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Advertising includes:
the name of a product or service
how that product or service could benefit the
• wants to send out a message about its business
• initiates effort by identifying a problem that
advertising can solve
• selects the target audience, sets the budget, and
approves the ad plan
• hires the agency
Advertising Functions
• To encourage, persuade, or manipulate an audience.
• To identify products and differentiate them from
others. (branding)
• To communicate information.
• To induce consumers to try new products
• To build brand awareness, preference and loyalty.
Egyptians used
papyrus to make
sales messages and
wall posters.
messages have been
found in the ruins of
Pompeii and ancient
Middle Ages
Since there was so
many illiterate
people in Middle
Ages, they used
signs and images for:
shoemaker, tailor or
Industrial Revolution Advertising
Rapid improvements in
warehousing, shipping, and
in record-keeping and
It led to the booming
mail-order catalogue
market, all aimed at
moving goods as rapidly
and efficiently from stores
to consumers.
20th Century Advertising
• Advertising and Marketing
increased in the 20th
• Groundbreaking innovations
in the Media sector,
growing markets, changing
consumer habits and users’
increasing technical skills
are the characteristics of
the 20th century
Advertising Objectives
comprise the
communication tasks to be
accomplished with specific
customers that a company
is trying to reach during a
particular time frame:
• The purpose is to encourage customers to make
an initial purchase of a new product.
It is needed because without that first trial of a
product by customers, there will not be any
repeated purchases.
• is a strategy to keep current customers using
a particular product.
• Existing customers are targeted and are
usually provided new and different
information about a product that is designed
to build consumer loyalty.
Brand switching
• Companies adopt it as an objective when they
want customers to switch from competitors'
brands to their brands.
• A common strategy is to compare product
price or quality in order to convince
customers to switch to its product brand.
• Companies subscribe to it when they want to
get back former users of their product brand.
• A company might highlight new product
features, price reductions, or other important
product information in order to get former
customers of its product to switchback.
Truth or Lie
Advertisement is not
obliged to tell the
whole story about
the product,
advantages and
disadvantages so the
advertisers do not
always tell the whole
Types of
Two main categories:
Consumer advertising (direct advertising) directed to the ultimate purchaser;
Trade advertising (indirect advertising) - through
trade journals and other media
Media in
Wall paintings,
Printed flyers,
Radio, cinema and
television adverts,
Web banners,
Mobile telephone
Shopping carts,
Web popes,
Bus stop benches,
Human billboards…
• The TV commercial is
generally considered
the most effective
advertising format.
• It is reflected by the
high prices TV
networks charge for
commercial airtime
during popular TV
Radio advertising
• Radio advertising is a
form of advertising
via the medium of
• Airtime is purchased
from a station or
network in exchange
for airing the
Press Advertising
• It describes advertising
in a printed medium
such as a newspaper,
magazine, or trade
• It allows private
individuals or
companies to purchase
a small, narrowly
targeted ad for a low
fee advertising a
Online advertising
• It is a form of promotion that uses the
Internet and World Wide Web for the
expressed purpose of delivering
marketing messages to attract
Billboard advertising
Billboards Advertising
• They are large structures located in public
places which display advertisements to
passing pedestrians and motorists.
• They are located on main roads with a large amount of
passing motor and pedestrian traffic.
Mobile Advertising
• They are generally vehicle
mounted billboards or
digital screens on dedicated
vehicles built solely for
carrying advertisements
along routes previously
selected by clients.
• They can also be speciallyequipped cargo trucks or, in
some cases, large banners
strewn from planes.
In-store Advertising
• In-store advertising
is any advertisement
placed in a retail
Covert advertising
Also known as
guerrilla advertising,
is when a product or
brand is embedded
in entertainment
and media.
Celebrity Advertising
It focuses upon using
celebrity power,
fame, money, and
popularity to gain
recognition for their
products and
promote specific
stores or products.