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Plant Molecular Biology 47: 95–113, 2001.
© 2001 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
Molecular genetics of nucleotide sugar interconversion pathways in plants
Wolf-Dieter Reiter∗ and Gary F. Vanzin
Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Connecticut, Box U-125, 75 North Eagleville Road,
Storrs, CT 06269-3125, USA (∗ author for correspondence; e-mail [email protected])
Key words: Arabidopsis thaliana, cell wall, genomics, monosaccharide, mutant
Nucleotide sugar interconversion pathways represent a series of enzymatic reactions by which plants synthesize
activated monosaccharides for the incorporation into cell wall material. Although biochemical aspects of these
metabolic pathways are reasonably well understood, the identification and characterization of genes encoding
nucleotide sugar interconversion enzymes is still in its infancy. Arabidopsis mutants defective in the activation
and interconversion of specific monosaccharides have recently become available, and several genes in these pathways have been cloned and characterized. The sequence determination of the entire Arabidopsis genome offers a
unique opportunity to identify candidate genes encoding nucleotide sugar interconversion enzymes via sequence
comparisons to bacterial homologues. An evaluation of the Arabidopsis databases suggests that the majority of
these enzymes are encoded by small gene families, and that most of these coding regions are transcribed. Although
most of the putative proteins are predicted to be soluble, others contain N-terminal extensions encompassing a
transmembrane domain. This suggests that some nucleotide sugar interconversion enzymes are targeted to an
endomembrane system, such as the Golgi apparatus, where they may co-localize with glycosyltransferases in cell
wall synthesis. The functions of the predicted coding regions can most likely be established via reverse genetic
approaches and the expression of proteins in heterologous systems. The genetic characterization of nucleotide
sugar interconversion enzymes has the potential to understand the regulation of these complex metabolic pathways
and to permit the modification of cell wall material by changing the availability of monosaccharide precursors.
Abbreviations: AUD, membrane-anchored UDP-D-glucuronate decarboxylase; EST, expressed sequence tag;
GAE, UDP-D-glucuronate 4-epimerase; GER, GDP-4-keto-6-deoxy- D-mannose 3,5-epimerase-4-reductase; GFP,
green fluorescent protein; GUS, β-glucuronidase; RG-I and RG-II, rhamnogalacturonans I and II; SUD, soluble UDP-D-glucuronate decarboxylase; UER, UDP-4-keto-6-deoxy- D-glucose 3,5-epimerase-4-reductase; UGD,
UDP-D-glucose dehydrogenase; UGE, UDP-D-glucose 4-epimerase
Most of the carbon fixed by higher plants is utilized for the synthesis of cell wall material while
smaller amounts are incorporated into a variety of glycoconjugates including glycoproteins, proteoglycans,
and glycolipids (Carpita and Gibeaut, 1993; Reiter,
1998). Glycosyltransferases involved in the synthesis of plant glycans utilize nucleoside 5 -diphospho
sugars (also referred to as sugar nucleotides, nu-
cleotide sugars or NDP-sugars) as donor substrates
(Feingold and Avigad, 1980; Feingold and Barber,
1990; Mohnen, 1999; Gibeaut, 2000). The two major
points of direct synthesis of NDP-sugars from phosphorylated monosaccharides are the production of
UDP-D-glucose from UTP and glucose-1-phosphate,
and the synthesis of GDP-D-mannose from GTP and
mannose-1-phosphate (Figure 1). An alternative pathway for synthesis of UDP-D-glucose is catalyzed by
sucrose synthase which converts UDP and sucrose into
UDP-D-glucose and fructose. The latter pathway has
been proposed to provide high concentrations of UDPD -glucose for the synthesis of cellulose at the plasma
membrane (Amor et al., 1995).
Many of the other nucleotide sugars may also be
synthesized by the sequential action of monosaccharide kinases and NDP-sugar pyrophosphorylases via
so-called salvage pathways in which sugars from cell
wall turnover events are recycled. However, the primary route of synthesis for most nucleotide sugars
is the modification of the sugar moiety in UDP-Dglucose or GDP-D-mannose by oxidation, reduction,
epimerization, and/or decarboxylation reactions leading to substrates that can be used directly by glycosyltransferases (Figure 1). D-Glucyronate can be
synthesized as a free monosaccharide via the so-called
inositol oxygenation pathway (Loewus et al., 1973),
and is then converted into its nucleotide sugar via the
sequential action of a monosaccharide kinase and a
uridylyltransferase (Figure 1).
The biochemistry of NDP-sugar interconversion
reactions and monosaccharide salvage pathways has
been studied in a large variety of plant species, and
has been extensively reviewed by Feingold and Avigad (1980). Some progress regarding the molecular
genetics of these pathways has recently been made by
characterizing mutants with altered cell wall composition (Reiter et al., 1993, 1997; Bonin et al., 1997),
embryo lethality (Nickle and Meinke, 1998; Lukowitz
et al., 2001), increased sensitivity to monosaccharides
(Dolezal and Cobbett, 1991; Sherson et al., 1999) or
reactive oxygen species (Conklin et al., 1997, 1999).
Furthermore, plant genes in NDP-sugar interconversion pathways have been identified via sequence similarity to their bacterial and mammalian counterparts
(Dörmann and Benning, 1996; Tenhaken and Thulke,
1996; Kaplan et al., 1997; Bonin and Reiter, 2000)
(Table 1). The recent success in deciphering the nucleotide sequence of the entire Arabidopsis genome
(Arabidopsis Genome Initiative, 2000) permits the
identification of candidate genes for nucleotide sugar
interconversion enzymes and an assessment of the genetic complexity and redundancy of these biochemical
pathways in a plant model organism. In this review
we will focus on recent advances in the molecular genetics of NDP-sugar interconversion pathways as they
relate to the synthesis of plant cell wall material, and
discuss possibilities to identify novel genes in these
pathways by analyzing Arabidopsis databases.
GDP-sugar interconversion pathways: the
biosynthesis of L-fucose, L-galactose and
L -ascorbate
Guanosine 5 -diphospho-D-mannose is synthesized
from GTP and mannose-1-phosphate via GDP-Dmannose pyrophosphorylase (Feingold and Avigad,
1980). This reaction provides activated D-mannose
for incorporation into N-linked glycans and mannosecontaining cell wall components such as glucomannans and galactomannans. GDP-D-mannose also
serves as the substrate for nucleotide sugar interconversion enzymes yielding GDP-L-fucose and GDP-Lgalactose. The latter compound serves as the donor
for glycosyltransferases but also plays a key role in
the biosynthesis of L-ascorbate (Wheeler et al., 1998;
Smirnoff and Wheeler, 2000). Mutations in a gene
for GDP-D-mannose pyrophosphorylase of Arabidopsis were initially identified by screening for mutants
with increased sensitivity to ozone (Conklin et al.,
1997). This led to the identification of vtc1 (vitamin C locus 1) plants which are partially deficient in
the production of L-ascorbate (vitamin C). Positional
cloning of the VTC1 gene revealed a single point mutation in the GDP-D-mannose pyrophosphorylase gene
whereby a highly conserved proline residue is replaced
by a serine which leads to a reduction in enzymatic
activity by about one-third. The vtc1 plants contain ca.
