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Basic Principles of Heredity
Packet #18
Vocabulary Word Introduction
• Heredity
▫ Transmission of genetic information from parent
to offspring
• Genetics
▫ The science of heredity
 Studies both genetic similarities and genetic
Vocabulary II
• Genes
– Located on the chromosome
– Composed of DNA
• Locus
– The location of a gene on the chromosome
• Allele
– Different form, of a particular gene, that is located
at a specific locus on a specific chromosome
• Allele is used when investigation two or more forms
of a particular gene
Mendel’s Laws
• When Mendel carried out his research, the
processes of mitosis and meiosis had not yet
been discovered.
• Principle of Segregation
– During meiosis, the alleles for each locus, separate
from each other
– When haploid gametes are formed, each contain
only one allele for each locus
– Segregation of alleles is a direct result of
homologous chromosomes separating during
Mendel’s Laws
• Principle of Independent Assortment
– The random distribution of alleles, of different loci,
into gametes
– Results in recombination
• The presence of new gene combinations not present in
the parental (P) generation.
– Independent assortment occurs because there are two
ways in which two pairs of homologous chromosomes
can be arranged at metaphase I of meiosis.
• The orientation of homologous chromosomes on the
metaphase plate determines the way chromosomes are
distributed into haploid cells.
Mendel’s Laws
Mendel’s Laws
Mendel’s Law
Law of Independent Assortment
Vocabulary III
• Dominant Allele
▫ May mask the expression of the other allele
known as the recessive allele
 There must be two alleles present
• Recessive Allele
▫ May only be expressed when paired with another
recessive allele
Homozygous vs. Hetereozygous
• Homozygous Dominant
▫ Two identical alleles that are in a dominant state
• Homozygous Recessive
▫ Two identical alleles that are in a recessive state
• Hetereozygous
▫ Two different alleles
 One dominant
 One recessive
Genotype vs. Phenotype
• Genotype
▫ Composition of a specific region of DNA, in an
individuals genome, that varies within a
▫ The allele composition found within a cell
 Allows the expression of the phenotype
• Phenotype
▫ The physical effect of a particular genotype.
Genotype vs. Phenotype
Punnett Square
• Punnett Square
▫ A diagram used
in the study of
▫ Shows the result
of random
fertilization in
genetic crosses.
Solving Genetics Problems
Test/Monohybrid/Dihybrid Cross
• Monohybrid Cross
– A cross, between parents (P generation), involving ONE allele
• Test Cross
– A cross between individuals of an unknown genotype and a
homozygous recessive individual
• Still involving ONE allele
• Dihybrid Cross
– A cross, between parents (P generation), involving TWO alleles.
• The first generation of offspring
– F1 generation
• First filial
• The second generation of offspring
– F2 generation
• Second filial
Punnett Square
• Example #1
▫ Sex determination
• Sex is determined by sex
▫ X&Y
• The Y chromosome determines
male sex in most species of
▫ The Y chromosome contains
the SRY gene
 Sex reversal on Y gene
Punnett Square
• Example #2
▫ Monohybrid cross
Punnett Square
• Example #3
▫ Test Cross
Punnett Square
• Example #4
▫ Dihybrid cross
Blood Groups
Multiple Alleles
• Three, or more alleles, can potentially occupy a
particular locus.
▫ A diploid individual any two of the three alleles
▫ A haploid individual, or gamete, has only one
Blood Groups II
Rh Factor
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23, 2017
• Determines whether someone has positive or
negative blood
• A protein antigen that is on the surface of blood
cells and if that antigen is present, the individual
is positive
– A+; B+; O+; AB+
• If the antigen is not present, then the individual
is negative
– A-; B-; O-; AB-
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Rh Factor II
• If an RH-negative mother is exposed to blood
from an Rh-positive fetus, the mother’s blood
will produce antibodies that will attack the blood
of the fetus--potentially killing the unborn child.
