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Genetic Technology
Chapter 13
Fold your paper so both sides meet in the middle.
Cut 3 flaps on each side for a total of 6 flaps.
Do this with 2 sheets of paper.
Label the sides of one paper: inbreeding, Clone,
genetic engineering, plasmid, recombinant DNA,
restriction enzyme.
• Label the side of the other paper: transgenic
organism, vector, gene therapy, human genome,
• Under the flap for inbreeding type the
following definition and give an example
• Mating closely related individuals to ensure
they are homozygous for most traits
• Can be bad because it may bring out harmful
recessive traits
• Example: Pure bred Dogs
• Write the following definition under the flap
and give examples
• Genetically identical copy of an organism
• Used in Bacteria to make insulin, also used in
Genetic Engineering
• Under the genetic engineering flap write the
following definitions and examples
• Method of cutting DNA from one organism
and inserting the DNA fragments into a host
organism of the same or different species.
• Scientist use Ecoli bacteria to make expensive
Die for blue Jeans
• Under the plasmid flap write the following
definition and sketch the following picture.
• A small round band of DNA found in bacterial
cells that is used as a biological vector (carrier)
Recombinant DNA
• Under the flap write the following definition
and examples
• DNA made by recombining (connecting)
fragments of DNA from different sources.
• Example combining the DNA for the protein
that makes blood clot and putting it into
sheep DNA to make massive amounts of the
clotting factor
Restriction Enzyme
• Under the flap for restriction enzyme write
the following definition and examples
• A DNA cutting enzyme that can cut bothe
strand of a DNA molecule at a specific
nucleotides site.
• When making Recombinant DNA the enzyme
separates the DNA at the right spot so it can
be connected to the foreign DNA
Foldable 2
Transgenic organism
• Write the following definition and example
• Organism that contains DNA from 2 different
• Ex
• Bacteria that have had human DNA put into
them to make human insulin for Diabetics
• Plants that have had DNA from other species
in them to prevent rotting or make them
bigger and more desirable.
• Write the following definition and examples
under the flap;
• Means by which DNA from another species
can be carried into the host cell. May be
biological (living organism) or Mechanical
(machine in the lab)
• Viruses and bacteria
Gene therapy
• Under the flap write the following definition
and examples
• Insertion of normal genes into a human cell to
correct genetic disorders
• Used to treat: Cystic fibrosis, sickle-cell
anemia and hemophilia
Human Genome
• Under the Human Genome flap write the
following definition and examples
• Map of the thousands of genes on 46 human
chromosomes that when mapped and
sequenced may provide information on the
treatment and cure of genetic disorders
• There are approximately 35,000 to 40,000
genes on the 46 human chromosomes
• Under the PCR flap write the following
definition and examples.
• Polymerase chain reaction
• A machine that makes millions of copies of
DNA in a day.
• Used to analyze DNA in crime investigations
and in the diagnosis of diseases
Applications of DNA technology
• On the last flap title it application of DNA
• Under the flap write the following examples:
• Develop corn that contains as much protein as
beef, make insulin and human growth
hormone, increase vitamins in crops, make
plants produce toxins that make them
resistant to bacteria and insects