25% of the wild-type amount of L-ascorbate suggesting that changes in the availability of GDP-D-mannose
have drastic effects on the flux through the L-ascorbate
biosynthetic pathway (Conklin et al., 1999).
Keller et al. (1999) used an antisense approach to
achieve a ca. 50% reduction in GDP-D-mannose pyrophosphorylase activity in potato. The antisense lines
showed significant reductions in the mannose content
of cell wall material, and in the L-ascorbate content of
leaves. This finding confirmed that GDP-D-mannose
pyrophosphorylase activity is rate-limiting for the synthesis of vitamin C, and provided evidence that at least
some mannosyltransferases appear to be limited by
substrate availability in vivo. On the other hand, the
transgenic plants were not affected in the synthesis
of N-linked glycans, and contained essentially normal amounts of L-fucose in their cell wall polymers
(Keller et al., 1999). These results suggest that some
metabolic pathways are more sensitive to changes
in the concentration of GDP- D-mannose than others. The antisense lines with significant reductions in
GDP-D-mannose pyrophosphorylase activity showed
an early-senescence phenotype which may be related
Figure 1. Overview of nucleotide sugar interconversions relevant to the synthesis of cell wall polymers in higher plants. For simplicity, only
those monosaccharide salvage pathways discussed in this review are shown. All of the cloned genes and mutant symbols refer to work in
Arabidopsis thaliana.
Table 1. Cloned plant genes in nucleotide sugar synthesis pathways.
A. thaliana
S. tuberosum
A. thaliana
arabinose kinase
A. thaliana
A. thaliana
Kaplan et al. (1997)
Sherson et al. (1999)
Sherson et al. (1999)
Dörmann and Benning (1996)
P. sativum
Lake et al. (1998)
C. tetragonoloba
Joersbo et al. (1999)
C. tetragonoloba
Joersbo et al. (1999)
G. max
Tenhaken and Thulke (1996)
A. thaliana
Seitz et al. (2000)
A. thaliana
Bonin et al. (1997)
A. thaliana
Bonin et al. (1997)
A. thaliana
Bonin and Reiter (2000)
to oxidative damage due to lower concentrations of
L -ascorbate (Keller et al., 1999).
Because GDP-D-mannose plays roles in so many
cellular processes, complete loss-of-function mutations in GDP-D-mannose pyrophosphorylase are expected to be lethal. The cyt1 (cytokinesis 1) mutation
isolated during a screen for embryo lethality causes
the formation of highly abnormal cell walls, radial
swelling, and an arrest in early embryonic development (Nickle and Meinke, 1998). The CYT1 gene
was positionally cloned and shown to be identical to
VTC1 (Lukowitz et al., 2001). The cyt1-1 allele contains a Pro-to-Leu amino acid substitution within a
conserved region of the protein whereas the cyt1-2
allele contains a frameshift mutation in the carboxyterminal part of the protein which is likely to abolish
enzyme function entirely. The cytological abnormalities seen in cyt1-1 embryos are slightly less severe
than those observed in the cyt1-2 genetic background
suggesting that the missense mutation in cyt1-1 does
not completely eliminate protein function. Embryos
homozygous for cyt1 mutations show a ca. 50% re-
Conklin et al. (1999)
Lukowitz et al. (2001)
Keller et al. (1999)
duction in the mannose and fucose content of their cell
wall material, and are deficient in the synthesis of Nlinked glycans presumably because enzyme activities
in the assembly of the mannose-rich core structure are
limited by the availability of GDP-D-mannose. The
Arabidopsis genome contains several sequences similar to the CYT1-encoded GDP-D-mannose pyrophosphorylase which offers an explanation why cell walls
from cyt1 embryos contain substantial amounts of
mannose and fucose residues (Lukowitz et al., 2001).
Alternatively, a maternal contribution may account for
residual GDP-D-mannose pyrophosphorylase activity.
The cellulose content of cyt1 embryos is ca. 20%
of wild type suggesting that the formation of abnormal and incomplete cell walls is caused by a defect
in cellulose synthesis (Lukowitz et al., 2001). Treatment of Arabidopsis root tips with tunicamycin (an
inhibitor of N-glycosylation) causes radial swelling
and callose deposition, a phenotype characteristic of
cyt1 embryos. This suggests that the cell wall defects
and embryo lethality caused by the cyt1 mutations
reflect the mutants’ inability to properly glycosylate
components of the cellulose-synthesizing machinery
(Lukowitz et al., 2001).
Eight allelic Arabidopsis mutants (mur1-1 through
mur1-8; mur stands for Latin murus, the wall) that
are defective in the de novo synthesis of L-fucose
were isolated as part of a larger effort to isolate cell
wall mutants by directly screening for changes in the
monosaccharide composition of leaf cell wall material (Reiter et al., 1993, 1997). Mutants carrying tight
mur1 alleles show- 100 to 200-fold lower amounts of
L -fucose in all aerial parts of the plants and a ca. 40%
reduction in the fucose content of their roots (Reiter
et al., 1993). The MUR1 gene encodes an isoform of
GDP-D-mannose 4,6-dehydratase (Bonin et al., 1997),
which results in a general fucose deficiency that affects
the structure of glycoproteins, xyloglucan, and the
pectic polysaccharides rhamnogalacturonan I and II
(RG-I and RG-II). Another Arabidopsis gene (GMD1
for GDP-D-mannose 4,6-dehydratase isoform 1) encoding this enzymatic activity is strongly expressed
in roots but only weakly in shoot organs which explains the differences in fucose content between roots
and shoots of mur1 plants (Bonin et al., 1997). Plants
carrying tight mur1 alleles are slightly dwarfed, and
show a roughly two-fold reduction in the mechanical strength of elongating inflorescence stems (Reiter
et al., 1993). The mur1-3 and mur1-7 plants show a
leaky phenotype (the fucose content in leaf material
is ca. 30% and 10% of wild type, respectively) and
appear normal in regard to their growth habit and wall
strength. All of the phenotypes of mur1 plants are rescued by addition of L-fucose to the growth medium
(Reiter et al., 1993) since the free monosaccharide is
incorporated into GDP- L-fucose via a monosaccharide
salvage pathway (Feingold and Avigad, 1980). Because the fucose deficiency of mur1 plants affects a
variety of glycans, the altered wall strength and growth
habit of the mutants is difficult to interpret unless mutants with lesions in specific fucosylated glycans are
available for comparison. The cgl (complex glycan)
mutant of Arabidopsis does not contain fucosylated
N-linked glycans due to a deficiency in GlcNAc transferase I but shows normal wall strength and morphology (von Schaewen et al., 1993; Reiter et al., 1993).
