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AA and Proteins
Robert F. Waters, PhD
– Structural
– Enzymatic
Amino Acids
 Henderson-Hasselbach Equation
 Acidity and Alkalinity
 Gas exchange
Polypeptides with peptide bonds
– Peptide bonds
» Endergonic (Consume energy)
Need energy and do not occur spontaneously
Structural proteins
 Soluble proteins (Enzymes)
Protein Structure
Primary protein structure
– Sequence of amino acids
» Nomenclature: ala-glu-gly (N-terminus to C-terminus)
Secondary structure
– -helix and -sheet
Tertiary structure
– 3-dimensional folding
Quaternary structure
– Multiple subunits of tertiary structures
Protein Structure: Primary
Amino terminus
Carboxyl terminus
Protein Structure:Secondary
Protein Structure: Tertiary and
Forces That Stabilize Proteins
Ionic bond
Hydrogen bonding
Hydrophobic interactions
– Hydrocarbons in aqueous solution have force
association with adjacent hydrocarbons by
rearrangement of surrounding water molecules
Van der Waals interactions
– Weak electrostatic attractions
Denaturation of Proteins
Soluble Proteins Precipitate
Excessive vibrational energy (Microwaves)
Natural organic substances (e.g., urea)
Reducing agents
– e.g., Mercaptoethanol HS-CH2-CH2-OH
» Blocks disulfide bond formation
Post-Translational Denaturation
Associated with Golgi Apparatus
– Packaging
– Folding
 Pesticides
 Neurotoxins (snake venom)
Example of Precipitation by
Milk proteins (Two Main Types)
– Casein
» 1-casein, s2-casein, -casein, -casein, -lactalbumin,
– Whey (serum protein)
» Serum albumen, immunoglobulins, lactoferrin
Casein separated from whey by acidification to casein pI of 6.0.
– Like adding citrus to coffee with cream
» Serum (whey)proteins remain in solution while casein
– Casein with lipids forms micelles (opaqueness of milk)
Whey protein (hydrophilic) is used as protein addition to drinks,
Casein is an excellent emulsifier in the addition of flavoring agents
Vitamins and Minerals May Give
Color to Protein
When a vitamin or mineral gives a protein color is called a
FAD or FMN added to apoproteins to form flavoproteins
give a yellowish color
Iron with myoglobin in meat
– Ranges in color from brown to bright red
– White poultry meat has low myoglobin
– Dark meat has high myoglobin content
– Veal and pork have less myoglobin than beef
Myoglobin and hemoglobin without iron are colorless
Myoglobin and hemoglobin with iron are pink to red
Cooking meat dissociates heme to protein, iron and other
complexes and produces brown to tan color
Quantifying Protein in Solution
Based on absorption spectra of aromatic amino acids (~280nm)
– Tryptophan, tyrosine, phenylalanine
– Different proteins may vary in aromatic amino acids but absorption
spectra variation is still useful
Zymogen System
Series of enzyme activations for the
digestion of protein into amino acids
 Protection mechanism against autolysis of
endogenous proteins
 Begins mainly in the stomach and proceeds
to intestine
The Stomach:Overview
Stomach not a very absorptive organ but—
– Water, ETOH, short and medium chain FAs are
Gastric mucosa
– Chief cells, parietal cells and mucous cells
» Produce gastric juices called gastrins
Summary of Stomach Gastrins
Parietal Cells of Stomach
– Secrete HCL
» Denaturation, very little digestion
– Secrete Vitamin B12 intrinsic factor
Chief Cells of Stomach
– Secrete gastric lipase
– Secrete pepsinogens
» Activated to pepsin by HCL
» Activated to pepsin by sutolysis
Pepsin cleaves proteins into large oligopeptides (peptones)
Mucosa cells
– Secrete bicarbonate and mucus
Stomach Summary Cont:
Stimulation of gastric secretions (Gastrin)
Protein itself
Vagal stimulation
Calcium ions
Alkalination of the stomach
Gastrin stimulates –
– HCL production (parietal cells)
» HCL inhibits gastrin production
» NaCl necessary for HCL production
– Mucin (mucous cells)
– Pepsinogen production (chief cells)
» Activated by HCL to Pepsin
Proenzymes (zymogens) packaged as
zymogen granules in pancreas
Pancreatic zymogens are serine proteases
