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IB404 - Caenorhabditis elegans 2 - Feb 13
C. briggsae is ~20 Myr divergent, yet almost identical morphologically,
but their genomes have changed a lot. While most genes are still present
as simple single gene orthologs, almost a third of genes have been
duplicated in one or the other genome, or both, while 10% are so
divergent they cannot be clearly related between the two species!
C. elegans
More rapidly evolving
gene families, like the
large families of 7TM
candidate chemoreceptors
I studied, commonly show
expansions. Most
chemoreceptors are
orthologs in this
comparison, but
paralogous expansions are
evident (C. briggsae
genes are highlighted in
blue), and usually in
tandem array (bottom).
Gene losses are also clear.
Comparison of
one chromosome
A. Synteny blocks - only
broken near the ends.
B. Genes/100kb - fairly
uniform, except ends.
C. Orthologs/genes/100kb
- divergent genes at ends
D. “Orphans” without
cross-species matches,
again mostly at ends.
E. Genes mutatable or
RNAi knockdownable to
lethals - most in middle.
F. Repetitive elements and
transposons/100kb - most
at ends.
G. Ka/Ks of ortholog
pairs /100kb - rapidly
evolving genes at ends.
H. Ks of ortholog pairs
/100kb, suggesting that
mutation rates are actually
faster at the ends!
Rapid genome change but physical conservation in nematodes over
20 Myr. How does this comparison rate against insects and mammals?
Humans and mice have undergone much more morphological evolution
since they parted 85 million years ago, but have more stable genomes.
Flies and mosquitoes, separated by 250 million years, have an
intermediate rate of change. The units on the y-axis are rates relative to
the human–mouse divergence rates (which are set at 1). Stars represent
the rate of loss and gain of introns; squares, the rate of genome reorganization like inversions and translocations; hexagons, the number of
blocks of genes whose order is conserved; circles, the rate of silent basepair changes (except the fly–mosquito pair which are too divergent).
So these nematodes are far more rapidly evolving at the molecular level,
and this is a general story. The rate of molecular evolution rises with
shorter generation times, consistent with most mutations occurring
during DNA replication, and hence accumulating neutrally. Indeed, most
intergenic regions and introns cannot be confidently aligned between
these two nematodes in the same genus!
Today at least 10 nematode genomes are available, including four from
the genus Caenorhabditis, plus others like Brugia malaya (cause of river
blindness transmitted by mosquitoes). The overall picture is an extension
of the above comparison, but some novel findings:
1. There are few, if any, reciprocal translocations between chromosomes,
unlike yeasts (and mammals), but like Drosophila flies. No idea why!
2. What regions of introns can be aligned, and are hence somewhat
conserved, are implicated in regulation of alternative splicing, that is,
determining which alternative splice sites will be utilized. Specifically a
UCUAUC sequence was identified that was later shown to be bound by
the ortholog of a human RNA-splicing factor, and regulates alternative
splicing of multiple genes, although how it is all coordinated is unclear.
Unfortunately, no closer relatives of C. elegans have been discovered,
nevertheless, even 4-way comparisons have proven useful for study of
regulatory regions (like the yeast example, and later flies and mammals),
but not yet other conserved features of genomes (mammals later).
As an example, this is “phylogenetic footprinting” of the upstream
promoter region for the lin-11 gene, which encodes a homeoboxcontaining transcription factor (TF) that regulates formation of the vulva,
several neurons, and some uterine cells. Dots indicate identity between
elegans (top), and briggsae, remanei, and brenneri. The boxes indicate
the locations of enhancers bound by four TFs.
In November 2011 a remarkable new study was published, showing that
Caenorhabditis nematodes are not “soil” nematodes, as previously
thought, but rather “fruit worms”, a joke on “fruit flies” for Drosophila.
They found that
most naturally
occur in rotting
flowers and
fruits, much like
Drosophila flies.
By sampling
hundreds of such
habitats they
discovered 16
new species (38
total). Here are
some of their
Species were differentiated by mating tests, and a
few minor morphological differences. This molecular
phylogeny is based on six genes. Most are not
named yet, but one of the earlier discovered species
has been named for Sydney Brenner.
The level of molecular divergence between
these species and groups is roughly
comparable to that between the various
Drosophila species we will see later.
But sadly, none of these are
closer to C. elegans than
are briggsae, remanei, and
brenneri, the sequenced
species. With the current
ease of genome sequencing
they will surely all soon be
The morphological differences are primarily in the features of the male
tail, which contains both extensive chemical sensory organs, plus the
genitalia, and varies the most, much as male insect genitalia are
commonly used for species identification.
There are good
for the two supergroupings, but
also some
Spiral mating
(bottom right) has
evolved uniquely
in the angaria
group within the
Species status? They
collected many strains
of most of these
species. Sequencing
of the ITS2 (internal
transcribed spacer 2
between the 5.8S and
28S rRNA genes)
shows that there is
relatively little genetic
divergence within these
species, except remanei
and sp8, so this
provides an easy ID.
This is a form of “DNA bar coding”,
which usually employs a region of
the mitochondrial cytochrome
oxidase 1 (CO1) gene.
Distribution. C. elegans and briggsae were known to be cosmopolitan,
reminiscent of D. melanogaster and simulans, while others amongst
these new ones are temperate or tropical, and a few are regional, eg. sp5
in China.
Others are
on particular
much like
D. sechellia,
and there is
even one
living on
carrion and
another in
cow’s ears.
Finally, they note that this is still probably the tip of the iceberg, with just
38 species described to date, so this genus might rival Drosophila for
numbers of species (~2000, but ~800 in Hawaii alone).