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Geocache Jeopardy
Survival 100
Which would be more important to an organism
living in the bottom of the ocean, phototaxis or
Chemotaxis – there would be no light at the
bottom of the ocean to respond to but those
organisms may use chemosynthesis for energy
Survival 200
Which of the following organelles would be far more
important in muscle cells versus skin cells?
A. Mitochondria
B. Chloroplasts
C. Ribosomes
D. Enzymes
A. Mitochondria – muscles need more energy to continually
Survival 300
The use of pesticides on crops has been a common farming practice for decades.
What has been the greatest effect of natural selection through the use of pesticides
on certain insect populations?
A. Natural selection has been altered because the insects and their predators are
B. The rate of selection is increased because the pesticides do not kill the insects
that are naturally resistant to it.
C. The rate of selection has decreased because the pesticides kill only young
D. The pesticides have altered natural selection by causing the insect DNA to
spontaneously mutate.
B. Humans can impact natural selection
Survival 400
Label the three solutions shown and describe the movement of water.
Isotonic – in and out equally
Hypotonic – water moves into cell
Hypertonic – water moves out of cell
Survival 500
What do these words have in common? Then explain at least two of
the terms.
Hemoglobin – carries oxygen in blood
Insulin – unlocks cells for glucose absorption from blood stream
Keratin – building protein for hair and nails
Actin/Myosin – contractile protein for muscle
Amylase – breaks down starch in mouth
All proteins.
Energy 100
Give a synonym for each:
Producer – Autotroph or plant
Consumer – heterotroph or
Energy 200
Write the reactions for
photosynthesis and respiration
CO2 + H2O  C6H12O6 + O2
C6H12O6 + O2  CO2 + H2O
Energy 300
Term for exocytosis, endocytosis,
and ion pumps collectively
Active transport (all require
Energy 400
• If phytoplankton contain 2500 Joules of
energy, what amount of energy will be
available by the time it reaches the top
• 10% is passed up so top consumer gets
0.25 Joules
Energy 500
Compare and contrast the structure and
function of chloroplasts and mitochondria.
Stroma and thylakoids (Calvin Cycle and
light dependent reactions)
Inner and outer membrane (Kreb’s and
Chemistry 100
Name the four biological molecules
that make up living things.
Proteins, lipids, nucleic acids,
Chemistry 200
Energy that can be used by cells;
produced during respiration
Chemistry 300
State the relationship between
genes and protein.
Genes (DNA) codes for amino
acid sequence.
Chemistry 400
Nucleotides are to nucleic acids as
_________________ are to proteins.
Amino Acids
Chemistry 500
Label A – L
Inheritance 100
Define genotype and phenotype. Give
Genotype: alleles represented by
letters; homozygous or heterozygous
Phenotype: physical expression of a
gene, such as red hair
Inheritance 200
Name of this type
of diagram.
What suspect is
DNA Fingerprint
Suspect 2 matches
the crime DNA
Inheritance 300
Name of this
diagram and
name for each
numbered pair
Inheritance 400
Relationship between
generation III person 2 and
generation IV person 6.
Is the disorder sex-linked or
Uncle – niece
Recessive – because if it was
sex linked male 5 in generation
IV would have to have it (he got
Y from dad and mom would
have to give X with disorder if it
was sex-linked)
Inheritance 500
• Wolves are sometimes observed to have black coats and blue eyes.
Assume that these traits are controlled by single locus genes and are
located on different chromosomes. Assume further that normal coat
color (N) is dominant to black (n) and brown eyes (B) are dominant to
blue (b). Suppose the alpha male and alpha female of a pack (these
are the dominant individuals who do most of the breeding) are black
with blue eyes and normal colored with brown eyes, respectively. The
female is also heterozygous for both traits. How many of the offspring
(assume 16) living in the pack will be normal colored with blue eyes?
*must show Punnett square for points!
4 of 16
Pictures 100
• Name and function of #3
• Mitochondria = cellular respiration
Pictures 200
Which organism is most
closely related to birds,
meaning they share a recent
common ancestor?
