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Regions of Canada Research Template Interior Plains Region Topic Map Location (Provinces) Information Use Google Search Images to add to Presentation or use one in the template I’ve given you Southwestern Manitoba Southern half of Saskatchewan Most of Alberta (except northeast corner and mountain regions) A Strip of Northwest Territories to Beaufort Sea A section of Eastern Yukon Very western tip of Nunavut Major Cities Winnipeg Regina Calgary, Edmonton, Fort McMurray Waterways Red River, Mackenzie River, Saskatchewan River Great Slave Lake, Great Bear Lake Lake Winnipegosis, Lake Winnipeg, Lake Athabasca Industries Natural Resources Impact of Resources on Industries Important Historical Facts Life of People in the Region Mining Oil/gas field industries: Oil pumps – national symbol Farming/farm-related industry Larger centres may process natural resources Water – used for trade routes, travel Fertile soil – farming field grains, hay, pasture Mineral and Oil deposits (oil, coal, natural gas – Canada’s largest source) Potash/Salt – used in fertilizers, soaps, detergents Deep, rich soil and flat, bare land = good for growing crops Makes the prairies known as the “breadbasket” of Canada South = known for ranches – drier season, less fertile soil, too cold/too hot Communities today have roots in fur trading posts, forts Others were founded as supply stops, places on the railway lines, near mines/oil fields French communities began by the following of herd animals Fewer people farming now due to technology Small family farms hard to compete with large operations due to costs of new efficient machinery Grain elevators – symbols of the prairies: built along the railway, weighed grain and loaded onto train cars to be send to sea port Urbanization – people moving into larger centres Immigration – movement into a country, lots of space, cheaper homes, etc. Climate Environmental Concerns Challenges of the Region Other Important Facts of the Region Wildlife Unique/Notable in the Area Varies in several regions Northern – colder with less precipitation Southern – warmer, longer growing season Can be extremely hot (+30 C – 40 C) or cold (-30 C – -40 C) Far south: like a desert (Medicine Hat – one of the driest places in Canada) Over processing of soils Drought – impacts industry greatly Protecting land and animal habitats Is one of the most changed natural environments Droughts common – dry times with little precipitation, crops do not grow, affects forests Irrigation used to help water crops Climate – growth of certain crops is difficult, varying precipitation amounts, sparse population, large spaces between communities Areas around rivers prone to annual flooding (ex. Red River) Rivers themselves used as shipping lanes in summer, ice roads in winter (ex. Mackenzie River) Many Francophone communities: development is encouraged, came by following fur trade, still exist today Moose, deer, elk, birds, mammals – many kinds since migration routes often move through the plains, or migrating herds move through the region