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Proteins: Complex molecules made of
hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and
sometimes other elements.
– Because of their size, proteins are often called
 Macromolecule: A large molecule containing many atoms
Nitrogen plays an important part in proteins.
– It sets proteins apart from carbohydrates or lipids,
which do not contain nitrogen.
Structure of Proteins
Protein is made of chains of substances called amino
acids: a type of organic acid.
– Organic acids are molecules that contain a carboxyl group (COOH).
– They also contain an amine group: two atoms of hydrogen
and one atom of nitrogen (-NH2).
The carboxyl group and the amine group
are attached to a central carbon in the
 amino acid.
 A third bond to this carbon is to a single
 One bond is left open for a variable side
chain, making each amino acid different
than the others.
20 Amino Acids
Green: Hydrophilic
Pink: Acidic
Turquoise: Basic
Peptide Bonds
Peptide bonds: The bonds between the
nitrogen of one amino acid and the carbon
of a second amino acid.
– The peptide bonds link to form a protein
 When one hydrogen in one amino acid joins with
the –OH of another amino acid, water is formed,
and released, leaving a peptide bond.
Through peptide bonds, amino acids chain
together, creating a polypeptide: a
single protein molecule containing ten or
more amino acids linked in peptide chains.
– Some protein chains contain only a few amino
acids. Most molecules contain 100 to 500
amino acids, and some have thousands.
 The polypeptide chain is not straight; it coils, folds
and tangles.
Protein Structures
Structure and Function of Proteins
A protein’s shape determines its function.
– Protein molecules that form rope-like fibers are called
fibrous protein.
 This structure strengthens the fiber to serve as connective
tissue in the body.
– Ex: Collagen and elastin are fibrous proteins.
– Protein molecules that form a structure that can be
compared to steel wool are called globular
 Their rounded shape makes them convenient carriers.
– Ex: The protein, hemoglobin transports oxygen to the blood.
Fibrous Protein: Connective
tissue, tendons, bone matrix,
muscle fiber
Globular Protein: Hemoglobin,
enzymatic catalysis, hormones
(messengers), transporters through
Denaturation of Protein
Denaturation: The process of changing
the shape of a protein molecule without
breaking its peptide bonds.
– Denaturation breaks the hydrogen bonds that
create the twists and turns of a protein
 The result is a looser, less compact structure,
changing the original properties of the protein.
Denaturation is the first step in the
process of coagulation: Changing a
liquid into a soft, semisolid clot or solid
– It occurs when polypeptides unfold during
denaturation, then collide and clump together
to form a solid.
 Ex: Scrambled eggs; beating the eggs denatures
the protein, then the protein coagulates as the egg
Denaturation by Heat
Heat is the most common agent used to
denature protein.
– Temperature is a significant factor.
 The rate and the degree of denaturation increase
600 times for every 10 degrees C rise in
– The structure of the protein affects the
process also.
 Most proteins denature at temps between 47 and
67 degrees C, as in eggs and milk.
– The denaturation of beef takes a much higher temp.
Other Means of Denaturation
Proteins may denature due to the reaction of:
– Freezing, pressure, sound waves, and the addition of
certain compounds.
– Mechanical treatment, as in beating eggs and
kneading bread.
– Very high and very low pH. Adding lemon juice can
sour milk; milk proteins denature, coagulate and
separate from the liquid.
– Certain metal ions. Sodium and potassium ions are
most commonly used, but copper and iron will have
the same effect.
Denaturation of proteins
involves the disruption and
possible destruction of
both the secondary and
tertiary structures. Since
denaturation reactions are
not strong enough to break
the peptide bonds, the
primary structure
(sequence of amino acids)
remains the same after a
denaturation process.
Denaturation disrupts the
normal alpha-helix and
beta sheets in a protein
and uncoils it into a
random shape.
Protein in Foods
Protein in the diet can come from a variety
of sources. Some of the more common
ones are:
– Eggs
– Meat
– Fish
– Poultry
– legumes
Eggs are a complex biological system,
containing almost every vitamin and
mineral the body needs.
– Yolk: Rich in iron, phosphorus, vitamin A and
several B vitamins
 The only vitamin lacking is Vitamin C.
Although all these vitamins and minerals
are present, eggs are mainly considered a
protein food.
Albumen (Egg
– Thick and thin
 Vitelline membrane
 Chalaza
 Germ spot
 Air pocket
Proteins in Eggs
Shell: Protein is interwoven with calcium
carbonate. Shells are porous, so the developing
chick can breathe.
 Albumen: Egg white, composes 54% of the
egg, and is named for ovalbumin, the major
protein in egg white.
 Yolk: Contain the globular protein livetin, and
both high- and low- density lioproteins.
– Thus, the yolk contains all of the fat, and most of the
other nutrients found in eggs.
The Chalaza
Chalaza: A twisted, ropelike structure that
keeps the egg yolk centered.
– Without it, the vitelline membrane could
break, and the yolk (a fluid) would spread.
Due to its thickness, the chalaza is the last
part of the egg to coagulate, and may
remain slightly watery.
When the egg is
freshly laid, the shell
is completely filled.
The air cell is
formed by
contraction of the
contents during
cooling and by the
loss of moisture. A
high-quality egg has
only a small air cell.
The shell contains
several thousand
pores that permit
the egg to
Effects of Improper Storage
To retain their quality, do not store eggs
in the egg tray of a refrigerator.
– It exposes eggs to light and temperature
change every time the door is opened.
 This speeds up chemical changes that cause
physical changes that lead to deterioration.
Loss of Egg Quality
Eggs lose quality as compounds in the egg white
break down, forming water.
– The white becomes less viscous
 Some of the water enters the yolk, making it thinner, too.
 Carbon dioxide and more water escape through the porous
– This changes the pH from its normal 7.6 to over 9.
 Proteins begin to break down
Odors and flavors from other foods can enter
through the shell, giving it an off taste
Protecting Eggs
To delay quality loss, a thin film of natural oil in
the shell protects the egg.
– Shells may also be lightly coated with mineral oil
immediately after the eggs are laid.
Storing eggs closed in their carton helps
preserve their quality after purchase.
 The best temperature for storing eggs is
-1 degree C.
This temp. is below the freezing point of
water but well above the freezing point of the
liquids found in eggs.