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Issue No 48, December 2008
Which brand of jeans did you buy last and why? Perhaps you liked the look, or the advertising appealed - a text
from a billboard you walked past gave you a discount and the advertising campaign showed images of your age
group. Maybe the brand has status, or the firm says it plants trees and engages in other ‘green’ practices. Whatever
the reason, you need to wear something. Your need for clothing was met by the jeans you chose, but you probably
chose that brand because the marketing of the product also appealed to other needs and wants typical of the target
market the jean manufacturer was selling to. To achieve sales the manufacturers will have employed marketing
professionals to research, plan and implement the strategy that attracted you to buy their jeans.
Marketing is part of everyday life. Every commercial and many
engage them in mutually beneficial, sustainable relationships.
non-commercial enterprises engage in some form of marketing,
Knowledge of marketing provides a better understanding of
whether it is to competitively position and advertise products
the flow of goods and services from producers to consumers in
and services or to communicate a message about some environ-
a way that matches supply and demand and accomplishes the
mental or public good aimed at changing people’s behaviour.
economic, legal, political, environmental and social objectives
On an international level every country markets its products
of society.
and services on the global market.
Frequently referred to as the discipline of the six Ps, marketing
As marketing is everywhere, the graduates who major in this
is concerned with product, packaging, position, promotion, pricing
subject and those who combine marketing studies with other
and profit. Different operations are needed to achieve the six
majors will find they have an excellent selling point when
Ps. A strategic marketing plan sets these out: market research,
positioning themselves in the job market. On a personal level,
innovative ideas, communications and advertising are a few of
understanding how marketing works also helps individuals
the operations.
become wise consumers.
Marketing managers plan and direct the promotion, sale,
public image, development and presentation of an organisa-
A dynamic, entrepreneurial and creative activity, marketing has
relations with the media, sponsors, business partners and the
the ability to influence the behaviour of consumers and guide
wider community. Typical tasks involve studying competi-
trends in the marketplace. But it involves much more than
tors’ products and services; customer demand and feedback;
advertising, selling and persuasion. When done well and ethi-
staying abreast of market trends; identifying and implementing
cally, marketing assists in satisfying both the needs and wants
communication strategies such as advertising campaigns to at-
of customers and the objectives of organisations in ways that
tract customers; organising and analysing market research and
contribute to society and its wellbeing.
surveys plus writing reports on products, services, consumers
Marketing is a vital component of all business in the broadest
and sales; using research to develop new products and services
sense. Government departments, not-for-profit organisations,
and other responsibilities that revolve around the six Ps of
large, small and medium sized commercial enterprises benefit
from having a marketing strategy. A marketing strategy helps
Topical coverage of career related issues brought to you by Victoria
University Career Development and Employment.
organisations to research, plan and carry out the various ways
in which they exchange goods, services and ideas between
All organisations have customers or target markets, so they
need employees who understand these markets and can
tion’s goods and/or services. They may also manage public
Areas covered include how degrees and courses
relate to employment opportunities, to life/work
planning, graduate destination information and
current issues or material relevant to the
employment scene. Your comments and
suggestions always welcomed.
While a manager’s position will be several years away, gradu-
Communications is a separate function that has its own
ates can expect to look at entry level coordinator or assistant
strategy and may use marketing tools or have a direct link with
positions as they apply theory to practice and learn about the
marketers in an organisation. Communications is responsible
company. Duties may involve: providing administrative support
for promoting an organisation’s image and reputation to the
such as coordinating travel and meetings, writing agendas, typ-
public, as well as informing staff and clients about what is
ing minutes and reports; researching new market opportunities
happening within the organisation. In some organisations com-
and determining unmet needs; liaising with customers; assist-
munications and marketing roles are combined.
ing with the development, implementation and administration
of marketing and promotional activities; and managing client
databases, promotional stock and information systems databases. Building experience in areas such as brand differentiation, web marketing and social marketing will be useful when
progressing to more senior positions. In Wellington the public
sector employs many graduates and this experience is often
Public relations is the process by which organisations establish and maintain good will and understanding with stakeholders. PR is a two-way communication process that values
feedback and seeks to manage public opinion by transmitting
positive information to people the organisation wishes to influence.
