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Cathy Washington
William Thurston
Carolyn Beasley
Linda Faniel
Behaviorist Theory
Table of Contents
 Definition
 Key concepts
 Scientists who studied the
behaviorist theory
 Classroom examples
 Citations
A conglomerate
of internal
Two types of Behaviorism
Classical and Operant
 Classical conditioning is “ a
type of learning in which
an organism learns to
connect, or associate,
 Operant conditioning is, “a
form of learning in which
consequences of behavior
produce changes in the
probability that the
behavior will occur”(p.125).
Key concepts
Behavior is an observed
behavior of an
aggregated of response
to internal and external
stimuli which brought
about the study
behaviorism. Because
behaviorism has
expanded by
demographics and has
been divided to refining
behavior so that
variables of interest may
be reliable present for
Behaviorist: Ivan Pavlov
Pavlov studied behaviorism
to see if external stimuli could
affect the salivation process. In
1903 he published his results
calling this a "conditioned
reflex“ different from an innate
reflex, such as yanking a hand
back from a flame, in that it had
to be learned. Pavlov called this
learning process “conditioning”
He thought that conditioned
reflexes could explain the
behavior of people.
Behaviorist: B.F. Skinner
Skinner developed behavioral
studies of rats that automatically
reward behavior. He wrote The
Behavior of Organisms and
began his novel Walden II,
about a commune where
behaviorist principles created a
new kind of utopia. He used
operant conditioning the
rewarding of a partial behavior
or a random act that approaches
the desired behavior. Skinner
believed other all complicated
tasks could be broken down and
taught. He developed machines
so students could learn bit by
bit, uncovering answers for an
immediate "reward."
Behaviorist: E. L. Thorndike
In the research of psychologist
E.L. Thorndike, positive
consequences. He believes that
given every performance were
not as effective a motivator as
intermittent or infrequent
rewards. Apparently, satisfaction
by reward wears off when it
happens too often.
Consequences are of three main
types: "Reinforcement" is a
consequence that causes a
behavior to occur with greater
frequency. "Punishment" causes
a behavior to occur with less
frequency. "Extinction," or lack
of consequence, also causes
behavior to occur with less
frequency. Thorndike found
behaviors and their
consequences to be measurable.
Behaviorism in the Classroom
In learning, behaviorism is rewarding because if focus on classroom management
involves fewer disruptive behavior from students because each student is involved
and eager to learn; rote memorization which focus on memorizing and avoiding
understanding which allows a student to gain confidence while building learning
skills; drill and practice is a structured and repetitive reviews of previous learned
concepts to determine mastery and build understanding. Behaviorism in the
classroom provides social interaction model of teaching by enhancing learning with
diverse groups, and also promote interaction with the environment and social
growth. Because behaviorism is designed to enhance learning in all students by
centering the curriculum on problem and situations use problem solving process and
pursue social proposes by using social studies orientation. Encourage students to
work cooperatively together to achieve common goals, structure the instructional
setting to reflect life to occur with in a large community setting and behaviorism
fosters exploration of thinking and reflecting.
Behaviorism in the
Behaviorism in the Classroom
Below is the hyperlink for a brief
video of behaviorism in the
classroom. (right click and open
Behaviorism is a ______ of internal psychological
 Method
 Conglomerate
 Process
 That’s incorrect
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 That’s correct
Which of the following is a behaviorist?
 Beethoven
 Obama
 Pavlov
 That’s incorrect
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 That’s correct
Which is not a type of behaviorism?
 Classical
 Operant
 Conservative
 That’s incorrect
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 That’s correct
____ developed machines so students could
learn bit by bit , uncovering answers for an
immediate reward
 Pavlov
 Skinner
 Thorndike
 That’s incorrect
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 That’s correct
Which of the following add
behavior stimulus?
 Positive Reinforcement
 Negative reinforcement
 No Reinforcement
 That’s incorrect
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 That’s correct
Classical Conditioning is a type of learning in
which organisms learn to associate, or
connect stimuli
 True
 False
 That’s incorrect
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 That’s correct
Taking this quiz is based on the
behaviorist method of learning
 True
 False
 That’s incorrect
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 That’s correct
Operant Conditioning is not a form of learning in
which consequences of behavior produce
changes in the probability that the behavior will
 True
 False
 That’s incorrect
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 That’s correct
What type of conditioning took place with
the quiz you just took
 Operant
 Classical
 Physical
 That’s incorrect
Try Again!
Great Job!
 That’s correct
Links for more on Behaviorism:
Behaviorism in Education
Theories of Learning