This indicates that the phenotypes observed in mur1
plants are not caused by an absence of glycoprotein
fucosylation but are most likely related to changes in
the fucosylation of cell wall polysaccharides.
The fucosylated side chains of xyloglucans are
believed to enhance the rate of formation of strong
xyloglucan-cellulose interactions (Levy et al., 1991,
1997) and to play an essential role in the modulation
of auxin-induced elongation growth by xyloglucanderived oligosaccharides (York et al., 1984; McDougall and Fry, 1989). Although the reduced wall
strength in mur1 plants is compatible with changes
in the xyloglucan-cellulose network, the shorter plant
size is difficult to reconcile with the proposed role
of fucosylated xyloglucan fragments. To address this
point, Zablackis et al. (1996) conducted an in-depth
study on the structure of mur1 xyloglucan. They
found that approximately one-third of the positions
normally occupied by L-fucose carried the structurally
similar monosaccharide L-galactose (L-fucose is 6deoxy-L-galactose). This study also demonstrated that
L -galactosylated xyloglucan oligosaccharides showed
an ‘anti-auxin’ activity comparable to L-fucosylated
oligomers suggesting that mur1 and wild-type plants
contain comparable amounts of biologically active
The structure of N-linked glycans from mur1
plants has been investigated by Rayon et al. (1999)
leading to the conclusion that ca. 5% of the Lfucose residues normally attached to the Asn-linked
GlcNAc residue in complex glycans are replaced by
L -galactose while the majority of positions remains
unsubstituted. The incorporation of L-galactose into
xyloglucan and N-linked glycans is presumably catalyzed by fucosyltransferases with different affinities
for GDP-L-galactose which leads to varying degrees of
substitution depending on the identity of the enzyme
and the acceptor molecule. Alternatively, the concentrations of GDP-L-fucose and GDP-L-galactose
available to different fucosyltransferases may not be
uniform throughout the Golgi stacks.
The screen for mutants with altered monosaccharide composition yielded eight independent lines
defective in the de novo synthesis of GDP-L-fucose
(Reiter et al., 1997) all of which had missense mutations in the MUR1 gene (Bonin et al., 1997). This
raised the question of why no mutations in the subsequent steps of the L-fucose biosynthetic pathway were
Biochemical evidence in bacteria (Ginsburg,
1961), mammals (Chang et al., 1988) and plants (Liao
and Barber, 1971) indicated that the intermediate
GDP-4-keto-6-deoxy- D-mannose formed by the 4,6dehydratase reaction undergoes a 3,5 epimerization
followed by a 4 reduction yielding GDP- L-fucose. Genetic information on capsule biosynthesis in bacteria
(Bastin and Reeves, 1995) permitted the identification of a candidate gene for GDP-4-keto-6-deoxy-
D -mannose 3,5-epimerase-4-reductase (synonymous
with GDP-L-fucose synthase), which was then used
to identify an Arabidopsis homologue (GER1) in
the database of expressed sequence tags (dbEST)
(Bonin and Reiter, 2000). Expression of the intron-less
GER1 gene in Escherichia coli yielded a protein with
the expected enzymatic activity indicating that the
epimerase-reductase in fucose synthesis had indeed
been cloned. GER1 antisense plants showed an up to
50-fold reduction in enzymatic activity but contained
normal amounts of fucose in their cell wall material,
indicating that the 3,5-epimerase-4-reductase activity
is not rate-limiting in vivo. The Arabidopsis genome
contains a sequence predicted to encode a protein
highly similar to GER1 (88% amino acid identity over
312 amino acids). According to entries in dbEST, this
‘GER2’ gene appears to be transcribed both in roots
and flower buds suggesting that it may be expressed
throughout the plant. If GER2 were functionally redundant with GER1, this would offer an explanation
why no mutants defective in either gene were isolated.
The conversion of GDP-D-mannose to GDP-Lgalactose is mechanistically similar to the steps catalyzed by the GER1 gene product (Barber, 1979) since
it represents a 3,5 epimerization via enol intermediates. Accordingly, GDP-D-mannose 3,5-epimerase
may be structurally similar or identical to the 3,5epimerase-4-reductase in fucose synthesis. GER1 protein expressed in E. coli did not convert GDP-Dmannose into detectable products under a variety of
reaction conditions speaking against a role of this enzyme in the formation of GDP-L-galactose. Because
L -galactose is an intermediate in the synthesis of L ascorbate, GER1 antisense plants were assayed for this
metabolite but no differences from wild type were observed (Bonin and Reiter, 2000). This leaves GER2
as a candidate for GDP-D-mannose 3,5-epimerase, a
hypothesis that remains to be tested.
UDP-sugar interconversion pathways: the
biosynthesis of D-galactose, uronic acids, pentoses
and L-rhamnose
De novo and salvage pathways in the formation of
The activation of D-glucose via UDP-D-glucose pyrophosphorylase or sucrose synthase yields a cytoplasmic pool of UDP-D-glucose that functions as a donor
of glucose for the synthesis of cellulose at the plasma
membrane (Delmer and Amor, 1995; Amor et al.,
1995). UDP-D-glucose also serves as a substrate for
the synthesis of other nucleotide sugars required for
the formation of cell wall matrix components within
the Golgi after translocation of the nucleotide sugar
across the Golgi membrane (Muños et al., 1996).
UDP-D-galactose is generated from UDP-D-glucose
via a freely reversible 4-epimerization reaction involving an enzyme-bound 4-keto intermediate (Maitra
and Ankel, 1971). Most of the UDP-D-galactose
is ultimately needed in the Golgi for the synthesis
of arabinogalactan-proteins and cell wall polysaccharides including RG-I, RG-II and xyloglucan. In green
tissues, substantial amounts of UDP- D-galactose are
also needed for the synthesis of chloroplast galactolipids (Joyard et al., 1998). cDNAs encoding UDPD -glucose 4-epimerase have been cloned from Arabidopsis (Dörmann and Benning, 1996), pea (Lake
et al., 1998) and the endospermous legume guar (Joersbo et al., 1999). At least two isoforms of this
enzyme are expressed in developing seeds of guar to
produce UDP-D-galactose required for the synthesis
of the storage polysaccharide galactomannan (Joersbo
et al., 1999).
