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Chapter 20
What you need to know!
• The terminology of biotechnology
• The steps in gene cloning with special
attention to the biotechnology tools that
make cloning possible
• Clones are genetically identical organisms
• Natural Clones are:
– Bacteria that underwent binary fission
– Organisms that reproduce through asexual
– Identical twins
• Artificial clones are organisms produced
from the DNA of a somatic cell (skin cells,
udder cells, etc.)
In-Vitro Fertilization
• Simulated to create clones
1. Estrogen overdose leads to multiple
2. Eggs are harvested
3. Eggs are exposed to sperm in a
4. Fertilized zygotes begin cellular
5. Implant multiple zygotes into
hormonally prepared uterus
Embryo Splitting
• Artificial identical twins
Nuclear Transfer
1. Take egg cell and remove the
nucleus with a microscopic
2. Insert a nucleus from a somatic
cell into the modified egg cell
3. Hormonal treatment induces the
egg cell to start dividing
4. Transplant into a surrogate
mother for further development
Nuclear Transfer
Cloning Today
• Scientific study
– Dolly the sheep
• Food
– Beef, vegetables
• Clone-A-Pet-Services
– Clone lost pets
– $30,000 - $50,000