• This is why, blood types should be determined
before having children
• If, the male and female are negative, and
positive, the mother must receive medication to
prevent her immune system from attacking the
Punnett Square
• Example #5
▫ Blood Type Cross
 We WILL NOT be doing Punnett Squares involving
the Rhesus factor.
Incomplete Dominance
• Occurs when hybrids have an appearance
between the phenotypes of the parental varieties.
▫ The hetereozygote is intermediate in phenotype
▫ Example
 The color between red and white
 Pink
Incomplete Dominance
Incomplete Dominance
Punnett Square
• Example
▫ Incomplete Dominance
• Situation in which the phenotypes of both alleles
are exhibited in a heterozygote
▫ Hetereozygote simultaneously expresses the
phenotypes of both parents.
• Example
▫ Red Flower crossed with a White Flower
 The child will display flowers with red and white
 Both alleles are exhibited
Punnett Square
• Example #
▫ Codominance
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• Epistatis occurs when one gene alters the
expression of another gene
▫ The genes are independent of each other
• Each chromosome behaves genetically as if it
consisted of genes arranged in a linear order
• Linkage is the tendency for a group of genes, on the
same chromosome, to be inherited together via
crossing over
• Therefore, groups of genes on the same
chromosome are linked genes.
– Independent assortment does not apply if two loci are
linked close together on the same pair of homologous
• Normally, they are passed on together.
– However, recombination of linked genes can result from
crossing-over during Prophase I of Meiosis I
Linked vs. Unlinked
• Recombination of unlinked genes = Independent
Assortment of chromosomes
• Recombination of Linked genes = Crossing Over
Linkage II
• Measuring the frequency of
recombination between linked
genes may provide an
opportunity to construct a
linkage map of a chromosome.
Distinguishing Between Independent
Assortment and Linkage(Linked Genes)
• Perform a two-point test cross
▫ One individual must be hetereozygous for the
linked genes
▫ One individual must be homozygous recessive for
the both characteristics
• Linkage is recognized when there is an excess of
parental type offspring (majority) and a
deficiency of recombinant type offspring are
produced in the two-point cross.
Two Point Cross
• Parent #1
▫ BbVv
 Grey with normal wings
• Parent #2
▫ bbvv
 Black with vestigial wings
Linked Genes
Two-Point Cross
• Calculations
– Parental Genotypes
Expec 575
Actua 965
• 965 (42%) +944 (41%) =
• 1909/2300 = 83%
– Recombinant Genotypes
• 206 (9%)+185 (8%) = 391
• 391/2300 = 17%
– If independent assortment
was to occur, the percentages
would be 25% a piece.
– The recombinants arose
because of crossing over
Gene Mapping
• By measuring the
frequency of
recombination between
linked genes, it is
possible to construct a
linkage map of a
▫ This is how scientists were
able to develop a detailed
genetic map of Neurospora
(fungus), fruit fly, the
mouse, yeast and many
plants that are particularly
important as crops
Sex-Linked Genetics
• Sex is determined by sex chromosomes
– X and Y
• XX = female
• XY = male
• The X chromosome contains many important
genes that are unrelated to sex determination
– These genes are required for both males and
• A male receives ALL of his X-linked genes from his
mother while a female receives her X-linked genes
from both parents.
Sex-Linked Genetics
Female Mammals
• Display Dosage Compensation
– In females, only one of the two chromosomes is
expressed in each cell
– Equalizes the expression of x-linked genes for both
• The other allele is inactive
• Seen as a dark-staining Barr body at the edge of the
interphase nucleus.
– A random event that occurs in each somatic cells
• A female that is hetereozygous expresses one of the alleles
in about half her cells and the other allele in the other half
Dosage Compensation II
• Mice and cats have several alleles that code for
coat color on the x-chromosome.
▫ Females that are hetereozygous for such genes
may show patches of one color in the middle areas
of the other color.