The function of a UDP-D-glucose 4-epimerase
gene (UGE1) on chromosome 1 of A. thaliana has
been studied in considerable detail via antisense and
over-expression approaches (Dörmann and Benning,
1998). Transgenic lines over-expressing the UGE1
cDNA showed up to three-fold increases in UDP- Dglucose 4-epimerase activity, whereas enzyme function was up to ten-fold lower in antisense lines.
These changes in UDP- D-glucose 4-epimerase activity
did not significantly alter the ratio between UDPD -glucose and UDP- D -galactose which is close to
the thermodynamic equilibrium value of 3.5 (Wilson and Hogness, 1964) in wild-type Arabidopsis.
UGE1 transgenics grown in soil showed a normal
growth habit and contained wild-type amounts of Dgalactose in their cell wall material and chloroplast
lipids. This picture changed considerably upon examination of plants grown axenically in the presence
of D-galactose (Dörmann and Benning, 1998). Under
these conditions, the ratio between UDP-D-glucose
and UDP-D-galactose fell to values as low as 1.9 in
wild-type plants, reflecting an increased concentration of UDP-D-galactose. Furthermore, the amount
of galactose incorporated into cell wall material increased substantially suggesting that the availability
of UDP-D-galactose represents a rate-limiting step in
the synthesis of galactose-containing cell wall com-
ponents. Over-expression of the UGE1 gene product
shifted the UDP- D-glucose to UDP-D-galactose ratio closer to its equilibrium value, and permitted the
plants to tolerate otherwise toxic concentrations of Dgalactose in the growth medium. Based on this observation, Dörmann and Benning (1998) suggested that
over-expression of UDP-D-glucose 4-epimerase may
be useful as a selectable marker during plant transformations by ‘detoxifying’ exogenous D-galactose. The
deleterious effects of millimolar concentrations of Dgalactose in the growth medium have been observed
in a number of plant species (Yamamoto et al., 1988;
Maretzki and Thom, 1978), and this may be due to
the depletion of phosphate and/or uridine nucleotide
pools by the action of galactokinase and UDP-Dgalactose pyrophosphorylase; however, more complex
metabolic deregulation phenomena may contribute to
galactose toxicity in higher plants. Over-expression of
UDP-D-glucose 4-epimerase converts excess UDP-Dgalactose into UDP-D-glucose, which is rapidly turned
over via the action of sucrose phosphate synthase, sucrose synthase or glucosyltransferases leading to the
regeneration of UDP. UGE1 antisense plants were
more susceptible to the toxic effects of D-galactose
than their wild-type counterparts (Dörmann and Benning, 1998), presumably by exacerbating metabolic
deregulation effects caused by the accumulation of
An evaluation of the Arabidopsis genome sequence
indicates the presence of four coding regions that are
65–89% identical to UGE1 on the amino acid level.
Based on current entries in dbEST, most of these coding regions are transcribed (Table 2), and two of them
(UGE2 and UGE3) have been demonstrated to encode
functional UDP-D-glucose 4-epimerase (R. Verma and
W.-D. Reiter, unpublished results). The up to 10-fold
reduction in UDP-D-glucose 4-epimerase activity in
UGE1 antisense lines (Dörmann and Benning, 1998)
suggests that this protein represents the predominant
UDP-D-glucose 4-epimerase in Arabidopsis which is
in line with the observation that dbEST contains more
ESTs derived from UGE1 than from homologous coding regions (15 ESTs from UGE1 vs. 10 ESTs from
all other isoforms combined). The functional significance of redundant UDP-D-glucose 4-epimerases is
difficult to rationalize since the epimerization reaction is freely reversible and does not appear to be
rate-limiting under standard growth conditions; however, some of the UGE isoforms may play important
roles in specific cell types or under certain environmental conditions. This argument is supported by
the recent finding that the rhd1 (root hair development locus 1) mutant of Arabidopsis (Schiefelbein and
Somerville, 1990) carries a defect in the UGE4 gene
(G.J. Seifert, personal communication). rhd1 plants
develop a bulge at the base of the root hairs, and
are allelic to the reb1 (root epidermal cell bulging
locus 1) mutants described by Baskin et al. (1992).
A characterization of reb1-1 plants indicated a 30%
reduction in arabinogalactan-proteins (AGPs) in root
material (Ding and Zhu, 1997). Furthermore it was
found that the alterations in root cell morphology in
reb1 (=rhd1=uge4) plants are phenocopied by growth
in the presence of (β-D-Glc)3 Yariv reagent (Yariv
et al., 1992) which specifically binds to AGPs (Ding
and Zhu, 1997; Willats and Knox, 1996). These results suggest that the loss of UGE4 function affects the
morphology of root epidermal cells by interfering with
the synthesis of galactosylated glycans such as AGPs.
The first step in the salvage pathway for reutilization of free D-galactose is catalyzed by galactokinase, an enzyme for which genes have been isolated from bacterial, fungal and mammalian sources.
The first cDNA encoding a plant galactokinase was
fortuitously isolated by Kaplan et al. (1997) during
an attempt to identify Arabidopsis homologues of the
Saccharomyces cerevisiae peroxisome assembly gene
PAS9 via functional complementation of yeast. The
AGK1 cDNA (for Arabidopsis galactokinase locus 1)
is predicted to encode a soluble protein of 496 amino
acids which shows substantial sequence similarities to
galactokinases cloned from other sources. Although
the AGK1 cDNA does not complement the yeast pas1
mutation, it permitted the yeast strain to utilize small
amounts of D-galactose (ca. 3 mM) released from
agar during autoclaving (Kaplan et al., 1997). Further
evidence for the predicted function of AGK1 was obtained by complementation of a gal1 strain of yeast
which is deficient in galactokinase activity (Kaplan
et al., 1997). Sherson et al. (1999) demonstrated that
an AGK1 orthologue (termed GAL1) from a different ecotype of Arabidopsis complemented the galK
(galactokinase) mutation of E. coli and that the complemented strain contained measurable amounts of
galactokinase activity.