sought after by marketing consultancies and other companies
Advertising is concerned with the promotion of goods and
that contract to government agencies.
services through major mediums including television, radio,
Market research is primarily concerned with the potential sales of a product or service. It covers three core areas of
investigation. Consumer research is concerned mainly with
products and services sold to the general public. Investigations
assess and measure consumer reaction to pricing, packaging, after sales service etc. Industrial research (business to
business) is largely concerned with products and services
purchased for use within industry. Social research investigates
people’s views on economic, social or political issues.
the Internet, cinema, magazines, newspapers, video games,
mobile phones and billboards. Advertising aims to persuade
or inform the general public and can be used to promote sales,
increase brand awareness, or enhance product differentiation.
Advertising agencies usually devise an advertising strategy,
develop the creative idea and buy the media. Advertising
may form just one part of an organisation’s total communications and marketing strategy. Examples of roles in advertising
agencies include: account managers who work with clients to
plan campaigns and manage the production of advertisements,
Companies dedicated to the research and analysis side of
creatives who come up with ideas for advertisements, copywrit-
marketing often carry out the research for clients both within
ers who write the ads, the media team that works out which
and outside the marketing industry. Market researchers gather
media to use and buys the best-value space to reach the target
and analyse data so that businesses may reduce uncertainty and
audience and art directors who are in charge of graphics.
risk. They may undertake predictive research related to developing a new product or service, or evaluative research that
assesses the effectiveness of sales strategies such advertising or
Data marketing is a type of database analysis that extracts
analyses the appeal of a competitor’s product. Market research-
customer information from a database using software that
ers organise research surveys for clients then analyse and inter-
can identify previously unknown patterns or trends in large
pret the survey results, write reports, and make recommenda-
amounts of data. It can reveal that customers with a shared
tions to their clients based on the research gathered. At entry
set of demographic characteristics will purchase like items,
level, client services executives analyse data, look for patterns
shop at similar times and frequencies, be equally brand loyal
and advise clients in ways that can be easily understood. They
or disloyal, purchase similar groups of items, or respond to a
may also come up with ideas for new products.
particular type of promotion.
Direct marketing attempts to send commercial messages
Marketing strategy forms part of the overall business manage-
directly to consumers through one medium such as direct mail,
ment plan of an organisation. Marketers interface with a range
e-mail telemarketing or texting, and is usually unsolicited. The
of other operations responsible for promoting an organisation
message focuses on driving purchases through a “call-to-action”,
and its products and/or services. Marketing studies are very
for example asking the consumer to call a free phone number
useful for work in these related disciplines.
or visit a website. The direct consumer responses are easily
tracked and measured.
Social marketing is a growing area that utilises the marketing
are important, as well as the desire to learn and gain the practi-
principles and techniques of commercial marketing with the
cal experience required to bring theory into “the real world.”
purpose of improving the welfare of people and the physical,
Being creative and entrepreneurial with good social skills are
social and economic environment in which they live. For exam-
also key.
ple campaigns about endangered species, the effects of human
behaviour on climate change, the dangers of drink driving and
smoking are just a few. Organisations that use social marketing
strategies include national and local government agencies and
not-for-profits, however this does not rule out the possibility
for commercial enterprises to contribute ‘social good’.
Building work experience, paid and unpaid, during the year
and through summer vacations is advisable. This could be
gained through work in sales and retail, post-production work
in companies that produce advertisements, even making the
tea in a marketing or advertising agency. Getting a sense of the
world of work through observing and asking questions, making
Services marketing has become increasingly important for
contacts and building networks can make the difference when
Western countries with the reduction of their manufacturing
job hunting.
industries and increase in their service economies. In New
Zealand tourism, hospitality and retail are major service industries. A service is the action of doing something for someone
or something. Unlike a product, a service is largely intangible,
Once in work job promotion can depend on having the attitude, motivation and drive to learn more and gain results.
owned by the consumer. The six Ps of marketing extend to
include those for services - physical evidence, process and
As public and private sector operations require people with
marketing skills there are plenty of opportunities for graduates.