Crocodiles share the most
common recent ancestor with
Pictures 300
Amino acid sequence resulting from DNA strand below:
Pictures 400
• Results of an experiment are given below. Determine the
Independent Variable and Dependent Variable based on the data
• Independent: Radius of parachute (test variable)
• Dependent: Time to reach ground in seconds
ID each leaf
I - Birch
II - Buckeye
III - Pecan
IV – Sweet gum
V - Redbud
VI - Magnolia
VII – Locust
Environment 100
What is the greatest source of
carbon dioxide and why is carbon
dioxide significant?
Burning fossil fuels; global warming
through green house effect
Environment 200
Define bioaccumulation.
As a toxin moves up the food
chain its concentration is
magnified or increased; mercury
Environment 300
What is the function of autotrophs in
the carbon cycle?
Take in carbon dioxide and produce
oxygen; use the carbon for glucose
Environment 400
Write a food chain with four organisms. Label
each with its role in the ecosystem.
Producer  primary consumer or herbivore
 secondary consumer  top predator
Environment 500
The world is extremely diverse in life, but yet all
organisms have the same four nucleotides and same
set of amino acids. How is this possible?
Sequence of DNA determines amino acid sequence for
proteins. Possibilities are endless.
Relationships 100
The yucca plant releases a strong scent at night when
the yucca moth is active. The yucca moth, attracted by
the scent, gathers pollen from the yucca flower. The
yucca moth then deposits her eggs and the pollen on
another plant. This ensures that the plant will be crosspollinated and that the yucca moth larvae have a
steady food supply. Which relationship does this best
Mutualism (symbiosis)
Relationships 200
Compare and contrast DNA and RNA (two
similarities and two differences minimum)
Same: nucleotides, used in protein
Differences: RNA has U instead of T, RNA is
single strand instead of double
Relationships 300
Type of evolution leading to a wide array of
similar species that fill different niches.
Adaptive radiation
Relationships 400
Explain the
shown in this
Predation – shark
eating fish
Mutualism –
Remora and shark
Relationships 500
List the levels of organization from cell to
biosphere. Give a fact for each level
(something that we’ve learned
about/specific detail)
Cells  tissues  organs  organ systems
 organisms  population  community
 ecosystem  biome  biosphere
(with facts)
Structure 100
Primary structure for DNA that is
only seen in eukaryotic cells.
Structure 200
Name two structures found in
plant cells but not animal.
Cell wall and chloroplasts (plants
also have larger vacuoles,
although animal cells still have
small vacuoles)
Structure 300
What do pseudopods, cilia and
flagella all have in common?
All for movement
Structure 400
Name for the model of an enzyme and substrate that fit
Lock and key
Structure 500
Name each labeled part and state function.
A. Cytoplasm (interior gel like)
B. Chloroplast(s (photosynthesis)
C. Nuclear envelope (porous membrane)
D. Nucleus (DNA)
ER (move protein)
Ribosomes (synthesize protein)
G. Golgi (package and export proteins)
H. Vacuole (storage)
Lysosome (waste breakdown)
Plasma membrane (selective membrane)
Mitochondria (cellular respiration)
Cell wall (plant structure)
Reproduction 100
Form of reproduction that is fast and
could lead to exponential growth
Asexual (via mitosis or binary fission)
Reproduction 200
Resulting product of meiosis in
humans, including chromosome
4 haploid gametes, each with 23
Reproduction 300
Three sources of variation in
sexual reproduction
Crossing over
Independent Assortment
Reproduction 400
Name the steps of MITOSIS in order and
state what happens in each.
P – Nuclear membrane break down,
chromosomes condense
M – Sister chromatids line up in middle
A – chromosomes pull apart
T – nuclear membrane reforms
Reproduction 500
Name two behaviors and explain
how they help an organism
survive and reproduce.
Answers Vary
Random 100
Name one of the four colleges Mrs.
Pittman has attended
Malone College
Cedar Crest College
The Ohio State University
Georgia Southern University
Random 200
Which activity does Mrs. Pittman prefer:
Random 300
What are the names of
Mrs. Pittman’s two
children? (must name both
for points)
Madeline and Phillip
Random 400
What is the last book Mrs.
Pittman finished reading? (not
the book she is reading
currently, but the last one she
Brave New World
Random 500
What day is Mrs. Pittman’s
anniversary or birthday? (must
get one for points)
Anniversary: March 17 (St.
Patrick’s Day)
Birthday: July 29