UDP-D-glucose dehydrogenase: a key enzyme in the
biosynthesis of uronic acids and pentoses
Most higher plants incorporate large amounts of
uronic acids into their cell wall polysaccharides primarily as D-galacturonate residues in the backbones of
Table 2. Putative Arabidopsis proteins with sequence similarities to UDP-D-glucose 4-epimerases.
gene namea
of protein
(amino acids)
Predicted number
of exons
Level of
Chr. I
Chr. IV
Chr. I
Chr. I
Chr. IV
a UGE1 has been named and described by Dörmann and Benning (1998).
b The level of transcription is based on the number of matching sequences in dbEST: −, none; +, 1–5,
++, 6–10; + + +, 10–20.
pectic material, and as D-glucuronate residues in glucuronoarabinoxylans. UDP-D-glucuronate also serves
as the precursor for the synthesis of UDP-D-xylose,
UDP-L-arabinose, and UDP-D-apiose (Feingold and
Avigad, 1980). The first step in this series of nucleotide sugar interconversion reactions is catalyzed
by UDP-D-glucose dehydrogenase forming UDP-Dglucuronate in an irreversible and presumably ratelimiting reaction (Dalessandro and Northcote, 1977).
An alternate pathway known to exist in many plant
species converts myo-inositol to D-glucuronate via the
action of inositol oxygenase (Loewus et al., 1973).
D -Glucuronate is then conjugated to UDP via the
sequential action of a monosaccharide kinase and a
uridylyltransferase (Feingold and Avigad, 1980). A
cDNA encoding UDP-D-glucose dehydrogenase was
fortuitously cloned from soybean during an effort to
obtain a plant homologue to mammalian NADPH oxidase (Tenhaken and Thulke, 1996). The function of
the encoded protein was inferred from its high degree of sequence similarity to the bovine enzyme, and
from immunoprecipitation of UDP- D-glucose dehydrogenase activity by an antibody raised against the
soybean protein expressed in E. coli; however, enzymatic activity of the recombinant protein has not been
demonstrated (Tenhaken and Thulke, 1996). Seitz
et al. (2000) used the soybean cDNA to isolate an Arabidopsis orthologue (termed UGD for UDP-D-glucose
dehydrogenase) to conduct detailed expression studies. Although UGD was believed to represent a singlecopy gene based on Southern blots (Seitz et al., 2000),
an evaluation of the Arabidopsis database after completion of the genome project indicated the presence of
three paralogues (Table 3). The four UGD isoforms are
highly similar to each other with amino acid sequence
identities between 83% and 93%, and all of them are
transcribed based on the existence of ESTs derived
from these genes. Using a variety of procedures including northern blots, promoter-GUS fusions, and
promoter-GFP fusions, Seitz et al. (2000) demonstrated that UGD expression was primarily confined to
root tissues in 3-day old Arabidopsis seedlings while
a more uniform distribution of enzymatic activity was
observed in older plants. Furthermore, high UDP- Dglucose dehydrogenase activity could be demonstrated
via activity staining in root tips from young seedlings
in support of the reporter gene studies. Since UDP- Dglucuronate is required in all plant organs at all stages
of development, radiolabeling of young seedlings with
myo-inositol was used to determine whether the inositol oxygenation pathway contributes toward the
synthesis of D-glucuronate in Arabidopsis. These experiments showed incorporation of radioactive label
preferentially into cotyledons and the hypocotyl where
the UGD gene was only weakly expressed. This suggests that the UGD and the inositol oxygenation pathways operate at different rates in different organs.
Seitz et al. (2000) hypothesize that the UGD pathway predominates in roots since anoxic conditions in
this organ may render the inositol oxygenation pathway nonfunctional. To analyze the significance of the
two pathways toward UDP-D-glucuronate synthesis in
more detail, it would be useful to study plant genes
encoding myo-inositol oxygenase. Currently genes encoding this activity have not been described in any
organism making it difficult to identify plant genes
encoding this activity via database searches.
Enzymes acting on UDP-D-glucuronate: the
biosynthesis of UDP-D-galacturonate, UDP-D-xylose
and UDP-D-apiose
UDP-D-glucuronate represents a major branch-point
in the biosynthesis of UDP-sugars which are gener-
Table 3. Putative Arabidopsis proteins with sequence similarities to UDP-D-glucose dehydrogenases.
gene namea
of protein
(amino acids)
Predicted number
of exons
Level of
Chr. V
Chr. III
Chr. V
Chr. I
+ + ++
+ + ++
a UGD1 has been described as UGD by Seitz et al. (2000).
b The level of transcription is based on the number of matching sequences in dbEST: +, 1–5, + + +,
10–20; + + ++, >20.
ated via a series of epimerization, decarboxylation
and rearrangement reactions (Figure 1). The interconversion between UDP-D-glucuronate and UDP-Dgalacturonate is freely reversible with an equilibrium
constant slightly in favor of the latter compound (Feingold and Avigad, 1980). The 4-epimerization reaction
proceeds via a 4-keto intermediate presumably generated by an enzyme-bound pyridine nucleotide cofactor similar to the interconversion catalyzed by UDPD -glucose 4-epimerase. A gene encoding UDP- D glucuronate 4-epimerase (cap1J for capsular polysaccharide gene 1J) has recently been cloned from a type
1 strain of Streptococcus pneumoniae which requires
UDP-D-galacturonate for capsule synthesis (Muños
et al., 1999). BLAST searches indicate the presence
of cap1J homologues in numerous bacterial species;
however, the functions of these gene products have
not been established. The Arabidopsis genome contains six predicted coding regions (tentatively termed
GAE1–GAE6 for UDP-D-glucuronic acid 4-epimerase
isoforms 1–6) with a high degree of sequence similarity to the bacterial enzymes, and all of these plant
sequences are intron-less and transcribed based on
the presence of entries in dbEST (Table 4). GAE1
and GAE6 appear to be strongly expressed with >25
and >50 ESTs, respectively, whereas the number of
ESTs for the other isoforms ranges between 1 and
5. When compared to cap1J, all of the Arabidopsis
GAE sequences contain N-terminal extensions of ca.
100 amino acids with a hydrophobic segment close to
the start of the proteins (Figure 2). This structure is
typical of type II membrane proteins such as Golgilocalized glycosyltransferases. We speculate that the
GAE proteins are targeted to the Golgi to provide
UDP-D-galacturonate at the site of cell wall synthesis. Under this scenario, UDP-D-glucuronate produced
in the cytoplasm would be imported into the Golgi
to serve as substrate both for glycosyltransferases
and for nucleotide sugar interconversion enzymes.