 Variegation
 Not always visible in other circumstances
 May require special techniques
Dosage Compensation
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23, 2017
X-Linked Recessive Disorder
• Males will show this trait if they have the recessive
allele on the X chromosome
– Considered as hemizygous for the trait
• Females will show this trait if they have the
recessive allele on both X chromosomes
– Homozygous recessive
• Hemophilia
– Inability to have clotting of blood
– xh
• Color blindness
– xc
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X-Linked Dominant Disorder
• Baldness
▫ XBXb
 This female will not go bald due to lack of
 This individual will start to lose her hair in the future
• The ability of one gene to have several effects on
different characteristics.
▫ Normally, can be traced to a single cause
 Defective enzyme
Disorders caused by some form of alteration (mutation) on an
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Autosomal Disorders
Huntington Disease
• Caused by a rare autosomal dominant allele that affects
the nervous system
▫ Gene found at one end of chromosome #4
• No symptoms appear until 30’s and 40’s
• Symptoms
▫ Uncontrollable muscle spasms
 Degeneration of the nervous system
▫ Personality changes
• Ultimately fatal 10-20 years after onset of symptoms
• No effective treatment has been found
• Problem with symptoms appearing in the 30’s and 40’s
▫ These individuals have children of their own before the disease
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23, 2017
Autosomal Disorders
Sickle Cell Anemia
• Caused by a change in polypeptides found in hemoglobin
– Hemoglobin is the protein that carries oxygen in red blood
– The recessive allele causes the change in the polypeptide
• Individuals that are hetereozygous display co-dominance
– Both alleles are expressed
– Individuals are partially resistant to malaria
• Caused by Plasmodium, a protist (protozoan), carried by the
Anepheles mosquito
• Mild Symptoms
Fatigue (feeling tired)
Jaundice (Yellowing of the skin and eyes)
Shortness of breath
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23, 2017
Sickle Cell Anemia
Autosomal Disorders
Phenylketonuria (PKU)
• Autosomal recessive disorder
• Lack enzyme that converts amino acid
phenylalanine to another amino acid
▫ Tyrosine
• The excess phenyalanine is converted to toxic
▫ Damages the developing nervous system
• Can be screened for early in life and lifestyle
changes made to prevent severe symptoms
that result in mental retardation
Autosomal Disorders
Cystic Fibrosis
• Autosomal recessive disorder
• Gene responsible for the disorder codes for a
protein that transports chloride ions across
cell membranes
• Defective protein, found in the epithelial cells
lining the passageways of lungs, intestines,
pancreas, liver, sweat glands ad reproductive
organs result in the production of a thick
• Leads to tissue damage
• What are some treatments available?
Autosomal Disorders
Tay-Sachs Disease
• Autosomal recessive disorder
• Caused by abnormal lipid metabolism in the
• Results in blindness and severe mental
• Symptoms begin in the first year and
normally result in death before the age of 5
• Lack of enzyme results in the inability to
break down a lipid in the brain
• Lipids build in the lysosomes
• Lysosomes swell and burst causing the nerve
cells to malfunction
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• Degree of repetition of the basic number of
• Diploidy
▫ Chromosomes repeat 2X
 Remember, in humans, you have one copy of a
chromosome from the maternal father and one from
the maternal mother
• “True” ploidy
▫ Having 2 copies of each chromosome
• Definition
▫ The presence of multiple sets of chromosomes
• Common in plants but rare in animals
• Normally lethal in humans
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• Either missing, or having, extra copies of certain
• Trisomy
▫ Indicates the individual has an extra chromosome
• Monosomy
▫ Indicates that one member of a pair of
chromosomes is missing
• Causes trisomy or monosomy
• Causes
▫ Homologous pairs fail to
 During Anaphase I of
Meiosis I
▫ Sister chromatids fail to
 During Anaphase II of
Meiosis II
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Sex Chromosome Aneuploidy
Turner Syndrome
• 2n - 1
▫ 45 XO karyotype
 44 autosomes + 1 X chromosome
 There is the absence of a sex chromosome
▫ No Barr bodies
• Female in appearance but their female sex organs do not