perishable (consumed where it is purchased) and cannot be
Marketing combines well with special areas of interest. For
Internet marketing, web marketing, online marketing, or
eMarketing is the marketing of products or services over the
Internet. The lower costs, interactivity and instant responses
of this broad scope medium are some of the benefits. Specialised skills and knowledge are required for the management
of digital customer data and electronic customer relationship
management (eCRM) systems.
example marketing graduates with an interest in the arts, ICT,
health, education, science, finance and other areas will find
roles concerned with the six Ps. A passion for an area is likely
to be a driver for career success. Then there are companies
dedicated to the many different specialisations within marketing. Advertising, direct marketing, Internet marketing, public
relations, sales/brand management, market research, interna-
International marketing involves companies in making one
tional Human Resources management, business/policy analysis,
or more marketing mix decisions across national boundaries.
export management, communications and more.
At its most complex level, it involves companies in establishing
manufacturing facilities overseas and coordinating marketing
strategies across the globe. International marketing is becoming
more important as companies outsource overseas and seek new
markets and commercial alliances. Cultural knowledge is vital
here as messages may be understood differently across cultures.
Public sector
National and local governments plan and implement strategies
for communicating messages about government policy. Some
of these require marketing skills. Where there are marketing
roles in ministries they work closely with the communication
teams. A marketing graduate with excellent verbal and written
skills and an understanding of the communication process
may gain a role in communications. These positions are more
prevalent in government. The government often uses market
A degree in marketing gives an excellent introduction to the
research to assess public opinion on issues, for example the
various aspects of the discipline. A postgraduate degree allows
provision of health services for the future or the impact of
further in-depth specialisation in a particular area. Knowledge
government funding on education. And it uses social market-
of business is crucial, along with a passion for something you
ing to influence public behaviour. Examples are road safety,
would like to communicate about or “sell.”
health (e.g. smoking), environmental and border control issues.
Industry professionals have identified particular competencies
they look for when recruiting marketing graduates. A steady
head, common sense and the ability to think outside the square
Marketing professionals in these complex sectors need to be
politically informed and neutral, and aware of accountability to
the taxpayer.
There are many not-for-profit organisations, not all of which
have a dedicated marketing role; however many have a communications manager and a fund raiser who have marketing
components to their work. Not-for-profits include organisations that support people with disabilities and medical conditions; parents, children and young people; cultural groups;
environmental lobbies and many more. These organisations
plan and strategise to get their message into the public arena
through different media channels to run campaigns, grow their
membership base and sponsors, fund research, attract volunteers and compete for funding and public support. Not-forprofits are accountable to the people who donate money and to
their sponsors and membership.
Private sector
Marketing consultancies, market research companies, advertising agencies and public relations companies contract their
services to other companies in the private, public and not-forprofit sectors. Many of these firms hire marketing professionals
to help them carry out their core business. Examples are: pharmaceutical firms, banks, insurance companies, professional
services such as accounting and legal, utilities, manufacturers,
petroleum companies, telecommunications and more. While
the head offices of many enterprises are in Auckland, Australia,
or Asia they often have a presence in Wellington particularly
Graduates always learn a lot on the job so being open to new
learning and prepared to ask questions of employers is essential. Degree studies and any work experience gained while
studying are good preparation. Networking is often a productive job search strategy, particularly in the highly competitive
world of advertising. Used by marketers, communications and
PR professionals, networking is a skill worth developing early.
During their degree studies graduates develop both technical
and generic transferable skills and qualities that are sought by
employers. When writing a CV and preparing for interviews,
graduates can use specific examples from course work and
from paid or voluntary work as evidence of the competencies
they are offering an employer.
Marketing skills
Marketing is a critical business function that utilises a variety of
activities to identify customer needs and wants. The information is used to create, plan, communicate and deliver value to
identified target markets. Graduates who have specialised in
marketing learn about the distribution of goods and services,
consumer behaviour, pricing, channels of retail and wholesale
distribution, advertising, sales, market research and marketing
where the business needs to maintain a connection with gov-
Research skills
ernment ministries. Entry-level positions for marketing gradu-
The ability to access and evaluate information is essential in
ates will often be administrative – supporting the marketing
a commercially oriented, knowledge economy. Through their
team. At the next level there are advisory positions, and further
assignments, students learn to apply a range of strategies and
on other roles of specialisation. For example a product man-
ager will be responsible for product innovation, design, pricing,
getting it out to markets etc or a researcher will do qualitative
and quantitative research which feeds vital information to the
product manager. Branding, sponsorship and electronic media
are also useful areas to specialise in.
