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DNA Fingerprinting
Steps to DNA
Fingerprinting (Profiling)
is extracted from sample
(skin, blood, etc.)
 DNA is “cut” with restriction
enzymes to make different
length pieces (restriction
fragment length
polymorphisms – rflps)
 fragments
are then
separated using gel
 Electrophoresis Simulation
 The
gel is stained or Xrays
taken, producing an
obvious band of
fragments resembling bar
codes on products
DNA fingerprints can be
used to...
 diagnose
disorders and identify
 analyze
evidence at crime
scenes (some placed in
CODIS-Combined DNA
Index System)
 evidence of paternity
 personal identity
Measure the Agar
Dissolve the Powder
and Heat
Casting the Tray
Loading the Wells
X-raying the Gel
Finished X-Ray of Gel
Complete the Gel
Electrophoresis Virtual Lab!
Recombinant DNA (rDNA)
from two organisms
are combined
 gene from one organism is
spliced into another one
Uses of Recombinant
 manufacture
of insulin
manufacture of Factor VIII
 manufacture of HGH
(human growth hormone)
for dissolving blood
clots (for patients that have
had heart attacks)
 vaccines such as for
hepatitis B and Gardasil (the
genes for virus proteins are
inserted into yeast)
 medication
that stimulates
growth of bone marrow after
a bone marrow transplant
 anti-cancer medications
 GM
(genetically modified)
food crops
In 2006, a total of 252 million
acres of transgenic crops
were planted in 22 countries
by 10.3 million farmers!
 most
GM food crops are
insect-resistant, droughtresistant, etc.
 some GM foods are
engineered to have
increased levels of vitamins,
such as golden rice
Are you eating GM foods?
More than 60% of food products
on grocery shelves contain
some crop that has been
genetically modified!
 For example, 81% of the
soybean products are GM
 60% of canola products are from
GM canola plants
Are you wearing GM plant
 71%
of the cotton used in
textiles is GM
 (cottonseed oil can also be
found in salad dressing,
peanut butter, crackers,
cookies, and other foods)
How do you find out about the
government’s regulations on GM
Get information from the
government’s web site at
 genetically
bacteria to clean oil spills
 larger amounts of ethanol
for fuel (biofuel)
 transgenic
animals in the
future could be used for
organ transplantation
Complete the Bacterial
Transformation Virtual Lab!!
 Organisms
with identical
DNA are clones
 Identical twins are clones
 Plants produced by “rooting”
are clones
 Some
animals are cloned
when they are damaged and
divided, such as earthworms
or starfish
 We have cloned some
animals are artificial means
Who Was Dolly?
In 1997, British scientists
successfully cloned a sheep by
transferring the nucleus from the cell
of an adult sheep into the cytoplasm
of an eunucleated fertilized egg. The
egg was then transplanted into the
uterus of a surrogate mother where
it developed like a normal zygote
into a lamb, which grew into a
normal adult sheep called 'Dolly'
Nuclear Transfer
Benefits of Cloning
Survival of endangered species
a gaur is an
endangered animal
in Asia and has
been successfully
Maintenance of high quality livestock for
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, in
2008, concluded that “edible products
from normal, healthy clones or their
progeny do not appear to pose increased
food consumption risks relative to
comparable products from conventional
importance –
cloning favorite pets is
 Economical
Cc (Carbon Copy)
 Genetics
Savings and
Clone was a company that
cloned pets for $50,000
 Without many customers,
the company closed
Statement issued 4/2/09 by the
BioTechnology Industry Organization
“The biotechnology industry has
developed and commercialized
more than 300 drugs and
diagnostics that are helping more
than 325 million people worldwide
and another 400 or so products are
in the pipeline.”
The Human Genome
Project goals were to
 identify all the approximately
20,000-25,000 genes in human
 determine the sequences of the
3 billion chemical base pairs that
make up human DNA
 store
this information in
 improve tools for data analysis
 address the ethical, legal, and
social issues that may arise
from the project
Francis Collins from
the publicly-funded
Human Genome
Project and J. Craig
Venter, head of the
private company Celera
Genomics, jointly
announce a working
draft of the human
Gene Therapy
 Inserting
foreign genes into a
person to correct a defect
 Can be used to kill cancer
 Potential
cures for genetic
disorders such as hemophilia
 Or
In 1990, Ashanti
de Silva was the
first person to be
cured with gene
therapy; cured of
ADA deficiency (an
immune system
Undifferentiated cells that have
the genes to become any type of
cell of that organism
 Primarily found in embryos, but
can also be found in adults,
such as stem cells in the bone
marrow that divide to make all
blood cells
If cells can be induced to
differentiate into a specific type
of cell, they can be used to
repair damage, such as people
with permanent spinal cord
injuries or potentially treat
 Artificially
selecting and
breeding organisms with a
desired trait
 Most domesticated animals
and crops are selectively
Hybridization is a type of selective
breeding often used in plants
Hybrids are made by breeding
organisms that show strong selection
for two different traits to produce
offspring that produce both traits
Offspring are often hardier than the
parents; called hybrid vigor