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Chapter 34 Review Sheet: The Rise of the Roman Republic
What was the first step in the Roman
How long did Rome’s first period of
expansion last?
What problems occurred as a
result of the first period of
Section 34.3
Rome’s First Period of Expansion
____ to _____ B.C.E.
How did Rome overcome these challenges?
Who was Cincinnatus?
What group posed the
biggest challenge to
Roman Expansion?
Section 34.4 Over Seas Expansion: From ________ to _________ B.C.E.
Define: Carthage--
Why were the Romans in conflict with Carthage?
What are the Punic wars?
Punic War
Why were the Romans successful in the first Punic war?
Why was Hannibal ( the Carthaginian leader) successful early in the Second Punic war?
Punic War
Why were the Romans successful in the Second Punic war?
How did the Romans end the Third Punic War?
Punic War
What were the benefits of the Roman victory?
What were the consequences of the Third Punic War?
34.5 Expansion During the Final Years of the Republic: From ____________ to ___________ B.C.E.
Civil War
Pompey vs. Caesar
Explain these three factors created problems
for the Roman Republic:
A) Taxes
• Both were great Roman generals
Led To
•Pompey controlled___________________
while Julius Caesar controlled much of
B) Slaves:
•_______________ had the support of the
Senate, who then forbade _________from
C) Jobs:
returning to Rome with his army.
• Caesar crossed the ____________ River leading
Life under Caesar:
Name three reforms made by Caesar:
to a three-year war. ______________ won the
war and the Senate named him dictator for life
On the
Why did several senators kill Caesar?
Section 34.6 Rome Becomes and Empire
What was the initial result of the death of Caesar?
Who did Octavian have to defeat in order to claim his right to the empire?
Why was Octavian called “Augustus”?
List three of Octavian’s accomplishments
What were three challenges faced by the people of Rome under Augustus?
What was the Pax Romana?
Chapter 34: What to Study…
• Territories gained during each period
of expansion.
• Key figures and terms
• Major costs and benefits of Roman