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How Cells Make Proteins Project
The goal or objective of this project is to create genes/strands of DNA that are decoded into
proteins that represent specific parts on your Robotic Protists.
Standard: All cells contain genetic information in the form of DNA molecules. Genes are
regions in the DNA that contain the instructions that code for the formation of proteins, which
carry out most of the work of cells.
Background Information:
Your cells come in all shapes and sizes.
Different types of cell make different
proteins according to the jobs they have
to do. For example, only red blood cells
contain the protein hemoglobin which
carries oxygen around your body.
Similarly, only cells in your eyes make
proteins for detecting light. As well as
these 'specialized' proteins, almost all
your cells share a common set of
'housekeeping' proteins. I know that you
must be wondering……How do cells decide
which proteins to make? Almost all your
cells have the same set of genes (DNA).
These carry instructions for making every
protein in your body. But any particular
cell uses only a selected set of those
genes; if a gene is 'switched off', no
protein will be made from that gene.
Mechanisms for switching genes on and
off are crucial to the functioning of every
cell. The process of protein production requires multiple steps. Each of these steps requires
signals from outside and from within the cell. The first step is for chemicals outside the cell to
call for a need for a particular protein. The chemical signals travel to the nucleus, where the
gene containing the instructions to make the cell is transcribed into a messenger RNA sequence
(mRNA). The mRNA leaves the nucleus and travels to the ribosome. The ribosome signals the
tRNA to bring the correct amino acid to the ribosome so the protein can be built from the
amino acids.
Robotic Protists:
Remember that these robots exhibit the eight characteristics of life: Be made of units called
cells, they are able to reproduce, Based on a universal genetic code, Respond to the
environment, Can grow and develop, Obtain and use materials and energy, Maintain a stable
internal environment, and are able to change over time. The characteristic of life that we will
focus on in this project is the universal genetic code. Each Robotic Protists contain six main
gene sequences. You will create more genes and alleles later on in the course. Your specific color
Robotic Protists have six genes. However, since there are three robots, you table will be
responsible for only two of the gene sequences. The sequences will be put together at the end
of the project.
Directions: Read all of the directions before starting o the project. You will responsible
for all of the information listed below. However, during the presentation, at your table,
you will be randomly chosen to verbally answer or describe one of the four parts of the
project below. You may use you notebook as a resource to complete these tasks.
1. Create a nine base DNA sequence using the proper base pairing rules. First write the
sequence in the table below. Then, draw a diagram/poster or create a model using the building
blocks of the two nine base DNA strands.
2. From these two DNA gene sequences, create a message or copy of the DNA strands. Then,
create a diagram/poster or create a model using the building blocks to make the message or
3. Be able to demonstrate through a diagram/poster or by building models of all three types of
RNA and how they assemble proteins. This includes the association of mRNA to rRNA and
tRNA. Specifically how the codons and anticodons base pairing allow amino acids to assemble in
a specific way.
4. Be able to demonstrate how the proteins are assembled from amino acids and the importance
of these proteins to the Robotic Protists. Read the background information from above to
understand why proteins are important to your Robotic Protists.
5. You will need to write out all the information with evidence in the "Written Presentation"
portion of the project below. Be sure to read the Rubric to know what specifically needs to be
done to be successful on this project.
Written Presentation
1. Create two nine base DNA sequences using the proper base pairing rules. First write the
sequence in the table below. Then, draw a diagram/poster or create a model using the building
blocks of the two nine base DNA strands.
Gene Number
Gene Sequence
(9 bps)
Explain how base pairing works in the DNA sequence and how chromosomes, genes and DNA are
different and how they are the same. Also, explain the importance of DNA to your organism.
Base pairing in DNA can be demonstrated by...
Chromosomes, genes and DNA are different by...
They are the same because...
DNA is important to my organism because...
2. From these two DNA gene sequences, create a message or copy of the DNA strands. Then,
create a diagram/poster or create a model using the building blocks to make the message or
Explain how base pairing works in the RNA sequence. Be able to demonstrate the process of
transcription and where it occurs in the cell.
Base pairing in RNA can be demonstrated by...
The process of transcription begins when....
Transcription takes place in the...
3. Be able to demonstrate through a diagram/poster or by building models of all three types of
RNA and how they assemble proteins. This includes the association of mRNA to rRNA and
tRNA. Specifically how the codons and anticodons base pairing allow amino acids to assemble in
a specific way.
The process of translation includes all three RNAs, beginning with....
Codons and anticodons are located on...
The base pairing for the codons and anticodons works by ...
tRNA assembles amino acids into proteins by...
4. Be able to demonstrate how the proteins are assembled from amino acids and the importance
of these proteins to the Robotic Protists. Read the background information from above to
understand why proteins are important to your Robotic Protists.
Amino acids are assembled to make proteins by...
These proteins are important to this organism because... Discuss at least two genes
Concept Map for Presentation:
Organization of DNA
Base pairing in DNA can be demonstrated by...
Chromosomes, genes and DNA are different by...
They are the same because...
Process of Transcription:
Process of Translation:
How Proteins are Assembled and their importance:
Gene 1
Gene 2
Base Pairing and
Structure of
Base Pairing is
accurate and
throughout the
strand of DNA and
Structure of
information clearly
shows the proper
sequence of
Evidence clearly
supports the
Demonstration of
transcription is
demonstrated with
no errors in base
pairing, placement
and sequence of
process. Evidence
used clearly backs
the claim.
Base Pairing has 1
to 2 errors
throughout the
strand of DNA and
Structure of
information shows
the sequence with
1 to 2 errors of
Evidence supports
the demonstration.
Base Pairing has 2
to 3 errors
throughout the
strand of DNA and
Structure of
information shows
the sequence with
2 to 3 errors of
organization. Some
evidence supports
the demonstration.
Base Pairing has
many errors
throughout the
strand of DNA and
Structure of
information shows
the sequence with
many errors of
organization. Few
to no evidence
supports the
Demonstration of
transcription is
demonstrated with
1 to 2 errors in
base pairing,
placement and
sequence of
process. Evidence
used backs the
Demonstration of
transcription is
demonstrated with
several errors in
base pairing,
placement and
sequence of
process. Little to
no evidence used
to back claim.
Demonstration of
Demonstration of
translation is
demonstrated with
no errors in base
pairing, placement
and sequence of
process. Evidence
used clearly backs
the claim.
Demonstration of
translation is
demonstrated with
1 to 2 errors in
base pairing,
placement and
sequence of
process. Evidence
used backs the
The importance of
proteins to
A clear connection
is made between
the proteins and
their importance
to the organism.
The claim is clearly
supported with
A good connection
is made between
the proteins and
their importance
to the organism.
The claim is
supported with
Demonstration of
transcription is
demonstrated with
2 to 3 errors in
base pairing,
placement and
sequence of
process. Evidence
used backs
attempts to the
Demonstration of
translation is
demonstrated with
2 to 3 errors in
base pairing,
placement and
sequence of
process. Evidence
used backs
attempts to the
Some connection is
made between the
proteins and their
importance to the
organism. The
claim is attempted
supported with
Demonstration of
Demonstration of
translation is
demonstrated with
several errors in
base pairing,
placement and
sequence of
process. Little to
no evidence used
to back claim.
Little connection is
made between the
proteins and their
importance to the
organism. The
claim is supported
with little to no