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LATG: Chapters 10-11
Infectious Diseases
Health Maintenance
• Maintaining lab animal health requires
– Proper environment.
– Proper food and water.
– Disease prevention program.
– Disease detection program.
– Contingency plan if disease is detected.
Disease Prevention
• Type of program depends upon species.
• Rodents--primarily review of vendor
data and procedures in place to prevent
introduction and spread of disease.
• Nonrodents--As for rodents but may
also have other facets such as
vaccinations, dewormings etc.
Disease Detection
• Like NORAD, PADDS (Pfizer Animal Disease
Detection System) relies on
• Early warning system--technicians who check
animals daily.
• Early response--veterinary technicians who
evaluate reported problems.
• Final response--delivered after evaluation
and consultation with veterinarian and PI.
Disease Detection
• A rodent sentinel program is in place to
screen for potential viral, bacterial and
parasitic contaminants.
• In the rare instance of an actual
infection steps are taken to evaluate the
extent of the infection and eliminate it.
Pathogenic Organisms
• Life forms that have the potential to
cause disease under the proper
• Text classifications
– Bacteria
– Fungi
– Viruses
– Parasites
Biology Influencing Organisms
• In laboratory animal science we are also
very concerned with biology influencing
• These organisms may or may not cause
clinical disease.
• Biological systems can be influenced
even by subclinical infections.
• Small particles made up of nucleic acid and
a protein capsule.
• Viruses may also be covered by an envelope
• Many viruses can infect laboratory animals,
most do not cause clinical disease.
• Viruses are divided into two main classes.
– DNA viruses
– RNA viruses
DNA Viruses of Mice
Mousepox (Ectromelia)
Minute virus of mice
Polyoma virus
Mouse parvo virus
DNA viruses of rats
Polyoma virus (in nude rats)
Kilham rat virus
Rat parvo virus
RNA viruses of mice
Mouse hepatitis virus (MHV)
Lymphocytic choriomeningitis
Retroviruses--mouse leukemia virus
and mouse mammary tumor virus
RNA viruses of rats
Sialodacryoadenitis virus (SDAV)
Pneumonia virus of mice
Hantaan virus
• Many bacteria in nature are beneficial.
• In nearly all mammals there are more
bacterial cells than mammalian cells
• Consist of a cell membrane, a cell wall
and cytoplasm.
• Classified by
– Morphology
– Size
– Staining characteristics
– Formation of spores
– Nutrient requirements
– Biochemical reactions
• All are prokaryotes
Bacterial Morphology
• Cocci (spherical)
– Pairs--Diplococci
– Chains--Streptococci
– Clusters--Staphylococci
• Rods, may be straight or slightly curved
• Spiral shaped
Bacterial Staining
• Classified into Gram negative and Gram
positive groups
• Gram positive--dark blue/violet stain,
due to a thick cell wall
• Gram negative--red stain, due to a thin
cell wall with high lipid content
• Many fungi in nature are beneficial
• Used to make
– bread
– beer
– wine
– antibiotics
• A few fungi are pathogenic
• All are eukaryotes
Beneficial fungus
• Saccharomyces
• Pathogenic species classified into
– Superficial mycoses
– Systemic mycoses
Superficial mycoses
• Infect superficial tissues; skin, hair and
• Commonly called “ringworm”
• See scaliness and alopecia (hairloss),
sometimes redness
Systemic mycoses
• Infect deep tissues; lung, bone, CNS, GI
• Often associated with certain
geographic areas
– Lower Sonoran desert--Coccidioides
– Central and southeastern US-Blastomyces spp.
• Large group of single cell (protozoans)
and multi-cell (metazoans) animals
which must coexist on another animal
during some part of their life cycle
• A parasite must also have the potential
for causing disease in the host
• Websites of interest
• Parasites and Parasitological
• Identification and Diagnosis of Parasites
of Public Health Concern
Parasite Lifecycles
• “If you know the enemy and know
yourself, you need not fear the result of
a hundred battles.” Sun-tzu, “The Art of
• Knowing the life cycle of a parasite is
the key to knowing how to prevent and
treat infestation.
Parasite Lifecycles
• Life cycles can be direct or indirect.
