between carbon and other ecosystem services and the socio-economic
Work Package 3 Financial mechanisms
• Developing appropriate methodology for voluntary carbon standards to access carbon credit
• Implement sustainable forest management through forest certification schemes (FSC)
incorporating biodiversity conservation within the landscape.
• Promoting public-private partnerships and private business models.
• Introduction of conservation agriculture to reduce carbon emission from agriculture sector and
increase production within the landscape.
Work Package 4 Strategy for long term carbon sinks conservation
• Identifying drivers of deforestation and forest degradation.
• Conduct scenario workshops and time series analysis of satellite images to determine land
use/cover changes.
• Facilitate participatory village land use plan to secure land and resources ownership.
• Determine key actions and areas for ecosystem rehabilitation
Work Package 5 Capacity building
• Training beneficiaries on carbon assessment, land use planning, management plan and
• Producing policy briefs and disseminating lessons learnt and results through different media.
4. Expected long term results (Impacts) 500 character
4.1 contributions to climate change mitigation (reducing emission)
The proposed project through effective implementation of land use plans and sustainable forest
management could slow down the rate of deforestation and degradation within the land scape
and consequently reduce carbon emission from different land use/cover types.
4.2 contributions to climate change adaptation
The proposed project will enable local communities to adopt smart agriculture including
conservation agriculture and agroforestry as important strategy to climate change adaptation.
Therefore there will be increased agricultural production per hectare and household income and
consequently poverty among community will be reduced.
4.3 contributions of conservation/sustainable use of biodiversity
Performance based payment established are sufficient incentive to increase local communities
participation in the management of ecosystem service including carbon and biodiversity across
the landscape. Therefore biodiversity conservation ensured due to reduced deforestation and
degradation rate as local community recognized the benefit of avoided deforestation across the
land scape.
4.4 Contribution to sustainable development of co benefit
The proposed project will contribute to the sustainable economic development at both national
and local scales. At local level the project strongly develop skills and building capacities for
communities through participatory resource planning, implementation and monitoring, and hence
granting use rights. Institutional capacities for partners will establish and develop frameworks on
using natural capital (forests and carbons) as means for national economic development and
poverty reduction.
4.5 Securing of sustainability after the funding period
The project will secure sustainability after the funding period by engaging in capacity building at
different level on monitoring and reporting carbon stocks, in long term land use planning and
natural capital management. Established linkages with private sector, improved access to the
voluntary carbon market, and introduction of supply chains will ensure long term financial
mechanism to support the project goal. Finally the project will empower the institutional
framework through integration with the long term national REDD+ strategy, and creation of
relevant institutional networks.
4.6 Replicability of results, potential multiplier effects
Lessons from the project will be documented, captured and disseminated in technical papers and
scientific products. The approaches will be promoted at relevant international meetings and
technical events. Detailed learning from the project will be fed to government systems for rolling
REDD+ and climate change approaches across the country. Through the lessons being available
at national level, and linking to UNREDD projects, there will be opportunity to replicate the
lessons and successes.
4.7 contributions to mobilizing additional (especially) private capital
The project aims to attract financing through private investments by strengthening the
institutions that responsible for governing REDD (market or fund based approaches) and test
local payment schemes. Financing will be through raising revenue collection potential at local
level, while generating livelihoods for local communities. MCDI as partner with business models
will increase revenue retention from timber extraction through sustainable supply chain, which
will cultivate into the project.