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Changes in freshwater ecosystems due to climate change Which adaptation? Daniel Gerdeaux, INRA Thonon, Dpt EFPA http://www.clermont.inra.fr/urep/accae Restoration, protection …. and adaptation? 2000 : Water Framework Directive with the following key aims: •expanding the scope of water protection to all waters, surface waters and groundwater •achieving "good status" for all waters by a set deadline •water management based on river basins •"combined approach" of emission limit values and quality standards •getting the prices right •getting the citizen involved more closely •streamlining legislation Ecological status of French waterbodies (deviation from Reference. conditions) indeterminate Very bad Reference conditions Insignificantly disturbed biology, hydro-morphology and physicochemistry (Wallin et al, 2003) high bad 2015-2027 good RESTORATION WFD An example : Lake Geneva Climate Change : - warming - hydrology - solar radiation 100 Annual meam Water temperature(°C) moderate Lake Geneva 5m below the surface 13 12 11 10 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 80 5500 annual solar radiation on Lake Geneva (MJ.m-2) 60 5000 P ot (µgP/l 4500 ) 40 4000 3500 20 1980 0 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 Several parameters are changing 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Consequences on physico-chemical parameters Lack of overturns , then anoxy at the bottom in Lake Geneva Start of thermal stratification 26 june 12 12 june Oxygen (mg/l) 10 29 may 15 may 8 6 4 1 may 1970 1980 1990 2 2000 0 1986 1990 1994 1998 An example : Lake Geneva Some variations or changes due to : reoligotrophication, climate change, …. Biomasse (µg.l-1) 2000 1974-1985 1986-1991 1500 1000 500 0 J F M A M J Jt A S O N D J F M A M J Jt A S O N D 1500 1000 500 0 > 1991 2500 2000 1500 1000 spring fall summer Phytoplankton in Lake Geneva: changes in seasonality, the phytoplankton assemblages and the functional associations of species (Reynolds et al 2002) What is due to -reoligotrophication -climate change -fishery….. ? 500 0 J F M M J A F Lm R W2 100% 90% Jt A S O N B G Lo S1 X1 D C H1 M T Y D J N U Z E K P W1 Non classé 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 20 08 20 06 20 04 20 02 20 00 19 98 19 96 19 94 19 92 19 90 19 88 19 86 19 84 19 82 19 80 19 78 19 76 0% 19 74 Biomassemoyenneannuelle(µg/L) A Today the upper layers (0-30m) in Lake Geneva are almost oligotrophic while before 1986 the P depletion in the upper layers was brief and not deep Orthophosphate - PO4 (µgP/l) - Lake Geneva 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 An example : Lake Geneva Changes in Lake Geneva (reoligotriphication, warming, stocking) favourable to whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) unfavorable to arctic char (Salvelinus arcticus) two cold water species (Arctic char reproduction is not possible above 7°C during ovogenesis) A better match between egg hatching and zooplankton dynamics Witefish catches in Lake GENEVA strength of cohort 350 300 250 70’s 200 Algae 150 Zooplankton eggs 100 50 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 . 1993 . 1996 . 1999 1994 1997 . 2000 . 2002 . R²= 0.543 1995 2001 . 1998 0 5..7 5..8 5..9 6.. 0 6. 1 6..2 6..3 6..4 6..5 6. 6 2000’s mean annual temperature at 100 m Alguae 1970 1974 1978 1982 1986 1990 1994 1998 Zooplankton eggs Jan. Feb. Mar April May Jun Jul. Augt Sep. Oct. Nov.Déc. Two “cold species” two different responses • Changes due to numerous causes •Habitats deterioration •Eutrophication and reoligotrophcation •Management of resources, overexploitation •Pollution •Invasive species •Climate •Climate changes influence directly the biodiversity (stenothermy) and indirectly by their influence on other causes of deterioration •Difficult to understand the role of climate change separately from the effects of other environmental, social and economic changes that affect waterbodies •KEY POINTS : •Biological indicators of warming are useful tools. Eco-physiological studies on new indicators are necessary : Direct effects •But the responses of ecosystems to a stressor are often not linear •The impacts of climate change will be different at different scales across different regions. •necessity to maintain and extend high quality, long-term monitoring to better understand the key processes that control system responses to climate change and to take into account the inter-annual variations in ecosystems AND THE UNCERTAINTY •Biological indicators of warming are useful tools. Eco-physiological studies on new indicators are necessary : lists of biological indicators : http://www.climate-and-freshwater.info/ Indicators potentially suited to detect the effects of Climate Change on European aquatic ecosystems Aquatic species which are affected by (or benefiting from) Climate Change Need for more (better?) biological indicators Exploration of the influence of global warming on the chironomid community in a manipulated shallow groundwater system. Guillaume Tixier, Kevin P. Wilson,D. Dudley Williams. 2008 examined the response of the groundwater chironomid community : warming decreased the total abundance of chironomids whereas no significant change in taxonomic richness was apparent. taxon composition changed markedly during both the manipulation and the recovery period. Whereas Heterotrissocladius disappeared during the manipulation in the treatment block, other coldstenothermal taxa such as Micropsectra, Parametriocnemus and Heleniella remained unaffected. Conversely, Corynoneura, Polypedilum and Thienemannia gracilis disappeared but were not reported as coldstenothermal. The chironomid community composition in the system changed from a Heterotrissocladius, Brillia, and Tanytarsini-dominated community during the pre-manipulation towards one dominated by Parametriocnemus, Polypedilum, Orthocladius/Cricotopus and Corynoneura during the recovery. Although increased temperature had a strong effect, chironomid occurrence was also influenced by a number of other abiotic variables, such as dissolved oxygen, depth, ammonia concentration and TDS (Total dissolved solids). •The responses of ecosystems to a stressor are often not linear : Analysis of the trophic index shows that phytoplankton communities exhibit highly non-linear responses to eutrophication in