Download Unit D Key Terms D54-Investigating Human Traits

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Unit D Key Terms
D54-Investigating Human
 Characteristic-observable feature of an
D54-Investigating Human
 Gene-units of information for inherited
traits that are passed from parent to
D54-Investigating Human
 Genetics-study of variation and heredity
D54-Investigating Human
 Heredity-study of how traits are passed
from parents to offspring
D54-Investigating Human
 Inherited-something that is passed from
parents to children
D54-Investigating Human
 Trait-different versions of a characteristic
D55-Plants Have Genes,
 Offspring-product of reproduction
 Asexual reproduction-reproduction in
which an organism makes an exact copy
of itself; results in two genetically
identical offspring from ONE parent
 Clone-an offspring produced by asexual
reproduction; a genetic copy of another
 Egg cell-female reproductive cell
 Fertilization-the union of sperm and egg
 Mutation-random change in a gene
 Sexual reproduction-reproduction in
which the offspring inherits traits from
TWO parents; results in genetically
unique offspring
 Sperm cell-male reproductive cell
D59-Gene Combo
 Allele-version of a gene
D59-Gene Combo
 Dominant-a trait you observe if at least
one allele for that trait is present
D59-Gene Combo
 Probability-the chance of an event
D59-Gene Combo
 Random-occurring without a pattern
D59-Gene Combo
 Recessive-trait that is “hidden”
D61-Gene Squares
 Carrier-person who is heterozygous for a
recessive trait (normally a genetic
D61-Gene Squares
 Homozygous-an organism that has two
of the same allele for a characteristic
D61-Gene Squares
 Heterozygous-an organism that has two
different alleles for a characteristic
D61-Gene Squares
 Punnett square-a diagram you can use to
show how likely each outcome of a
breeding experiment is
D63-Show Me The Genes!
 Chromosome-threadlike structure made
up of genes
D63-Show Me The Genes!
 Cell division-process in which cells divide
to make more cells
D63-Show Me The Genes!
 DNA-deoxyribonucleic acid; molecule
that contains the information carried by
D64-Nature and Nuture
 Nature vs. nuture-heredity vs.
environment; traits someone is born with
vs. traits someone acquires as a result of
D65-Breeding Critters—
More Traits
 Diversity-variety
D66-Patterns in Pedigrees
 Co-dominance-results in both traits being
fully present in a heterozygous organism
D66-Patterns in Pedigrees
 Incomplete dominance-results in an
intermediate appearance in a
heterozygous organism
D66-Patterns in Pedigrees
 Pedigree-family history of traits used for
genetic analysis
D69-Evidence From DNA
 DNA fingerprinting-using DNA to identify
D71-Should We?
 Duties-something you are expected or
required to do
D71-Should We?
 Goals-an aim or purpose
D71-Should We?
 Rights-something that is due to a person
because of law, tradition, or nature