TBLASTN searches of dbEST with the Arabidopsis
GAEs as query sequences identify close homologues
in numerous plant species including monocots, dicots, and gymnosperms indicating that these genes
are widespread throughout the plant kingdom. cDNA
and genomic sequences from fungi and animals do not
contain obvious GAE homologues which correlates
with the apparent absence of D-galacturonate in these
UDP-D-glucuronate decarboxylase (also called
UDP-D-glucuronate carboxy-lyase or UDP- D-xylose
synthase) converts UDP-D-glucuronate into UDP-Dxylose in an essentially irreversible reaction (Feingold and Avigad, 1980). This enzyme may be structurally related to UDP-D-glucoronate 4-epimerase
since both proteins act on the same substrate, and
catalyze mechanistically similar reactions. Both interconversion enzymes use an NAD(P)+ cofactor
to generate a transient 4-keto intermediate which
is non-stereospecifically reduced in case of the 4epimerase yielding an equilibrium mixture of UDPD -glucuronate and UDP- D -galacturonate. In case of
the decarboxylase, the intermediate loses CO2 in an
elimination reaction typical of a β-keto carboxylic
acid, and is then stereospecifically reduced to yield
UDP-D-xylose (Feingold and Avigad, 1980). These
similarities in reaction mechanisms suggest that the
4-epimerase and the decarboxylase have similar primary structures which raises the possibility that one
or several of the GAE genes of A. thaliana encode
a decarboxylase rather than a 4-epimerase. A similar argument can be made for the bifunctional enzyme UDP-D-apiose/UDP-D-xylose synthase (also referred to as UDP-D-glucuronate cyclase) which has
been purified from duckweed (Wellmann and Grisebach, 1971; Kindel and Watson, 1973) and parsley
(Matern and Grisebach, 1977), two plants contain-
Figure 2. Amino acid sequence alignments between the UDP-D-glucuronate 4-epimerase from S. pneumoniae (cap1J gene product) and the
six related genes in the Arabidopsis genome. The predicted transmembrane domains in the GAE gene products are boxed, and the GxxGxxG
motif predicted to be involved in NAD(P)+ binding is indicated.
ing large amounts of D-apiose in the polysaccharide apiogalacturonan (Hart and Kindel, 1970) and
the trihydroxyflavone glycoconjugate apiin, respectively. UDP-D-apiose/UDP-D-xylose synthase converts UDP-D-glucuronate into approximately equimolar amounts of UDP-D-apiose and UDP-D-xylose via a
common 4-keto intermediate (Matern and Grisebach,
1977). In most higher plants, D-apiose is specifically
found in the complex polysaccharide RG-II where two
D -apiose residues serve as attachment points for complex carbohydrate side chains to the homogalacturonan backbone (O’Neill et al, 1996; Ishii et al., 1999).
The cloning of genes encoding UDP-D-apiose/UDPD -xylose synthase would be of great interest since
Table 4. Putative Arabidopsis proteins with sequence similarities to UDP-glucuronate 4-epimerase
from S. pneumoniae.
gene name
of protein
(amino acids)
Predicted number
of exons
Level of
Chr. IV
Chr. I
Chr. IV
Chr. II
Chr. IV
Chr. III
+ + ++
+ + ++
a The level of transcription is based on the number of matching sequences in dbEST: +, 1–5; + + ++,
down-regulation or elimination of D-apiose synthesis
in most plants would specifically affect RG-II by converting a highly complex cell wall component into a
structurally simpler polymer. RG-II has recently been
shown to become dimerized via a borate tetraester
cross-link both in vitro and in vivo (O’Neill et al.,
1996; Ishii and Matsunaga, 1996; Ishii et al., 1999;
Kobayashi et al., 1996). The borate is believed to
bind tightly to the cis-hydroxyls at carbons 2 and 3
of an apiose moiety creating a borate diester which
can then react with the apiose moiety of another RG-II
molecule to form a tetraester bond. The establishment
of this cross-link has recently been shown to reduce
wall porosity (Fleischer et al., 1999), a property which
may be highly significant for cell wall function and
If UDP-D-glucuronate 4-epimerase, UDP- D-glucuronate decarboxylase, and UDP- D-apiose/UDP-Dxylose synthase were encoded by members of the
GAE gene family in Arabidopsis, all of these enzymes would be expected to reside in microsomal
fractions since the GAE proteins contain a putative
transmembrane domain. Membrane localization of the
first two proteins has been reported for several dicot
species (Feingold and Avigad, 1980; Liljebjelke et al.,
1995), and UDP-D-glucuronate decarboxylase activity
has been found in the microsome fraction of Arabidopsis leaves (Burget and Reiter, 1999). On the other
hand, UDP-D-glucuronate decarboxylase from wheat
germ (John et al., 1977) and the UDP-D-apiose/UDPD -xylose synthases from duckweed (Wellmann and
Grisebach, 1971) and parsley (Matern and Grisebach, 1977) are soluble enzymes. The subcellular
localization of UDP- D-apiose/UDP-D-xylose synthase
in plants such as Arabidopsis which use D-apiose
exclusively for the synthesis of RG-II is unknown.
UPD-D-glucuronate decarboxylase has recently been
purified form pea seedlings which permitted the isolation of a cDNA clone via the N-terminal amino
acid sequence (M. Kobayashi and T. Matoh, personal
communication; GenBank accession BAB40967). Enzyme assays on recombinant protein from E. coli
confirmed that the cDNA encodes an enzyme with
UDP-D-glucuronate decarboxylase activity. Surprisingly, this protein is much more similar to bacterial dTDP- D-glucose 4,6-dehydratases than to UDPD -glucuronate 4-epimerases, and represents a close
homolog of the ‘SUD’ gene family in Arabidopsis
(see the section on L-rhamnose biosynthesis below).
Based on this finding it now appears that at least
some UDP-D-glucuronate decarboxylases (and potentially some UDP- D-apiose/UDP-D-xylose synthases)
are evolutionary related to 4,6-dehydratases in the
biosynthesis of L-rhamnose.
The biosynthesis of UDP-L-arabinose via de novo
and salvage pathways
UDP-L-arabinose is synthesized from UDP-D-xylose
via a freely reversible 4-epimerization reaction with
an equilibrium constant of ca. 0.9, slightly favoring UDP-D-xylose (Salo et al., 1968). UDP-D-xylose
4-epimerase activity from higher plants is membranebound, and appears to be specific for the UDP-Dxylose/UDP-L-arabinose pair of nucleotide sugars. A
mutant of A. thaliana (mur4) has been isolated based
on a 50% reduction in the amount of L-arabinose in
its cell wall material (Reiter et al., 1997) and was
recently characterized on the biochemical level (Burget and Reiter, 1999). Membrane preparations from
mur4 plants show a decreased activity of UDP-Dxylose 4-epimerase, and recent genetic data suggest
that the MUR4 gene encodes an isoform of this enzyme (Burget and Reiter, 1999). The residual amount
of L-arabinose in mur4 plants appears to be caused
by genetic redundancy rather than leakiness of the
mutation (E. Burget and W.-D. Reiter, unpublished results). The partial arabinose deficiency in mur4 plants
is rescued by growth in the presence of 30 mM Larabinose presumably by exploiting a salvage pathway
which converts L-arabinose into its nucleotide sugar
via the sequential action of L-arabinose kinase and a
UDP-sugar pyrophosphorylase (Feingold and Avigad,
1980). An L-arabinose kinase-deficient mutant (ara11) of A. thaliana was fortuitously isolated by Dolezal
and Cobbett (1991) by testing chemically mutagenized
plants for growth on media containing various sugars. The ara1-1 mutation represents a semidominant
monogenic Mendelian trait which causes growth retardation and plant death in the presence of millimolar
concentrations of L-arabinose in the growth medium.
