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Chapter 5
States of Consciousness
How is Consciousness
Related to Other Mental
Consciousness can take
many forms, while other
mental processes occur
simultaneously outside our
What Consciousness
Does For Us
 Restricts our attention
 Combines sensation with learning and
 Allows us to create a mental model of the
world that we can manipulate
Levels of
Levels of
 Conscious: Brain process of which we are
 Nonconscious: Brain process that does not
involve conscious processing (e.g. heart
rate, breathing, control of internal organs)
Levels of
 Preconscious: Information that is not
currently in consciousness, but can be
brought into consciousness if attention is
called to it
 Unconscious: Many levels of processing
that occur without awareness
What Cycles Occur
in Everyday Consciousness?
Consciousness (awareness)
changes in cycles that
correspond to our biological
rhythms and the patterns of
stimulation in our
Altered State: when some aspect of normal consciousness
is modified by mental, behavioral or chemical means; others
notice differences in functioning (hypnosis, drugs, meditation)
What Cycles Occur in Everyday
 Daydreaming: Variation of consciousness;
attention shifts to memories, expectations,
desires, or fantasies and away from the
immediate situation
 When, what about, and why?
– Alone, relaxed, bored, almost asleep
– Adaptive, planning
– Tough issues
– Substitute for impulsivity
Sleep and Dreaming
 Circadian rhythms: Psychological patterns that
repeat approximately every 24 hours
 How do you feel at 4:00 am?
 Light = decreased melatonin from pineal gland
= sleepiness!
 Suprachiasmatic
 More like a 25-hour
Normal Sleep
 About 90-minute cycles
 Stages 3/4 near the
beginning of the night
 REM increases as sleep
 The sleep cycle involves:
– REM sleep
– Non-REM (NREM) sleep
 REM-sleep deprivation
leads to REM rebound
 Sleep paralysis
The Sleep Cycle
The Function of Sleep
 Possible functions of sleep include:
– To conserve energy
– Aids memory and problem solving
– To restore the body (neurotransmitters,
neuron sensitivity)
– To flush out useless information from the
Sleep Disorders
 Insomnia: Involves insufficient sleep, the inability
to fall asleep quickly, frequent arousals, or early
 Sleep apnea: Respiratory disorder in which
person intermittently stops breathing while asleep
 Narcolepsy: Involves sudden REM sleep attacks
accompanied by cataplexy
 Cataplexy: Sudden loss of muscle control that
occurs before narcoleptic sleep attack; waking
form of sleep paralysis
Sleep Disorders
 Night terrors: The screaming of a child in
deep sleep, who once awakened has no
memory of what mental events might have
caused the fear
 REM behavior disorder: Person does not
lose muscle tone during REM, allowing them
to act out their dreams
Dreams as Meaningful Events
 Freud believed dreams served the following
two functions:
– Relieve psychic tensions/guard sleep
– Sources of wish fulfillment
– Manifest v. latent content
 Dream content
– Varies by culture, gender, and age
– Frequently connects with recent experience
– May help us form memories
Dreams as Random
Brain Activity
 Activation-synthesis theory: Theory that
dreams begin with random electrical
activation coming from brain stem; dreams
are brain’s attempt to make sense of this
random activity
 Dreams also a source of creative insights
Sleep Debt vs. The Circadian
 Sleep debt: Deficiency caused by not
getting the amount of sleep that one
requires for optimal functioning
What Other Forms Can
Consciousness Take?
An altered state of
consciousness occurs when
some aspect of normal
consciousness is modified
by mental, behavioral, or
chemical means
What Other Forms Can
Consciousness Take?
 Hypnosis
 Meditation
 Psychoactive drug states
 Hypnosis: Induced state of altered
awareness, characterized by heightened
suggestibility and deep relaxation
 Hypnotizability: Degree to which an
individual is responsive to hypnotic
Hypnosis As an
Altered State
 Experts disagree about whether hypnosis
– A distinct state of consciousness
– Heightened motivation
– Social processes such as role playing
– A dissociate state (Hilgard’s “hidden observer”
Practical Uses for
 Hypnosis can have practical uses for
– Researchers
– Psychological treatment
– Medical and dental treatment
 Hypnotic analgesia –
Diminished sensitivity to pain while under hypnosis
 Meditation: Form of consciousness change
induced by focusing on a repetitive
behavior, assuming certain body positions
and minimizing external stimulation
Psychoactive Drug States
 Psychoactive drugs: Chemicals that affect
mental processes and behavior by their
effects on the nervous system
 Alter perceptions of the external
environment and inner awareness
(also called psychedelics)
• Mescaline
• Cannabis
 Highly addictive; produce a sense of
well-being and have strong painrelieving properties
• Morphine
• Codeine
• Heroin
• Methadone
 Slow down mental and physical activity
by inhibiting transmission of nerve
impulses in the central nervous system
• Barbiturates
• Benzodiazepines
(e.g. Valium)
• Alcohol
 Arouse the central nervous system,
speeding up mental and physical
• Cocaine
• Amphetamines
• Methamphetamine
• MDMA (ecstasy)
• Caffeine
• Nicotine
The Need for Sleep
Over the years, the need for REM sleep
decreases considerably, while the need for
NREM sleep diminishes less sharply