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Notes: The Basic Unit of Life
Over 300 years ago scientists began using lenses & primitive _______________________ to examine living things.
Their discoveries were put together into one central idea called the _________ _________________ … It states:
1. All living things are composed of ____________ (1 or more)
2. Cells are the basic unit of ______________________ & ______________________of an organism (their
shape relates to what the cell does).
3. All cells come from ______________________________________________________.
All cells can be divided into one of two categories based upon their complexity:
________________________ Cells
___________________________ Cells
________________ Cell
________________ Cell
Do not have a ____________________ to
protect their DNA.
Do not have membrane bound organelles.
________________ Cell
DNA is found inside a _____________________ , which is a protective
Cytoplasm is filled with ____________________, which are specialized
structures that do various tasks inside the cell.
 Despite the different ______________ and ______________________ of all cells, there are certain structures that
are common to every cell – big or small, simple or complex.
Hierarchy of Life (Levels of organization in a complex multicellular organism):
Fill in the blank: On the lines provided, complete the following sentences.
All ________________ _________________ are made up of cells.
Cells are the basic unit of _____________________ and ______________________ in all organisms.
New cells are produced from ___________________________________________.
The cells of eukaryotes have a (an) ________________________________ which store and protects their DNA; the
cells of ________________________________ do not.
Eukaryotic cells also have a variety of specialized structures called ________________________, each one has a
specific job that relates to its shape.
Complete the table by checking the correct column for each statement:
Organisms which don’t have membrane bound structures in their cells.
Do not have a nucleus (but still have DNA)
Contain genetic material in the form of DNA
Can be either single-celled or made up of many cells
10. Are always single-celled organisms.
11. Organisms that have cells containing membrane bound organelles
12. Have a cell membrane and cytoplasm containing ribosomes.
Cell Vocabulary Review
Use the words below and fill in the blanks in the following paragraphs.
cell theory
Golgi body
cell wall
cell membrane
The ______________________states that living organisms are made up of basic units of
structure and function called cells. Today, cells are classified in two groups according to whether
they contain membrane-bound ________________________. _________________________
cells contain these membrane-bound structures as well as a nucleus, but
_______________________ cells do not.
Cell structures are located within a jellylike fluid called the ______________________.
Each structure carries out a specific function. For example, the ______________________ is the
control center of the cell’s activities. The ______________________ are bean-shaped structures
in the cytoplasm that convert food energy to cellular energy or ATP. Other structures, called
____________________, contain enzymes that break down waste and worn out organelles.
Running throughout the cytoplasm is a system of membranes called the
____________________ which allow for material to move throughout the cell. Within the folds
of some of these membranes are tiny structures called _____________________, where proteins
are synthesized or made. Once proteins are made, they are often sent to the _______________
_______________, where they are often combined with other proteins, then repackaged to be
shipped out to other cells. The packages they are in are called vesicles.
Plant cells and animal cells differ in several ways.
 First, plants have a rigid ______________________ outside their cell membranes. All cells,
however, have a framework of filaments and fibers that supports the cell structure called the
 Second, plant cells contain _____________________, which are able to absorb energy from
the sun. This energy is then used to power a reaction that is able to produce two very
important products: sugar and oxygen.
 Third, plants have one large central storage ______________________ that often occupies
most of the space inside their cells. In animal cells, this organelle is much smaller and many
can be found in a single cell.
 Fourth, animal cells also have structures called centrioles that help move DNA during cellular
reproduction in mitosis and meiosis.
 Fifth, only animal cells have lysosomes that disposes of unnecessary material in the cell.
Directions: Use your prior knowledge to complete the table below.
1. Identify the name of the organelle or structure based upon the function that is listed.
2. Then indicate which types of cells the structure can be found it. Mark a  in the bacteria, plant
and/or animal box if it is found in that particular type of cell; if it is not, leave it blank.
Name of the
(what it does)
(what it looks like)
Which are
found in
Holds & protects the
genetic information of
the cell.
Separates the cell from
the outside and controls
what enters and leaves
the cell
Provides added structure
& support. Found
outside the cell
Location of protein
production (can float
freely in cytoplasm or be
attached to Rough ER)
Transport channels that
help move material
throughout the cell.
Stacks of membranes
that collect, modify and
repackage proteins for
use in or out of the cell.
An organelle that
contains digestive
enzymes used to clean
up old worn out parts of
the cell (or waste).
Uses solar energy to
make organic
compounds (with stored
chemical energy) from
CO2 & H2O
Produces ATP - an
energy storing molecule.
Needs sugar and oxygen
* Ribosomes do not have a membrane around them to separate their inside from the environment around it.
Which are found in
Notes: The Evolution of a Cell (Simple to Complex)
Evolution of Life - the order of their suspected appearance on Earth)
The first life forms: Were they?
Circle one of the pairs of terms below Explanation
or heterotrophic
Aerobic (used oxygen)
Anaerobic (did not use oxygen)
What chemical process occurred that
allowed there to be aerobic organisms?
Based on the info from the table – list the order of organisms as they appeared on Earth.
 _________________________________________________________________
How did the first Eukaryotic cells come about?
Endosymbiotic Theory – endo means ____________________________, symbiotic means
____________________________ so……
o Smaller __________________________ entered inside larger prokaryotes.
o The smaller prokaryote(s) got ______________________________________________.
o The larger prokaryote got _______________________________________________.
This smaller cell was really good at producing _____________ and came to be
known as the _____________________________________.
o Eventually a 2nd small prokaryotic cell was engulfed by the larger cell…
This cell was really good at absorbing solar energy and using it to make food for
itself and came to be known as the _________________.
Support for the endosymbiotic theory:|
Unlike other organelles, mitochondria & chloroplasts both ___________________
independently of the cell.
Both mitochondria & chloroplasts contain their own __________
Both have two __________________________around them.
_____________________________ Theory – organelles formed when the plasma membrane
folded inward producing membranes inside of the cell. Some of the infolds broke off forming
various organelles.
Fill in the missing words from the Cell Theory:
 All living things are made up of one or more __________________
 Cells are the basic unit of ________________ (how its built) and ________________ (what it does) of all living things.
 All cells come from _____________________ cells.
What four basic structures are found in ALL cells (that means in bacteria, plants, animals… etc.)?
 ___________________________________
 ___________________________________
 ___________________________________
 ___________________________________
3. Bacteria cells come in three basic shapes – describe the shape next to each term:
Coccus = _________________
Bacillus = ____________________ spirillum = ___________________
4. The bacteria in kingdom ________________________ are most like the first forms of life. Their cells are surrounded by a
______________________ to protect them from the harsh conditions they often live in.
5. Why do skin, blood and nerve cells from the same person (with the same genetic information) all have different shapes?
6. Label the top box of the columns with either the term Prokaryote or Eukaryote. Then place a check in the column if the
statement on the left describes that type of cell.
Prokaryotic or Eukaryotic? 
Cell Types 
Have membrane bound organelles
Cell Wall
Always multicellular
First life form found on earth
Has Ribosomes
13. Contains mitochondria
Bacteria cells
Plant Cells
Animal Cells