– Trypsin (less than proenzyme form)
– Chymotrypsin
– Elastase
Enteropeptidase Activation
Enteropeptidase produced in intestinal
brush border
– Activates trypsin from trypsinogen
» Some activation of trypsin by autolysis
» Trypsin activates chymotrypsinogen, elastase and
carboxypeptidase A and B (possibly some
Carboxypeptidases and Aminopeptidases
are called Exopeptidases
Graphic RepresentationEnteropeptidases and Cascading
Phosphorous Containing Nerve
Initial studies with acetylcholine esterase
Nerve gas DFP
– Diisopropylfluorophosphate
– Attacks serine hydroxyl groups in enzymes like
acteylcholine esterase AND serine proteases like
» Attacks serine 195 in chymotrypsin
DFP acts as a pseudo-substrate for the enzymes
DFP stops enzymatic reaction
Graphical Representation of DFP
Cysteine Proteases
Attack sulfhydryl group on cysteine in protein
Examples (mammals have similar proteases)
Papain (papaya)
Bromelain (pineapple)
Ficin (fig)
Actinidin (kiwi fruit)
Caricain, chymopapain, glycyl endopeptidase (from
latex portion of papaya tree)
Lysosomal Proteases
Active at lower lysosomal pH
– Cathepsin B (Most abundant)
» Endopeptidase and Exopeptidase
– Cathepsin H (Aminopeptidase)
– Cathepsin K (Abundant in bone resorbing osteoclasts
» Absence causes fragile small bones
– Cathepsin C (dipeptidyl peptidase)
» Removes N-terminus dipeptides activating intracellular
proteins and maybe other Cathepsins
Bleomycin hydrolase
– Bleomycin is an anti-cancer drug
– Bleomycin hydrolase breaks down bleomycin
» Unfortunately cancer cells have high amounts of this enzyme
causing drug resistance
– Papain-like activity that also binds to DNA?
Cysteinyl Aspartate-Specific
Proteases (Caspases)
Involved in programmed cell death
 Activation of Interleukins
– Caspase-1 (AKA: Interleukin-1-converting
Enzyme or ICE)
» Cleaves pro-interleukin-1 to form the active
Aspartate Proteases (Pepsin-Like)
Example is gastric proteinase – Gastricsin
– Has similar activity as rennin (chymosin) from
the fourth stomach of calf
» Causes rapid clotting of milk
Used in cheese manufacturing
– Serum protein Renin (NOT rennin) is similar as
Protease Inhibitors-Exogenous
Leupeptin (Inhibits trypsin)
 Boronic Acids (Inhibit serine proteases)
 Pepstatin (Inhibit aspartic proteases)
– Were “Lead Compounds” for the formation of
HIV protease inhibitors
Mercaptans (Inhibit Zn++ metalloproteases)
– Bind to Zn++ in some metalloproteases
» Captopril
Drug that inhibits Angiotensin-Converting-Enzyme (ACE)
Endogenous Protease Inhibitors
Trypsin activation in pancreas would be disastrous
– Pancreatic Trypsin Inhibitor
Serpins (Blood)
– Inhibit serine proteases
– 10% of the total protein in blood
» 1-protease Inhibitor (1-antitrypsin)
Found in -globulin fraction of blood
» NOTE:One form of emphysema is the hereditary absence of
Without this inhibitor, tissue will degrade excessively, e.g.
elastin, collagen and proteoglycans
Protease Activities-Serine
Amino Acids
Last one described was threonine in 1938
Stereospecific (L-Configuration exclusively)
– D-Amino acids found in bacteria
Chemical properties associated with
stereospecificity and side groups
Easily ionized in aqueous solution
Produces a zwitterion (dipolar chemical structure
with + and – charges
Zwitterion effect causes crystalline form of amino
acids to have high decomposition temperatures
above 200o centigrade
– Similar to electrostatic forces holding and NaCl lattice
Overall Structure of Amino
-Carbon, Carboxyl Group, Amino Group
– Except imino amino acids
Enantiomeres (L-Amino acids in proteins)
– D (Dextro) and L (laevo)
Amino Acid Structures-Neutral
Side Groups
Amino Acid Structures-Aromatic
and Acidic Side Chains
Amino Acid Structures-Positive
Side Groups
Amino Acid Structures-Polar
Side Groups
Classification by Polarity
Essential Amino Acids
 Phenylalanine, valine, trptophan, threonine,
isoleucine, methionine, histidine, arginine
(neonate-child), leucine, lysine
Non-Essential Amino Acids
Synthesized by humans