– Direct--parasite eggs/larva can infect
definitive host
– Indirect--parasite needs to pass through an
intermediate host prior to infecting the
definitive host
Parasite Hosts
• Definitive host--the species of animal
responsible for housing the reproductive
stage of the parasite
• Intermediate host--the species of animal
responsible for housing any of the nonreproductive stages of the parasite
• Disease can occur in both types of host
Protozoan Parasite
Toxoplasma gondii
• A sporozoan parasite
• Definitive host--cat
• Intermediate host--almost any other
mammal or bird
• Causes self-limiting diarrhea in cats
• May cause severe disease in
immunosuppressed intermediate host
Toxoplasma gondii
• Trophozoites in lung
fluid from an HIVinfected person
• Tissue cyst from a
T. gondii life cycle
Other protozoa
• Giardia
• Trypanosome
Metazoan Parasites
Arthropods--insects, ticks, mites
• Parasites which inhabit the GI tract of
the definitive host
• May cause lesions in many different
tissues in the intermediate host
• Do not have their own digestive system
• Life cycle often indirect but may also be
Echinococcus granulosus
Tapeworm tissue cysts
Cysts in a baboon heart
Hymenolepis (Rodentolepis)
• A tapeworm of
rodents and humans
• Has a direct life
Nematodes--The “Roundworms”
• Worms that are round in cross-section
• Body structure contains a GI tract as
well as reproductive organs
• Both direct and indirect life cycles
• May live in many tissues in both the
intermediate and definitive hosts
• Common intestinal parasite of dogs,
cats, swine and humans
• Also called roundworms
• Both direct and indirect life cycles
• Infections in humans can result in
visceral larval migrans or ocular larval
Toxacara canis life cycle
Toxocara canis
• Adults
• Egg
Dirofilaria immitis Heartworm
• A nematode parasite that lives in the
right side of the heart in dogs and
occasionally cats
• Life cycle of this parasite requires
passage through mosquitoes
• Infection can cause heart failure
Heartworm life cycle
• Thorny headed worms
• Seen in pigs and nonhuman primates
Arthropod parasites
• Large group of external parasites that
– Insects
– Ticks
– Mites
Arthropod parasites
• In lab animal science most likely to see
– Mites
– Lice
– Fleas
• Parasites in the arachnid family
• Have eight legs in the adult stage
• Live on the skin, sometimes deep in the
hair follicle
• May be zoonotic
Sarcoptic mange mite
• Sarcoptes scabiei with multiple
• Infest a multitude of species
• Infestation is also called “scabies”
• Can cause intense pruritis
• Infestation is worse if animal is
Sarcoptic mange in a dog
Scabies in a person
Prevention of Infectious Disease
• In all cases it’s easier to prevent
diseases than to treat them
• Principles of prevention are simple and
usually more cost-effective than
Principles of Prevention
Purchase disease free animals
Ship them correctly
Receive them correctly
Use proper practices to keep them disease
• Have detection methods in place
• Have a plan for therapy if needed
LATG Lecture Series
Historical Background
• In 1790’s, Edward Jenner observes that
milkmaids who had contracted cowpox
(vaccinia virus) were immune to smallpox
– In 1797, Jenner inoculates a boy with material
from a cowpox lesion, then intentionally infects
him with smallpox
– Luckily for the inoculated boy, Jenner’s reasoning
was correct and the boy was immune
Historical Background
• Why did Jenner’s technique work?
– Smallpox and vaccinia viruses are closely
related, allowing cross-protective immune
Historical Background
• In 1870’s , Louis Pasteur accidentally
discovers the concept of an attenuated
vaccine while studying fowl cholera
– Chickens infected with an old culture of
fowl cholera bacteria, Pasteurella
multocida, became sick but survived and
became immune to lethal challenge with
virulent bacteria
– Attenuation = loss of virulence
Historical Background
• Pasteur extended the attenuation
concept to other infectious diseases.
– Sheep vaccinated with heat-treated
anthrax bacillus were protected against
challenge with live anthrax
– Administers an attenuated rabies virus
vaccine to a boy who had been bitten by a
rabid dog.
The Immune System
• Immunity = ability to resist diseases caused
by foreign infectious (contagious) agents.
Bacteria (e.g. streptococcus, E. coli)
Viruses (e.g. influenza, HIV, polio)
Parasites (e.g. protozoan and helminthic)
Prions (e.g. “mad cow disease”, scrapie)
Fungi (crytococcus, candida)
• Some evidence for protection from
proliferative diseases caused by cancer cells
• Also involved with allergy, transplantation,
autoimmunity, immunodeficiency, etc.
