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Mucus secreted by the body to lubricate or
protect parts of the body
I am the five elements found in proteins
I am the fibrous protein found in hair
Actin and Myosin
I am the name given to the compartments that
make up myofibrils within skeletal muscle
I am the fibrous protein found in the wall of large
A Protein’s Secondary Structure
I am what must happen to allow muscle
Globular Protein
I am what the sequence of amino acids in a
polypeptide is referred to as
Fibrous Protein
I am a type of globular protein that speeds up
the rate of biochemical reactions
Weak Hydrogen Bonds
I am the type of fibrous protein found in bone,
tendons and ligaments
I am what the coiling of a polypeptide chain into
a spiral is referred to as
I am the two types of fibrous protein found in
myofibrils that allow muscle movement
A Protein’s Primary Structure
I am a type of globular protein that is Y-shaped
and made by white blood cells called
lymphocytes to defend the body against antigens
I am what the addition of sulphur atoms and
other types of cross-connection like additional
hydrogen bonding is referred to as
Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Sulphur
I am the name of the hormone that promotes
the conversion of glycogen to glucose in the liver
Conjugated protein
I am the molecules that make up proteins
I am examples of conjugated proteins
A Protein’s Tertiary Structure
Thin Actin Filaments must slide over thick
myosin filaments
I am the class of protein formed when several
polypeptide chains fold into a spherical shape
like a tangled ball of string
Peptide Bonds
I am the class of protein formed by several
spiral-shaped polypeptide molecules becoming
linked together in parallel by cross-bridges,
giving the protein a rope-like structure
Amino Acids
I am the name given to the weak bonds that
sometimes form between amino acids causing
the chain to become coiled
I am the type strong bonds that form between
amino acids linking them together into a chain
I am the class of protein that is formed when a
globular protein is associated with a non-protein
Glycoprotein, Lipoprotein and Haemoglobin
I am the part of the cell that is made up of
phospholipid molecules and globular protein
Cell Membrane
I am a type of globular protein. Insulin and
somatotrophin are examples.
I am an example of the conjugated protein called
glycoprotein. I am made of carbohydrate and
protein and I am slimy
I am the name of the globular protein that
transports iron round the body