Norwegian lakes. Reference lakes are characterized by very similar TIs despite having considerable variation in total phosphorus and chlorophyll a concentrations. TI exhibits a non-linear distribution along the eutrophication gradient which separates unimpacted from impacted sites in the study area. We further show that TI exhibits smaller seasonal variations than chlorophyll a, making it a more reliable indicator for lake monitoring. Few similar data on the responses to warming Trophic index (TI) as a function of total phosphorus (TP; upper panel) and chlorophyll a (Chl a, lower panel). Left: Black dots represent samples from reference lakes, grey dots others. Horizontal dashed line gives the upper 95th percentile of the TI from reference lakes (= 2.11). Right: Same data, with quantile regression, showing the median (bold Performance of a new phytoplankton composition metric along a eutrophication gradient in Nordic lakes. Ptacnik , Solimini,Brettum, Hydrobiologia (2009) 633:75–82 line) as well as the 5th and 95th percentiles (dashed lines). •What is the influence of climate change on shifts in ecosystems? Extreme events and “catastrophic shifts” A graphical model of alternative stable states in shallow lakes on the basis of three assumptions: (1) turbidity of the water increases with the nutrient level; (2) submerged vegetation reduces turbidity; and (3) vegetation disappears when a critical turbidity is exceeded. In view of the first two assumptions, equilibrium turbidity can be drawn as two different functions of the nutrient level: one for a vegetation-dominated situation, and one for an unvegetated situation. Above a critical turbidity, vegetation will be absent, in which case the upper equilibrium line is the relevant one; below this turbidity the lower equilibrium curve applies. As a result, at lower nutrient levels, only the vegetation-dominated equilibrium exists, whereas at the highest nutrient levels, there is only an unvegetated equilibrium. Over a range of intermediate nutrient levels, two alternative equilibria exist: one with vegetation, and a more turbid one without vegetation, separated by a (dashed) unstable equilibrium. External conditions affect the resilience of multi-stable ecosystems to perturbation. The bottom plane shows the equilibrium curve .The stability landscapes depict the equilibria and their basins of attraction at five different conditions. Stable equilibria correspond to valleys; the unstable middle section of the folded equilibrium curve corresponds to a hill. If the size of the attraction basin is small, resilience is small and even a moderate perturbation may bring the system into the alternative basin of attraction. Catastrophic shifts in ecosystems Marten Scheffer, Steve Carpenter, Jonathan A. Foley, Carl Folke & Brian Walkerk, Nature 2001 •The impacts of climate change will be different at different scales across different regions. The consequences of warming will be different in Lake Geneva (309m red line) and in Lake Annecy (65m, blue line) 6.0 Température °C 5.8 5.6 5.4 5.2 5.0 4.8 4.6 4.4 4.2 4.0 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 Années •The impacts of climate change will be different at different scales across different regions. The consequences of warming will be different in Lake Ammersee and in Lake Annecy Mean annual air temperature Bottom water temperature Surface maximum water temperature T °C 24 20 16 12 8 4 Lake Ammersee Lake Annecy Winters without overturn and oxygenation of the bottom Danis, P.A., von Grafenstein, U., Masson-Delmotte, V., Planton, S., Gerdeaux, D. Moisselin, J.M. (2004): Vulnerability of two European lakes in response to future climatic changes. Geophysical Research Letters 31. •The impacts of climate change will be different at different scales across different regions •but similar interannual variability In Muggelsee, the phytoplankton biovolume during late winter/early spring was related to the NAO index. In Lake Constance, where phytoplankton growth was inhibited by intense downward mixing during all years studied, this was not the case. However, in both lakes, interannual variability in water temperature, in Daphnia spring population dynamics and in the timing of the clear-water phase, were all related to the interannual variability of the NAO index. The Daphnia spring population dynamics and the timing of the clear-water phase appear to be synchronized by the NAO despite large differences between the lakes in morphometry, trophic status and hushing and mixis regimes, and despite the great distance between the lakes (similar to 700 km). This suggests that a great variety of lakes in central Europe may possibly have exhibited similar interannual variability during the last 20 years. Straile & Adrian GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY 2000 •The impacts of climate change will be different at different scales across different regions •but similar interannual variability It is necessary to maintain and extend high quality, long-term monitoring to better understand the key processes that control system responses to climate change and to take into account the inter-annual variations in ecosystems (for example influence of NAO on European lakes) : a database to archive key temporal data-sets will be very useful. Example : Lake Dynamics Monitoring Stations in UK http://www.eurolimpacs.ucl.ac.uk/ Conclusion : •Biological indicators of warming are essential tools : •need more studies for a quantitative understanding of climate change effects on structure and functioning of freshwater ecosystems •The impacts of climate change will be different at different scales across different regions. (ecoregions) •The responses of ecosystems to a stressor are often not linear •Extreme events will be more frequent •necessity to maintain and extend high quality, long-term monitoring to better understand the key processes that control system responses to climate change and to take into account the inter-annual variations in ecosystems and the uncertainty : adaptation of the baseline of reference conditions Conclusion : Implications of climate change for restoration and protection measures Measures should be fully climate resilient No regret measures Avoid measures that will fail under future climatic conditions Developing solutions to build resilience Thanks for your attention