Download Launching of Risalah Kebijakan Pertanian dan Lingkungan 2014

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Launching of Risalah Kebijakan Pertanian dan Lingkungan
Posted by admin on 09 June 2014
Directorate of Strategic Studies and Agricultural Policy of Bogor Agricultural University
(KSKP-IPB) is the Directorate to disseminatethe results of all IPB’ research projects the
public at large. According KSKP Director, Dr.DodikRidho Nurrochmat, the challenge is how
repackage those products or innovations into simple and easy to understand materials to
public. "To achieve that goal we always plan activities and cooperate with mass media," he
said. The other breakthrough is the launching of Risalah Kebijakan Pertanian dan
Lingkungan(Journal of Proceedings of Agricultural and Environmental Policy) at the Meeting
Room of Rector, Andi Hakim Nasoetion Building, Dramaga Campus, 28 May 2014.
This journal will provide information on the research reports conducted by IPB to support the
information needs of policy makers in agriculture. The first issue of the journal will cover the
various aspects of forestmanagement in Indonesia. In addition, this first edition will also
feature booklaunching program on “Policy Paper on Peran Pengelolaan Hutan Produksi Alam
dalam Perubahan Iklim (The Management Role of Natural Forest Production on Climate
Change (REDD +, sustainable forest management and RIL-C)".
Appropriate management of forests in the perspective of the REDD + is to reduce emissions
from deforestation, in addition and forest degradation also increases the uptake of carbon or
carbon stock of forests is already damaged. The way through forest rehabilitation, planting,
and ecosystem restoration.
PemanfaatanHasilHutanKayudariHutanAlam (IUPHHK-HA) (Concession holders of Forest
Product of Natural Forests Utilization) in East Kalimantan showed that the application low
carbon emissions of environment friendly loggingtechniques (RIL-C) has reduced
deforestation process up to 50 percent. In addition, this technique has also reduced carbon
emissions approximately 30 percent compared to conventional logging currently being
"But at present the issues of REDD + is no longer attractive, from fields up to the Cetral
Government. The boomingissueat the moment is the Green Economy, Low Emission
Development Strategy and the Forestry Development Goals,"said Dr.IrsyalYasman of Natural
Resources Development Center as a resource person. According to REDD + as an important
issue of climate change must be positioned in the right context and should not be a
disincentive to national development. (Wied).