Analytical skills
Analytical or critical thinking skills are necessary for effective
decision-making and problem solving. Analysis includes the
ability to identify a concept or problem, tease out its components, organise and evaluate information and to draw appropri-
Start up business
ate conclusions. These skills are acquired through academic
Setting up a business is an attractive longer-term career op-
work and are useful in research, policy and business roles with
tion for graduates who are entrepreneurial and have business
high levels of responsibility.
acumen. Strong marketing skills are a definite advantage in
establishing a successful business. There is a lot of information
available on the Internet and through local government and
city councils to help people get started including business incubators, funding agencies and business networks.
Communication skills
Getting the right message to the right target market is vital for
business success. The ability to communicate clearly in written
and spoken language is essential for a career in marketing.
Through their studies graduates learn to present their work
logically and clearly in oral and written forms and to use
language and presentation tools appropriately. Group work also
helps develop listening skills and interpersonal skills.
Computer and technology skills
Electronic technologies such as the Internet, iPhones and mobile phones are increasingly used in marketing strategies as cost
effective ways of reaching a large number of people. Expertise
in established and up-coming technologies is an advantage in
the marketing world of today and tomorrow.
Relationship management skills
The ability to manage relationships is key to business sustainability and success. Business relationships can be complex and
varied when a number of stakeholders are involved. Marketing
graduates acquire understanding of relationship dynamics in
commercial and non-commercial settings. They apply these
skills and knowledge during projects and group discussions.
Graduates develop self-management skills through course work
as they plan, design, implement and communicate about their
projects. Self-management is one of the most sought after skills
by employers in many industries and is critical for successful
tertiary study.
There are many avenues for finding jobs: networking through
contacts and former/current employers or professional associations; searching the Internet for organisational websites (private
companies, not-for-profit, government and universities);
recruitment agencies; newspapers; professional magazines.
If you want to work in a marketing department, starting in
sales is often the best way to groom yourself for a challenging
position in marketing. A typical graduate entry-level title is
marketing or marketing and communications coordinator/assistant. Other job titles (below) may require some prior experience. It also pays to keep an eye on developments in technology as job titles change and new ones emerge.
Professional Associations
The Marketing Association has a large membership of potential
employers. The Association encourages students to contact
them and will facilitate contact with appropriate employers.
Students in their final year may be eligible for the Student Marketer of the Year Award sponsored by New Zealand Post.
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Web performance analyst
Toby McIntosh
Ryan Kuggeleijn
Getting a definitive answer from
I took a very open book approach
an 18 year-old on what they want
to my first year of university and
to do for the rest of their life is a
selected a range of papers includ-
difficult task, but asking them to
ing marketing, biology, psychology
choose and invest in papers that
and accounting. Like many other
will ultimately dictate their future
students fresh from secondary
career – that is a real challenge. I
school I had only a vague idea of
faced this prospect before starting at Victoria in 2004, and was
what many of the courses involved, but starting from a wide
looking for something that would encompass all of my interests
base turned out to be a good idea. At school I had leaned
whilst leaving me open to a range of job opportunities.
towards science-based subjects, but as I got into my first year I
I enrolled in Marketing 101 with a great deal of anticipation
and was immediately hooked. Here was a subject that challenged my understanding of business, encouraged active class
participation and showed that the depths of marketing stretch
far beyond just advertising and promotion. Welcome to the
world of consumerism, communications, strategic planning,
market analysis and so much more. Marketing proved to be
exciting, rewarding and the perfect complement to my International Business and Media majors.
In my current role at Solnet Solutions I have been involved in a
range of activities including event management, website management, advertising and internal communications. The job not
only requires a base knowledge of marketing theory, but more
importantly the social and communication skills to work effectively in a team environment. Victoria’s papers (through both
their teaching and assessment components) prepared me well
for this, and I know the skills I learned will continue to prove
invaluable to my future career progression.