Biochemical assays indicated a tenfold reduction in
arabinose kinase activity in crude extracts from the
mutant seedlings. Furthermore, the seedlings metabolized free L-arabinose to a much lower extent than
wild type (Dolezal and Cobbett, 1991), suggesting a
lesion in the structural gene for L-arabinose kinase
or in a factor controlling this enzymatic activity. Positional cloning of the ARA1 gene indicated that it
encodes a protein of 988 amino acids which consists of
a carboxy-terminal domain with significant sequence
similarity to galactokinases, and an N-terminal domain of unknown function (Sherson et al., 1999). The
ara1-1 mutation causes a single nucleotide change
leading to a Glu-to-Lys amino acid substitution within
the carboxy-terminal domain. Cobbett et al. (1992)
isolated suppressor mutations of the arabinose sensitivity phenotype of ara1-1 plants including one line
(ara1-1 sup1) without detectable L-arabinose kinase
activity. This line was subsequently shown to contain
a nonsense mutation within the carboxy-terminal domain of the ARA1 gene product (Sherson et al., 1999).
It has been suggested that the ARA1 protein plays a
role in the uptake of L-arabinose (Cobbett et al., 1992)
which may explain why certain ara1 mutations such
as ara1-1 sup1 are deficient in L-arabinose kinase activity but do not cause sensitivity to L-arabinose in the
growth medium.
The biosynthesis of L-rhamnose, an essential
component of pectic material
L -Rhamnose is the predominant 6-deoxyhexose in
most higher plants, and represents a major component of the pectic polysaccharides RG-I and RG-II.
L -Rhamnosyl residues are also often conjugated to
secondary metabolites yielding soluble rhamnosides
for storage in the vacuole.
The biosynthesis of L-rhamnose has been extensively studied in bacteria where this sugar represents
a frequent component of capsular polysaccharides
(Reeves et al., 1996). The initial activation step is catalyzed by dTDP-D-glucose pyrophosphorylase which
transfers a dTMP moiety from dTTP to glucose1-phosphate. dTDP-D-glucose is then converted to
dTDP-L-rhamnose via a succession of three enzymatic
steps catalyzed by a 4,6-dehydratase, a 3,5-epimerase,
and a 4-reductase (Figure 3). This sequence of reactions is similar to the biosynthetic steps leading
from GDP- D-mannose to GDP-L-fucose except that
the last two activities in the biosynthesis of dTDP- Lrhamnose reside on separate polypeptide chains, and
the configuration at C-4 is inverted in case of dTDPL -rhamnose, whereas it is retained in case of GDPL -fucose. The actual interconversion reactions leading to the formation of nucleotide-bound L-rhamnose
appear to be catalyzed by enzymes which are evolutionarily conserved between bacteria and plants, but
the organization of coding regions differs markedly
between these two groups of organisms. As mentioned above, bacteria contain three separate genes
encoding the 4,6-dehydratase, 3,5-epimerase, and 4reductase, respectively. These genes are usually organized as operons which include the coding region
for dTDP-D-glucose pyrophosphorylase. For instance,
a gene cluster encoding the O-antigen biosynthetic
proteins of E. coli K-12 (Stevenson et al., 1994) contains the genes involved in L-rhamnose biosynthesis
in the order rmlB (previously called rfbB encoding dTDP- D-glucose 4,6-dehydratase), rmlD (previously called rfbD encoding dTDP-4-keto-L-rhamnose
reductase), rmlA (previously called rfbA encoding
dTDP-D-glucose pyrophosphorylase), and rmlC (previously called rfbC encoding dTDP-4-keto-6-deoxyD -glucose 3,5-epimerase). As a general rule, plants
use UDP-D-glucose rather than dTDP-D-glucose as
a precursor for the de novo synthesis of L-rhamnose
(Feingold and Avigad, 1980). In agreement with these
biochemical data, the Arabidopsis genome does not
contain obvious homologues to the bacterial rmlA
Figure 3. Biosynthetic steps in the formation of dTDP-L-rhamnose from glucose-1-phosphate in bacteria.
Table 5. Putative Arabidopsis proteins with sequence similarities to dTDP-L-rhamnose biosynthetic
enzymes in bacteria.
gene name
of protein
(amino acids)
Predicted number
of exons
Level of
Chr. I
Chr. I
Chr. III
+ + ++
Chr. I
Chr. III
Chr. II
Chr. III
Chr. III
Chr. V
Chr. II
a The level of transcription is based on the number of matching sequences in dbEST: +, 1–5, ++, 6–10,
+ + +, 11–20; + + ++, >20.
Figure 4. Amino acid sequence alignment between the three RHM gene products, the UER protein, and bacterial enzymes involved in the
de novo synthesis of dTDP-L-rhamnose. The rmlB gene from E. coli encodes dTDP-D-glucose 4,6-dehydratase, and the rmlD gene from
Bacillus halodurans encodes dTDP-L-rhamnose synthase. The GxxGxxG motifs predicted to be involved in NAD(P)+ binding are indicated.
Note that the 4,6-dehydratase domain within the RHM gene products contain a G to A amino acid substitution within this sequence.
