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Emotional, Logical and Credibility
Appeals in Advertising
Mr. Hyatt
Definition: communication used to
persuade someone to buy
Advertising uses …
to get us to buy …
Pathos = Emotional appeal
Advertising using emotional appeal
tries to get us to feel something.
(so we buy what’s for sale)
For example, advertising might try to make us feel …
… all so we buy something
to make us feel better
How does this ad make you feel?
It makes me feel like my feet will always have a soft landing if I wear Vans!
How is this ad supposed to make
us feel? Why?
Notice the loaded word in this ad? Perfect!
How does this ad make you feel
about hunting?
Some advertising may try to
change how you feel.
Some advertising also tries
to change how you think.
Logos = Logical appeal
Advertising using logical appeal tries to
make us think something.
(so we buy what’s for sale)
What is this ad making me think?
What does this ad make us think?
What does this ad make you think?
Why is this phone a ‘smart’ buy?
Finally, we must also consider
credibility when analyzing ads...
Ethos = trust
People tend to believe in experts
or famous individuals more than
the average person.
Including …
Just because they say it, however, doesn’t make it true!
Also known as … false
Advertising often uses slogans, or catchy
phrases, to get us to buy products …
Just do it
Kentucky Fried Chicken
Finger lick’n good
Quality never goes out
of style
What are these popular slogans trying to make us feel or think?
What does it take to write a good
A slogan …
has to do with the product for sale
is easy to remember
1. Work alone, in pairs or in small groups.
2. Design an ad/commercial for a product you want to sell.
3. Include two of the following:
4. Be prepared to present to class in two weeks.
The new ZX5 Razor …compact
The new ZX5…affordable
…and helping guys make a smooth transition
helping guys make a smooth transition
from boyhood to manhood.
from boyhood to manhood