Marketing does not just hand you a textbook and ask for the
correct answer. Instead it provides a framework that encourages
you to challenge your thinking around a number of contributing factors. So whether you’re looking to major in marketing
or just give it a try, approach it with an open mind and enjoy
yourself – believe me you won’t be disappointed.
found the commerce-based disciplines grabbing my attention.
The range of subjects I had completed left the path open for
me to continue with either a Commerce or Science degree. I
decided to do both and chose majors in marketing, commercial
law and psychology. Although this may seem like a strange
combination, there has been a lot of crossover between my
majors and all have proven useful since I have moved on into
the workplace.
This line of study was definitely useful in obtaining my current
job. I received good feedback from employers about having a good range of subjects on my transcript. Since I started
my role with BP in 2007 this has continued to ring true as I
have worked on a range of tasks including project management, marketing, event planning, strategy development, and
of course the usual graduate administration tasks. The skills
gained through my marketing study were definitely worthwhile
and have proved to be relevant in many of these tasks, often in
unexpected ways.
My advice to anyone considering studying marketing is to try it
out along with a range of other papers as it combines well with
almost anything. Another great thing about marketing is the
range of topics it encompasses. As you move into second year
and beyond, a range of options spring up including tourism
marketing, buyer behaviour, international marketing, Internet
marketing, social and services marketing and many more. All
the best!
Laura Suisted
William Neill
I was drawn to studying market-
Many people I talk to question
ing because while the subject
the need to study marketing.
contains a solid grounding in
They ask, “Isn’t it all just about
theory and practical frameworks,
the gift of the gab, door-to-door
there’s also plenty of scope for the
sales, and annoying telephone
creative application of these ideas.
surveys?” Sure, it helps to have
Of all the commerce majors, it’s
good communication skills, how-
connected to an industry that has a
ever the reality for marketers is far
reputation for fun and variety, outgoing people, TV commercials
removed from this stereotype.
and events promotion. Now that I’m in the workforce, I can say
that’s true, but you have to earn it. It’s an environment with lots
of energy, definitely great for people who have a work hard, play
hard approach.
What really spurred me on at university was that many of the
major marketing assignments allowed us to choose our own
scenario or product to apply the teachings to. After giving us
a broad structure to work through our thoughts, we were then
let loose to develop our own ideas. During the course of my
marketing studies, I invented a car that solved all my personal
driving dilemmas, explored the burgeoning market for environmentally friendly cleaning products, and got to interview a local
Every marketer could be likened to an explorer of some kind.
As markets change so too must marketers, discovering the next
big trend or even initiating it. It was this sense of adventure
and creativity that attracted me to the subject of marketing.
When I arrived at Victoria my first port of call was Film and
Theatre where I learnt about performance and how to translate
my ideas into forms that others could interpret. While this
study provided a solid base in one creative arena, there were
other ideas that I wanted to explore, particularly in business.
Marketing was a natural choice and enabled me to take what I
had learnt in performing arts and translate it into viable business concepts.
music promoter I’d looked up to for years. There are so many
different facets to the discipline – consumer research, new prod-
As a result I have a growing interest in emerging creative
uct development, pricing analysis – and the variety of marketing
technology, such as geo-caching with GPS and mobile Internet,
papers at Victoria gives a great taster of what’s out there.
or 3D newsprint ads that you can only see through your cell
phone. In many ways, the subject of marketing has been the
Doing Honours gave me the opportunity to grapple with the
history of marketing thought and the underlying principals of
glue that’s combined three distinct fields of curiosity for me;
business, technology and performance.
the subject. Although the volume of work was overwhelming at first, it was a great course for learning how to find and
When the offer arose to do Honours in Marketing I jumped at
deal quickly with masses of information to get at what’s most
the chance and completed a Bachelor of Commerce and Ad-
important. I’m now working for SweeneyVesty, a communica-
ministration (Hons) and Bachelor of Arts in Film and Theatre
tions consultancy, and really value the research and critical
in 2007. I then started a Masters in Marketing and my interest
thinking skills I developed while studying. My Honours year
and enjoyment of the subject has now led me towards a PhD.
especially taught me to be sceptical of stated facts and to always
Marketing is a relatively new discipline and the more you learn
try to follow them back to the source, rather than just accepting
about it the more you begin to see how it can be applied to
something because it’s written down.
other thoughts, philosophies and concepts.