Figure 5. Amino acid sequence alignment between the rmlB gene product of E. coli and putative UDP-D-glucuronate decarboxylases from
Arabidopsis. The predicted transmembrane domains in the AUD gene products are boxed and the GxxGxxG motif predicted to be involved in
NAD(P)+ binding is indicated.
gene products which encode dTDP-D-glucose pyrophosphorylase. BLAST searches of the Arabidopsis database using dTDP-D-glucose 4,6-dehydratase
from E. coli identify three coding regions with a
high degree of sequence similarity to the bacterial enzymes which we have tentatively designated RHM1,
RHM2, and RHM3 for rhamnose biosynthetic genes
1, 2 and 3 (Table 5 and Figure 4). The three RHMcoding regions are very similar to each other (amino
acid identities >84% between isoforms), and consist of two domains: an N-terminal domain of about
340 amino acids with significant sequence similarity
to bacterial dTDP- D-glucose 4,6-dehydratases, and a
carboxy-terminal domain of about 300 amino acids
(Figure 4). When used in BLAST searches against
protein databases, the carboxy-terminal domain is
most similar to bacterial dTDP-4-keto- L-rhamnose
reductases (also known as dTDP-4-keto-6-deoxy- Lmannose 4-reductase, dTDP-L-rhamnose dehydrogenase and dTDP-L-rhamnose synthase). Although the
overall sequence similarity is fairly low with a P
value of about 10−4 , it is noteworthy that these bacterial sequences are known to catalyze the final step
in the de novo synthesis of dTDP-L-rhamnose. We
speculate that the Arabidopsis RHM genes contain all
the functions required to convert UDP-D-glucose to
UDP-L-rhamnose, and that they contain two NAD(P)+
binding sites. Under this scenario, the first NAD(P)+
moiety would be involved in the 4,6-dehydratase reaction, and may be tightly bound to the enzyme while
the second site would be involved in the reduction
of the 4-keto intermediate to UDP-L-rhamnose. Both
domains of the Arabidopsis RHM proteins contain a
NAD(P)+ binding motif in their N-terminal regions
except that a highly conserved glycine residue in the
putative 4,6-dehydratase domain is replaced by an
alanine (Figure 4). The same amino acid substitution is found in a human homologue of the bacterial
dTDP-D-glucose 4,6-dehydratases (accession number
AAD50061) suggesting that this deviation from the
GxxGxxG consensus sequence does not compromise
protein function. If the Arabidopsis RHM proteins represent a fusion of a 4,6-dehydratase and a 4-reductase,
the question arises which part of the protein catalyzes the 3,5-epimerization reaction. We envision
a situation where the genes encoding two polypeptide chains representing the bacterial rmlC and rmlD
gene products merged during evolution to produce the
type of bifunctional enzyme seen in the de novo synthesis of GDP-L-fucose. Alternatively, a primordial
4-reductase may have acquired 3,5-epimerase function via random mutation and selection leading to
a bifunctional enzyme. With the PSI-BLAST algorithm during database searches (Altschul et al., 1997),
an NAD+ -dependent epimerase domain is predicted
within the carboxy-terminal part of the RHM proteins.
The same structural domain is present in bacterial
3,5-epimerases catalyzing the second step in the synthesis of dTDP-L-rhamnose from dTDP-D-glucose but
is absent from dTDP-L-rhamnose synthases. These
findings support the idea that the carboxy-terminal
domain of the RHM proteins correspond to a 3,5epimerase-4-reductase gene that has been fused to
a UDP-D-glucose 4,6-dehydratase gene. The Arabidopsis genome contains one predicted coding region
(tentatively termed UER1 for UDP-4-keto-6-deoxy-Dglucose 3,5-epimerase-4-reductase) which is virtually
identical to the carboxy-terminal domain of the RHM
gene products (Figure 4). This putative protein is an
obvious candidate for a 3,5-epimerase-4-reductase in
L -rhamnose synthesis although other functions cannot
be ruled out. With the exception of RHM3, all of the
coding regions discussed above appear to be heavily
transcribed based on the presence of ca. 20 cDNA
clones each in dbEST (Table 5).
The possible existence of a separate UDP-4-keto6-deoxy-D-glucose 3,5-epimerase-4-reductase raises
the question whether plant genomes contain coding
regions for UDP-D-glucose 4,6-dehydratase which are
not linked to other enzymatic activities. The Arabidopsis genome encodes six putative proteins with sequence similarities to bacterial dTDP-D-glucose 4,6dehydratases which appear significant (Figure 5) but
are lower than those observed with the RHM gene
products. Three of these 4,6-dehydratase homologues
(tentatively termed AUD1, AUD2, and AUD3) contain N-terminal extensions encompassing a putative
transmembrane domain, a protein structure remarkably similar to the GAE gene products (Figures 2 and
5). The remaining three coding regions (tentatively
termed SUD1, SUD2, and SUD3) contain small Nterminal extensions compared to their bacterial counterparts but lack a transmembrane domain. As mentioned previously, the SUD proteins are virtually identical in their derived amino acid sequence to a UDP- Dglucuronate decarboxylase from pea strongly suggesting that they catalyze the formation of UDP-D-xylose
in Arabidopsis. The very high degree of sequence similarity between the SUD and AUD gene products furthermore suggests that the AUD gene family encodes
membrane-bound UDP-D-glucuronate decarboxylases
rather than UDP-D-glucose 4,6-dehydratases.
Conclusions and perspectives
Nucleotide sugar interconversion pathways produce a
variety of activated monosaccharides for incorporation into cell wall material, glycoproteins and lowmolecular-weight glycoconjugates. Biochemical aspects of these pathways have been investigated in
numerous plant species but the molecular genetics
of these reactions has received comparatively little
attention. Genes encoding monosaccharide kinases,
NDP-sugar pyrophosphorylases and some of the actual interconversion enzymes (i.e. enzymes changing
the identity of a sugar moiety) have recently been identified via the characterization of mutants and the identification of coding regions with sequence similarities
to functional homologues from other organisms. With
the completion of the Arabidopsis Genome Project,
numerous candidate NDP-sugar interconversion enzymes have been identified, and can now be used to establish their biochemical function via over-expression
or antisense approaches, the isolation of true mutants
from tagged populations, or the expression of coding
regions in heterologous systems.
Once the function of specific gene products has
been established, their subcellular localization, expression pattern, and regulation on the transcriptional
and posttranscriptional level can be investigated. It
will be of particular interest to determine whether
interconversion enzymes with a predicted transmembrane domain will be targeted to a specific membrane
system such as the Golgi. Furthermore, it will be
instructive to determine the functional significance
of genetic redundancy in NDP-sugar interconversion
The analysis of mutants in the synthesis of activated monosaccharides has already provided some
insight into the consequences of reduced precursor
availability for the composition and structure of cell
wall material and the formation of an abundant vitamin. In the future, additional mutants in nucleotide
sugar interconversion reactions can be identified in
tagged collections which should provide further information on the significance of specific monosaccharides for the assembly and integrity of the cell
We thank Masaru Kobayashi, Toru Matoh and Georg
Seifert for the communication of unpublished results,
and Michael Mølhøj for his contributions to database
searches. Support of this work by the DOE Energy
Biosciences Program (No. DE-FG02-95ER20203) is
gratefully acknowledged.
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