Pathway to Infectious Disease
No Infection
No Disease
Pathway to Infectious Disease
• ExposureInfectionDiseaseDeath
• Host Immunity - operates at two basic levels to
restrict progression to disease and death. These
are termed innate and adaptive immunity.
• ExposureInfection (innate)
• ExposureInfectionDisease (adaptive)
• ExposureInfectionDiseaseDeath (adaptive)
Innate vs. Adaptive Immunity
• Innate
– “nonspecific” and nonadaptive
– Basic resistance mechanisms that an individual is
born with (requires no prior experience)
– First line of defense against invading pathogens
– Acts within minutes to hours
– Broadly recognizes certain features shared by
various classes of microorganisms
• bacterial cell walls
• double-stranded RNA of some viruses
Innate vs. Adaptive Immunity
• Adaptive
– Specifically recognize and selectively eliminate
invading pathogens
– Requires several days to a week for optimal
induction the first time a pathogen is encountered
(sometimes not fast enough!)
– Backs-up the innate response against specific
infectious agents, parasitic infections and
neoplastic (cancer) transformations.
– Mediated by lymphocytes (B and T cells) and
antigen presenting cells (macrophages, dendritic
cells and B cells)
The Innate Immune Response
• Anatomic (External) Barriers
– Skin (mechanical barrier)
– Mucous membranes (normal flora competes;
mucus traps microorganisms and cilia propels
them out of the body)
• Physiological Barriers
– Temperature (e.g. fever)
– Low pH of stomach, skin
– Chemical mediators (lysozyme, interferons,
complement, fatty acids)
– Species specific physiological differences
The Innate Immune Response
• Phagocytic Barriers
– Phagocytic cells such as macrophages ,
neutrophils, Natural Killer cells engulf and destroy
• Inflammatory Barriers
– Vasodilation, increased vascular permeability
– Production of inflammatory mediators such as Creactive protein, histamine, kinins
• Species, sex, nutrition, fatigue, age, and genetic
constitution are influencing factors.
The Adaptive Immune Response
• Specificity
– Capacity to distinguish among various
molecules (antigens) produced by pathogens
– Mediated by antigen recognition molecules antibodies, T cell receptor, MHC
• Diversity
– Capacity to react with an almost limitless
variety of antigens (>109 different antibodies
can be produced)
The Adaptive Immune Response
• Memory
– Ability to “remember” a previous encounter with an
– “Secondary” response is typically induced more
quickly and is considerably more vigorous than the
“primary” response
– Immunological memory can be exploited by
• Self/nonself recognition
– Ability to respond to and eliminate foreign antigens
without bringing harm to one’s own tissues
The Adaptive Immune Response
• Humoral immune response
– the production and secretion of soluble
antibody molecules that neutralize and/or
destroy infectious agents
• Cell-mediated immune response
– the generation of active lymphocytes that
work at close range to destroy infectious
agents, parasites or other cells
Defense Cells of the
Adaptive Immune System
• B Lymphocytes (B Cells)
– Provide antibody-mediated immunity
– Originate in the bone marrow in higher
vertebrates and the bursa of Fabricius in
– Develop into plasma cells that produce and
secrete antibody
Defense Cells of the
Adaptive Immune System
• T Lymphocytes (T Cells)
– Develop in the thymus
– Provide cell-mediated immunity
– Serve as helper or regulator cells to B cells
– Release lymphokines or cytokines that activate
• Macrophages
– Attack and destroy viral-infected cells and cancer
– inhibit certain white blood cells from migrating
away from areas in which they are needed
Defense Cells of the
Adaptive Immune System
• Lymphocytes circulate from the
bloodstream through the spleen, the
lymph nodes, the thoracic duct and
back into the bloodstream.
