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vascular tissue
vascular bundle
meristem cell
sieve tube element
companion cell
A tissue that covers the outside of a structure
The net movement of molecules or ions in a gas or liquid
from an area of high concentration to an area of lower
A plant tissue containing xylem vessels and other cells, that
are used to transport water in a plant and provide support
A tissue in plants that is used to transport dissolved sugars
and other substances, made up of sieve tube elements and
companion cells.
The transport tissue in a plant, usually found as a bundle
containing both xylem and phloem
A collection of xylem and phloem tissues.
A ring of cells between the cortex of a root and the area
housing the xylem and phloem
Undifferentiated plant cells capable of rapid cell division
A layer of cells in the root that lies just inside the endodermis.
It usually consists of meristematic cells whose division gives
rise to lateral roots.
Plant tissue in the stem and root that contains dividing cells
Tissue in plant roots and stems between epidermis and
vascular tissue
The process by which plants, some bacteria make food
using carbon dioxide, water and energy from sunlight.
A cell found in phloem tissue through which sap containing
sucrose is transported. It has very little cytoplasm, no nucleus,
and non-thickened cellulose cell walls, with the end walls
perforated to form sieve plates through which the cell sap
passes from element to element.
A cell in the phloem involved in actively loading sucrose
into the sieve tube elements. The companion cell is closely
associated with a phloem sieve tube element to which it is
linked by many plasmodesmata.
A waterproofing substance that impregnates the wall of the
xylem tissue. Lignin gives wood its strength.
Relatively unspecialised plant cells. They have living
contents and thin, permeable cellulose cell walls. They may
be able to photosynthesise, store food or support young
Thin areas of the lignified walls of xylem tissue cells that allow
communication between adjacent cells.
A cavity surrounded by a cell wall in cells, such as xylem
vessels, which have lost their cell contents.
The organelle found in cells in which most of the ATP
synthesis occurs. It is the site of aerobic respiration.
A fine strand of cytoplasm that links the protoplasm of
adjacent plant cells through a thin area of cell wall called a