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Lesson Two: Roman Conquest.
Historical Literacy: Complete the following assignment to help you understand the
people places and events of how Rome developed. You will be tested on these concepts at
the end of the unit.
Group One
Chap 7 Sec 3
+ Class Info
Where to find information
Group Two
Chap 6 Sec 1 “Expansion in
Italy” to end of section” +
Class Info
Identify and explain the significance of the following terms:
1st Punic War
2nd Punic War
Third Punic War
Mar Nostrum:
Gaius Marius
Julius Caesar
Group Three
Packet, “Roman Conquest
of Med.” – “The Nature of
Roman Imperialism” +
Class Info.
What happened when?
Place the following events on the timeline. Use your textbook, class info and this
1st Punic War, 2nd Punic War, 3rd Punic War , Caesars Gallic Wars
Where did it
Place the following
locations on the
map. Use your
textbook, class
movie or internet:
-Locate Carthage; Color in the
Borders of the
Roman Empire by
the time of Caesar;
-Locate Gaul
Lesson Two: Roman Conquest.
Information Literacy: Fill out the following TMD outline as you watch the video in
class. On this one, I have filled out the Topics and Main Ideas. Your team needs to fill in
the details. Your team will be rewarded based on the amount of details you can record in
the time allotted.
Section One: Development of Roman Army
Main Idea: Rome’s first army was a part time citizen army.
Details: ( I have 4)
MI: Rome had to change their army after being defeated by the Celts
Details: ( I have 3)
MI: The Romans developed new training and weapons to deal with the Celts
Details: ( I have 8)
MI: The roman army was organized into the Legion
Details: ( I have 7)
Section Two: Battles of Expansion
MI: Rome defeated Carthage with a new navy in the first Punic War
Details: ( I have 4)
MI: Rome defeated Carthage again after being invaded by Hannibal in the 2nd Punic War.
Details: ( I have 4)
MI: Third Punic war was just not nice
Details: ( I have 3)
MI: The Romans then conquered the rest of the Med by claiming they were defending themselves
Details: ( I have 2)
MI: Roman Army conquered new lands by being highly organized and disciplined
Details: ( I have 4)
MI:, But the Spartacus rebellion showed that the Romans had problems back at home.
Details: ( I have 5)
Section Three: Army Reforms and the Super Generals
MI: General Marius reformed the army to create and pay more soldiers
Details: ( I have 5)
MI: Caesar was the ultimate in a politican who used his army to gain power.
Details: ( I have 8)
Lesson Two: Roman Conquest.
Rise and Fall: Answer the following questions to demonstrate your understanding of
what made the Roman Republic both successful and unsuccessful.
A key to Rome’s success was their ability to adapt technology from others. Give
examples of how they did this.
Another key to Rome’s success was their ability to be highly organized and disciplined.
Give Examples.
Rome’s conquests made them wealthy and gave them a lot of land. But, what are the
unforeseen problems that might be coming because of their conquests?