Organs of the Immune System
• Primary Lymphoid Organs
– Thymus
– Bone Marrow
• Secondary or Peripheral Lymphoid Organs
– Lymph Nodes (tissue)
– Spleen (blood)
– Gut-associated lymphoid tissue (Peyer’s patches)
– Tonsils
Antigen Processing for the
Adaptive Immune Response
• Recognition
– self or nonself
– requires interactions between a signal molecule
and a receptor molecule
• Processing
– transmission of the received signal from the
receptor to other molecules and cells
– mediated by cytokines
• Response
Antigen Processing for the
Adaptive Immune Response
• Response
– Organism responds with active immunity against
nonself antigens
– Humoral and/or cellular immunity depends on:
• antigen’s chemical structure
• living or dead organism
• concentration
• route of inoculation
– Second response to the same antigen is quicker
and stronger than the first (Anamnestic Response)
Humoral Immune Response
• Antibodies (Abs)
– Also known as Immunoglobulins (Ig)
– Produced by B lymphocytes
– May be membrane bound or found in
serum, the fluid portion of blood
– Bind to specific sites on antigens or
infectious organisms
– IgA, IgM, IgG, IgE, IgD
Humoral Immune Response
• Antibodies
– Symmetrical molecule, 2 heavy and 2 light
– Composed of polypeptides (protein) and
– Antigen combining or binding site reacts
with antigen
– Antibodies + Complement - lyse (cause to
break apart) bacteria and infected cells
• IgG
– Most abundant serum Ab
– Only Ig that crosses placenta, conferring
immunity to the fetus
– Also transferred in the colostrum (first milk)
after birth
– Associated with secondary anamnestic
• IgM
– Second most abundant Ig
– First Ig produced by fetus
– First produced in primary immune
response to an antigen
– IgM titer (concentration) drops as IgG rises
– May be on membrane of B cells
• IgA
– Found in mucus secretions of the
intestines, lungs, nose and urogenital tract
– Also found in tears, bile, saliva and milk
– Helps protect body surfaces from invasion
by bacteria and viruses
– Common Mucosal Immune System
• IgE
– Found in very low concentrations
– Levels increase during parasitic infections and
other allergic reactions
– Attaches to mast cells and basophils which
release chemicals like histamine that produce
inflammation and cause tissue damage
– Over response with IgE associated with
hypersensitivity reactions such as hay fever, food
and skin sensitivities, other allergies and asthma
• IgD
– Not much known
– Sometimes found with IgM on membranes
of B cells
– may be involved in the recognition process
and in the activation of B cells
Humoral Immune Response
• Primary Immune Response
– Lag Phase
– Log Phase
– Plateau Phase
– Decline Phase
Humoral Immune Response
• Secondary or Anamnestic Immune Response
– Response to the same antigen is more
rapid and the antibody levels rise higher
and last longer than in Primary response
– Peaks 2-3 weeks later
– Gradual decline over weeks or months
– Additional boosters result in stronger
anamnestic responses
Cell-mediated Immune Response
• Mediated by long-lived T cells
originating in the thymus
• T cells stimulated by an antigen divide
into memory cells and killer cells
(cytotoxic T lymphocytes, CTL’s)
• Lymphocyte blastogenesis - the
production of new lymphocytes
Types of Immunization
• Passive Immunization
– Transfer of Abs from an immune animal to
a nonimmune animal
– Develops immediately after transfer
– Temporary immunity, Ab degrades over
several weeks
– Examples - Abs in colostrum, Abs crossing
placenta, antiserum injections
Types of Immunization
• Active Acquired Immunity
– Produced by an animal in its own body in
response to exposure to a foreign antigen
– Develops slowly after exposure to antigen
– Longer, stronger protection than Passive
Immunization, especially with periodic reexposure
– Memory
Types of Immunization
• Vaccines
– Live, attenuated whole organism vaccines
stimulate the best immune response but have the
risk of disease transmission (oral polio, measles,
rabies, vaccinia)
– Dead organism vaccines are more stable in
storage, have no risk of disease and suppress
contaminating organisms
– Adjuvants mixed with vaccines enhance the
immune response by prolonging the presence of
antigen in the tissue
Transplantation of Organs
• Histocompatiblity of donor and recipient
determines success
• Identical twins and inbred animals
Diseases of the Immune System
• Autoimmune Disease
– An organism’s immune system mistakenly
recognizes self as nonself
– Immune response attacks its own tissues
– Autoimmune hemolytic anemia - red blood
cells destroyed leading to severe anemia
– Multiple Sclerosis - myelin sheath
protecting nerves
Diseases of the Immune System
• Immunodeficiency Disease
– Primary immunodeficiency disease
• innate error of metabolism or inherited genetic
• Athymic nude mouse - lack T cells
– Secondary immunodeficiency disease
• more common than primary immunodeficiency
• Caused by infectious disease, cancer, aging,
poor nutrition, immune suppressing drugs
Diseases of the Immune System
• Chronic Immune Complex Disease
– Chronic infections produce a prolonged
elevation of soluble antigens in the blood
– Immune complex formed between antigen
and bound antibody and deposited in
tissues, particularly the kidneys (immune
complex glomerulonephritis)