– Serine, glycine, cysteine, alanine, aspartate,
asparagine, glutamate, glutamine, proline,
arginine (adult), tyrosine (from phenylalanine)
Non-Protein Amino Acids
Citrulline is a product of L-arginine
synthesis (urea cycle) and NO (Nitric
Oxide) metabolism
 Creatinine is derived from muscle
– Plasma amounts  to muscle mass
Ornithine, taurine, homocysteine
 Biogenic Amine Compounds
– Dopamine, serotonin, histamine
Amino Acids and pH
pH = -log10 [H+] ion concentration
– Alkalinity vs. acidity
Absorption of AA and pH
Henderson-Hasselbach Equation
HA is protonated form
– Conjugate acid or associated form
A- is unprotonated form
– Conjugate base or dissociated form
Protonation occurs in acidic solutions
 Removal of protons in more alkaline
H-H Continued:
Acidic amino acids
– Glutamate and aspartate are negatively charged
acidic amino acids at physiological pH
Basic amino acids
– Arginine, lysine, and histidine are positively
charged amino acids at physiological pH
pK Values for Amino Acids
Titration of Amino Acids with
(OH ) NaOH-Glycine
Titration of Amino Acids with
(OH ) NaOH-Histidine
Aspects of Titration
pI = Isoelectric Point
– pH where net charges equal zero (0)
» Histidine pI = 7.7 (6.0 + 9.3)/2 = 7.7
» pHm = (1.8 + 6.0)/2 = 3.9
pHm = Maximum Charge
– pH where number of positive and negative charges are
Buffering Range
– Range where change in pH is minimal
– Approximately +1 pH above pK to –1 pH below pK
» e.g. if a pK value = 6.0, then the buffering range around this
pK would be 5.0 – 7.0
Importance of Regulating pH
Denaturation of Protein
– Enzymes
» Charge distribution
» Hydrolysis of bonds
Charge changes on amino acids
– Substrate specificity
Hydroxyl amino acids
– Serine, threonine, tyrosine
Quaternary structure
– Proteins, hemoglobin binding of oxygen
pK of amino group
– Free amino acid amino group pK = 9.5
– Amino group in a polypeptide pK = 8.0
Extremes of pH
Acidosis to Alkalosis
– Acidotic condition pH=7.0
– Alkalotic condition pH=8.0
Normal pH = 7.4
– Venous blood pH = 7.35
– Arterial blood pH = 7.45
» Higher altitude arterial pH = 7.49
Most extreme limits are pH = 7.0 – 8.0
– Hyperventilation
» Controlled by mid brain
– Acidotic coma
» Reduction in myocardial contractions
» Reduction in catacholamines (e.g., histamine)
Reduce vascular tone (shock)
Pumping blood against a non-resistant wall
» Hypooxygenated (Cannot bring in enough O2)
Excess protons block hemoglobin binding of O2
– “Bohr Effect”
Acidosis Continued:
Sources of Protons
– Volatile acids (Respiratory)
– First conversion is carbonic anhydrase
– Second reaction is spontaneous
CO2  H 2O  H 2CO3  HCO  H
– Non-volatile acids
» Lactate (Metabolic)
» Ketones (Liver produces these thinking there is a lack of
» Sulfuric (From Cysteine Degradation)
– Hypoventilation
– Tetany (Sustained uncontrolled muscle
» Muscle contraction controlled mainly by Na in
neuron and Ca in muscle
» Related to phosphate
Monobasic and dibasic forms
Under alkalosis with the addition of [OH] you form water
Also drive reaction to the right
H 2 P O4  HPO42  H   OH 
 H
Alkalosis Continued
Dibasic form of phosphate can chelate
soluble calcium better than monobasic form
to form calcium phosphate
H 2 P O4  HPO  H
Does not change blood concentration of
calcium only amount that is soluble
Alkalosis Continued
What does calcium do in nerve impulses?
– Inhibits transport of sodium into nerve during
the process of depolarization due to a nerve
– Under alkalotic conditions more calcium is
chelated and removes the controlled blockage
of sodium into nerve (uncontrolled influx of
sodium into nerve)
» More nerve depolarization
Causes the sustained uncontrolled muscle contraction
during alkalosis (tetany)
Air Exchange
Partial Pressures of Gases in Air
– 80% N2
– 20% O2
– .03% CO2
1 atm = 760mm Hg (Sea level)
 Example:
– pN2 = .79 * 760 = 608mm Hg
– pO2 = .20 * 760 = 152mm Hg
– pCO2 = .0003 * 760 = 0.23mm Hg
Gas Exchange
pCO2 of blood is around 40mm Hg
 pCO2 in lungs is around 35mm Hg
 Partial pressures of respiring cells higher