develop at puberty and they are sterile
▫ Ovaries degenerate in late embryonic life
• Short in stature
• Shows normal intelligence but some cognitive functions
are defective
• There are no Barr bodies
▫ Due to the lack of the other X chromosome
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Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
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Sex Chromosome Aneuploidy
Klinefelter Syndrome
• 2n + 1
▫ 47 XXY karyotype
 44 autosomes + 3 sex chromosomes
 There is an extra X chromosome
▫ One Barr body per cell
• Male in appearance and they too are sterile
▫ Male with slowly degenerating testes
• Female type pubic hair pattern
• May have breast development
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Tuesday, May
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Turner Syndrome vs. Klinefelter
Klienfelter Syndrome
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23, 2017
Sex Chromosome Aneuploidy
XYY karyotype
Males that are usually fertile
Some are unusually tall with heavy acne
Others may have some mental disabilities
Predisposition to be more violent in behavior
Gametes never YY or XY--meiosis is normal
After age of 35, extra Y chromosome often
degenerates and is not passed onto offspring
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23, 2017
Sex Chromosome Aneuploidy
XXX karyotype
• Fertile females
• May be some mental disabilities
▫ Rare
• Eggs will produce only X after meiosis--not XX
Autosomal Aneuploidy
Down Syndrome
Trisomy 21
• Caused by an extra copy of chromosome #21
▫ There are three copies of chromosome #21 in their
somatic cells
0.15 percent of all live births
Growth failure and mental retardation
Big toes widely spaced
Congenital heart disease
Mean life expectancy is about 17 years and only
8 % survive past age 40
Trisomy 21
Autosomal Aneuploidy
Patau Syndrone
Trisomy 13
• Multiple defects
• Death is typical by the age of 3
Autosomal Aneuploidy
Edward’s Syndrone
Trisomy 18
Ear deformities
Heart defects
Spasticity and other damage
Death is typical by the age of 1
▫ Some may survive longer
Abnormalities in Chromosome
• The changes in the shape of the chromosome
may be due to either of the following
▫ Translocation
▫ Deletions
▫ Fragile sites
• A chromosome
fragment breaking off
and attaching to a nonhomologous
▫ Reciporcal translocation
 Two non-homologous pairs
exchange genetic
• Can result in deletion
and/or duplication of
Translocation Down Syndrome
• 4% of Down Syndrome cases
• Individuals actually have 46 chromosomes
• One of copies of chromosome #14 has combined
with chromosome #21
▫ The large arm of chromosome #21 has been
translocated to the large arm of another chromosome-usually chromosome #14
• The loss of part of a chromosome
• The abnormal chromosome is known as a
• Sometimes chromosomes break and fail to rejoin
Cri du Chat Syndrome
• Part of the short arm of chromosome #5 is
▫ Breakage point varies from case to case
• Infants normally have a small head with altered
▫ Moon face
• Infants have a distinctive cry that sounds like a
cat mewing
• Infants normally survive childhood
• Exhibit severe mental retardation
Fragile Sites
• Weak points at specific locations in chromatids
• Appears to be a place where part of a chromatid
appears to be attached to the rest of the
chromosome by a thin thread of DNA
▫ Have been identified on the X chromosome and
certain autosomes
Fragile X Syndrome
• Fragile site occurs near the tip of the X
▫ Where nucleotide triplet CGG is repeated many more
times than normal
• Most common cause of mental retardation
Genetic Screening & Genetic
• Genetic Screening
▫ Identifies individuals who might carry a serious
genetic disease
 Screening of newborns is the first step in preventative medicine
• Genetic Counseling
▫ Provide couples, concerned about the risk of
abnormality in their children, medical and genetic
• Definition
▫ A family tree that shows the transmission of genetic
traits within a family over several generations.
• Pedigree Analysis
▫ Useful in detecting autosomal dominant mutations,
autosomal recessive mutations, X linked recessive
mutations and defects due to genomic imprinting
 Genomic Imprinting
 Expressions of a gene based on its parental origin
Pedigree Analysis
Pedigree Analysis
Chronic villus sampling (CVS)
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD)
Know how to discuss (argue for/against)
▫ Genetic discrimination
▫ The Human Genome Project