Branding and advertising are some of the most interesting
My advice to future students is to give different things a go,
aspects of marketing and much of what I do at SweeneyVesty is
don’t just stick to one train of thought or to one discipline.
related to this field. I’ve been fortunate to work on projects in-
University is about acquiring the ability to learn and to ques-
volving some of the most interesting and well-known brands in
tion things. Marketing is a subject that asks many questions
the world, in dynamic categories such as fashion, automobiles,
and to my mind, is one of the most thought provoking, chal-
telecommunications and consumables.
lenging and ultimately rewarding areas to be involved in.
The Bachelor of Commerce and Administration in Marketing
Administration (MCA). Major corporations and government
(BCA) is a three-year degree which links fundamental market-
organisations increasingly look for a postgraduate degree for
ing principles, critical thinking, communication, and leader-
entry into high-level positions. These degrees also provide an
ship skills to the business world.
excellent base for a career as a professional market researcher
The Marketing domain is a broad and far-reaching area of business and research. It is not simply advertising or persuading
people to buy things they don’t want or need. All organisations
have customers, so all organisations need employees who know
or academic. Marketing graduates have multiple career paths
and are sought all over the world by business and government.
They can be found at all levels of business, from hi-tech industries to retail, tourism and hospitality.
how to discover and understand customers, engage them in
Programme structure: In the first year of the BCA degree you
mutually beneficial long-term relationships, and satisfy their
complete a core business programme including accountancy,
needs as well as organisational objectives. Marketing attempts
economics, business statistics, marketing, information systems,
to understand the complex relationship between custom-
management, as well as government, law and business.
ers, consumers, and suppliers of products and services. The
diverse areas of marketing include market research, consumer
behaviour research, advertising, public relations, distribution
and logistics, channel management, business relationships, Internet marketing, globalisation, sustainability, social marketing,
services marketing and technological impacts.
The staff who teach in Victoria’s Marketing programme also
undertake research with organisations in New Zealand and
around the world. Some of the organisations and research areas
include: public healthcare in New Zealand and UK, the Royal
New Zealand Ballet, understanding sponsorship, biotechnology
marketing, knowledge creation, service recovery, international
business environments in Asia and Europe, social marketing,
and marketing law.
Your second year provides the foundation courses for the third
year marketing specialities. In year two you learn about consumer behaviour, market research and marketing management.
Year three provides the opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge about a number of specialised marketing areas, including;
marketing communications, social marketing, Internet marketing and thinking skills, to name a few.
The BCA in Marketing is structured to allow you to tailor your
BCA to your interests, and you have the flexibility to complete
a double major in other areas. Some of the other subjects
which complement a marketing degree include; Psychology,
International Business, Management, Information Systems,
Sociology, Statistics, Finance, Law and Accounting. In addition,
Marketing offers distance course options designed for work-
BCA Marketing graduates are prepared to work in a variety
ing people who are unable to attend university lectures and
of marketing related fields, such as market research, advertis-
ing, public relations, web design and online strategy, management, and business. Or you may decide to do further study in
marketing with the BCA (Hons) or Master of Commerce and
To enrol in the BCA in Marketing you will need a university
entrance qualification, and it is useful to have studied business
studies, psychology and statistics.
Special thanks to:
The School of Marketing and International Business in particular A/Prof Val Lindsay, Head of School; Jacqui FitzGerald,
School Manager; Dr James Richard, Lecturer and Director of Postgraduate Programmes and graduates Ryan Kuggeleijn,
Toby McIntosh, William Neill, Laura Suisted; and all those people who contributed to this publication.
Career View is published by Career Development and Employment
Victoria University of Wellington, Te Whare Wananga o te Upoko o te Ika a Maui
PO Box 600, Wellington, Tel: 64-4-463-5390 or 64-4-463-5393, Fax 64-4-463 5252
December 2008
ISSN 1172-4315