Download DNA Day Project 1) Definitions: Drugs

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DNA Day Project
1) Definitions:
 Drugs- Substance, natural or artificial that alters function of the
 Genome- total DNA in each cell nucleus of an organism.
 Gene- functional unit controls inherited trait expression that is
passed on from one generation to another generation.
 Nucleotides- a subunit of nuclei acids formed from a simple sugar,
a phosphate group, and nitrogen base.
 Mutation- permanent change in a cell’s DNA, ranging from
changes in a simple base pair to deletions of large sections of
 DNA- (deoxyribose nuclei acid)- a genetic code for many
 mRNA (messanger RNA)- code for making proteins.
 Transcription- making a messanger RNA using DNA as a template
 Introns- RNA processing, the intervening coding sequence missing
from the mRNA.
 Exons- RNA processing, the coding sequence that remains in the
final mRNA.
 Splicing- joint or connect (a rope or ropes) by interweaving
 Translation- process in which mRNA attaches to the ribosome and
a protein is assembled.
 Amino Acids- carbon compound joined by peptide bonds, building
blocks of proteins.
 Codon- three base codes in DNA and RNA.
 Non-coding DNA- DNA describes components of an organisms
DNA sequences that do not encode for protein sequence.
 Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP)- variation in a DNA
sequence occurring when a single nucleotide in a genome is
 Alleles- alternative form that a single gene may have for a
particular trait.
 Hydrophilic- having a tendency to mix with, dissolve in, or be
wetted by water.
 Hydrophilic- tending to repel or fail to mix with water.
 Signaling Pathways- a group of molecules in a cell that work
together to control one or more cell functions, such as cell
division or cell death.
 Pharmacogenomics- study of how genetic inheritance affects the
body’s response to drug’s in order to produce safer and more
specific drug dosing.
 Genetic Linkage- The study of chromosomes and genes.
2) Questions
 How does a gene become a protein?- they begin to go through 2
processes: “translation” and “transcription”.- Transcription
(Information stored in RNA and information to make protein).Translation- (starts with ribosomes that reads sequence of mRNA,
building blocks (codon) and another RNA (tRNA) assembles amino
acids and proteins at the same time.
 In a given gene, what kind of DNA mutation would not change the
protein that is made?- Nonsense Mutations
 Why is non-coding DNA important?- helps to create the process
the function of proteins.
 What makes some amino acids hydrophobic and others
hydrophilic?- Hydrophilic dissolves in water and hydrophobicdoes not dissolve in water
 Why is it important for pharmaceutical companies to test new
drugs on a large number of people?- To see if the drugs can harm
the people if so, they have still work on the drug to get the
specific things right.
3) Process
 What does the entry on clopidogrel tell you about its medical use?
What kind of patients would use clopidogrel? How does the drug
function, in general?- In the description entry, Patients with AA
genotype, who had a recent stroke, peripheral vascular disease
and any other infection. The function is used to reduce
atherosclerotic events such as infraction, stroke, and vascular
death in patients.
 The generic and trade (brand) names of the drugs.- Generic
Name: Clopidogrel, Trade Names: Plavix, Clopidogrel sulfate.
Name of the
 What kind of chemical the drug is, and what other drugs it is
related to. May want to draw chemical structure.- Clopidogrel is
related to three Clopidogrel (Addictive anticoagulant, Prostacyclin
analogue, and increase bleed risk).
 What medical condition is the drug used to treat?- they have a
antiplatelet agent structurally and pharmacologically similar to
 The drug’s general effect on the body?- They will establish
peripheral vascular and artenal disease.
 How does clopidogrel interact with P2RY12? What is P2RY12?Clopidogrel, a thienopyridine derivative binds specially irreversibly
to the planet “P2RY12” purinergic receptor.
 What do CYP1A2, CYP2B6, CYP2C9, CYP2C19 and CYP3A4/5 all
have in common?- they implicated as cytochrome P450 enzymes
involves in metabolism of clopidogrel.
 What drug-drug interactions is clopidogrel involved in?- they were
involved in atorvastatin, the calcium-channel antagonist
verapamil and proton pump inhibitor omeprazole.
that has
Response to
the Drug
this protein
rsID of identified allele
interacts with
Exon, Intron and
Codon Sequence
Clopidogrel 
Involved 
Rs1045642 
Exon 
in the
P2RY12 
Cysteine 
Rs2046934 
Intron 
Clopidogrel 
CYP2C19 
Involved 
Rs4244285 
Exon 
AUG in
 How does ABCB1 interact with clopidogrel?- ABCB1 is involved in
the intestinal absorption.
 Clopidogrel How does protein this gene codes for interact with
drug in the pathway?- Clopidogrel divides into 2-oxo-clopidogrel
which is active metabolite.
 How do you think Clopidogrel effects the body?- The process will
not function as well as in general?
 If a normal amino acid is different from the one made by the allele
change, what DNA mutations would not have caused a change in
the amino acid that is made?- Point Mutation
 If the amino acid that is made by the mutant allele did not
change, what DNA would have caused a change?- Frame shift
 How do you think these differences affect how the protein as a
whole function?- It could not function as properly as the function
was in general. Its effects life span.
 What kind of amino acid mutations would be less likely to change
the protein’s normal function?- Nonsense Mutation
 If the function of this protein changes, how do you think this
affects how the drug functions on the pathway?- Will not produce
as well as other acts of the function was.
 Is your hypothesis similar to what is known about how this allele
mutation changes a patient’s response to the drug?- Yes