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Proteins: Structure, Function, Folding
Key topics:
– Structure and properties of the peptide bond
– Structural hierarchy in proteins
– Structure and function of fibrous proteins
– Protein folding and denaturation
– Structure analysis of globular proteins
Structure of Proteins
• Unlike most organic polymers, protein molecules
adopt a specific 3-dimensional conformation in the
aqueous solution.
• This structure is able to fulfill a specific biological
• This structure is called the native fold
• The native fold has a large number of favorable
interactions within the protein
• There is a cost in conformational entropy of folding
the protein into one specific native fold
Protein Structures are compact
Protein Sci. 2006 August; 15(8): 1829–1834.
doi: 10.1110/ps.062305106.
Favorable Interactions in Proteins
• Hydrophobic effect
– Release of water molecules from the structured solvation layer
around the molecule as protein folds increases the net entropy
• Hydrogen bonds
– Interaction of N-H and C=O of the peptide bond leads to local
regular structures such as -helixes and -sheets
• London dispersion
– Medium-range weak attraction between all atoms contributes
significantly to the stability in the interior of the protein
• Electrostatic interactions
– Long-range strong interactions between permanently charged
– Salt-bridges, esp. buried in the hydrophobic environment strongly
stabilize the protein
Structure of the Peptide Bond
• Structure of the protein is partially dictated
by the properties of the peptide bond
• The peptide bond is a resonance hybrid of
two canonical structures
• The resonance causes the peptide bonds
– be less reactive compared to e.g. esters
– be quite rigid and nearly planar
– exhibit large dipole moment in the
favored trans configuration
The Rigid Peptide Plane and
the Partially Free Rotations
• Rotation around the peptide bond is not permitted
• Rotation around bonds connected to the alpha
carbon is permitted
• f (phi): angle around the -carbon—amide
nitrogen bond
• y (psi): angle around the -carbon—carbonyl
carbon bond
• In a fully extended polypeptide, both y and f are
Distribution of f and y Dihedral
• Some f and y combinations are very unfavorable because
of steric crowding of backbone atoms with other atoms in
the backbone or side-chains
• Some f and y combinations are more favorable because of
chance to form favorable H-bonding interactions along the
• Ramachandran plot shows the distribution of f and y
dihedral angles that are found in a protein
• shows the common secondary structure elements
• reveals regions with unusual backbone structure
Ramachandran Plot
Secondary Structures
• Secondary structure refers to a local spatial
arrangement of the polypeptide chain
• Two regular arrangements are common:
• The  helix
– stabilized by hydrogen bonds between nearby
• The  sheet
– stabilized by hydrogen bonds between adjacent
segments that may not be nearby
• Irregular arrangement of the polypeptide chain is
called the random coil
The  helix
• The backbone is more
compact with the y dihedral
(N–C—C–N) in the range (
0 < y < -70)
• Helical backbone is held
together by hydrogen bonds
between the nearby
backbone amides
• Right-handed helix with 3.6
residues (5.4 Å) per turn
• Peptide bonds are aligned
roughly parallel with the
helical axis
• Side chains point out and
are roughly perpendicular
with the helical axis
The  helix: Top View
• The inner diameter of the helix
(no side-chains) is about 4 – 5
• Too small for anything to fit
• The outer diameter of the
helix (with side chains) is 10 –
12 Å
• Happens to fit well into the
major groove of dsDNA
• Residues 1 and 8 align nicely
on top of each other
• What kind of sequence
gives an helix with one
hydrophobic face?
Sequence Affects Helix Stability
• Not all polypeptide
sequences adopt -helical
• Small hydrophobic residues
such as Ala and Leu are
strong helix formers
Pro acts as a helix breaker
because the rotation around
the N-Ca bond is impossible
Gly acts as a helix breaker
because the tiny R-group
supports other
The Helix
• Peptide bond has a strong
dipole moment
– Carbonyl O negative
– Amide H positive
• All peptide bonds in the 
helix have a similar
• The  helix has a large
macroscopic dipole
• Negatively charged
residues often occur near
the positive end of the
helix dipole
 Sheets
• The backbone is more
extended with the y dihedral
(N–C—C–N) in the range (
90 < y < 180)
• The planarity of the peptide
bond and tetrahedral geometry
of the -carbon create a
pleated sheet-like structure
• Sheet-like arrangement of
backbone is held together by
hydrogen bonds between the
more distal backbone amides
• Side chains protrude from the
sheet alternating in up and
down direction
Parallel and Antiparallel  Sheets
• Parallel or antiparallel orientation of two chains
within a sheet are possible
• In parallel  sheets the H-bonded strands run in
the same direction
• In antiparallel  sheets the H-bonded strands
run in opposite directions
Circular Dichroism (CD) Analysis
• CD measures the molar
absorption difference  of
left- and right- circularly
polarized light:  = L – R
• Chromophores in the chiral
environment produce
characteristic signals
• CD signals from peptide
bonds depend on the chain
 Turns (Hairpins)
-turns occur frequently whenever strands in  sheets change the
• The 180° turn is accomplished over four amino acids
• The turn is stabilized by a hydrogen bond from a carbonyl oxygen
to amide proton three residues down the sequence
• Proline in position 2 or glycine in position 3 are common in -turns
• Most peptide bonds not involving proline are in
the trans configuration (>99.95%)
• For peptide bonds involving proline, about 6-20%
can be in the cis configuration
• Proline isomerization is catalyzed by proline
Protein Tertiary Structure
• Tertiary structure refers to the overall spatial arrangement of atoms in a
polypeptide chain or in a protein
• One can distinguish two major classes
– fibrous proteins
¤ typically insoluble; made from a single secondary structure
– globular proteins
¤ water-soluble globular proteins
¤ lipid-soluble membraneous proteins
Fibrous Proteins:
From Structure to Function
Tough, rigid,
hard (nails, horns)
Cross-linked -helixes
Rigid linker (S—S)
Tensile strength,
(tendons, cartilage)
Cross-linked triple-helixes
Flexible linker (Lys-HyLys)
Soft, flexible
(egg sac, nest, web)
Non-covalently held -sheets
van der Waals interaction
Silk fibroin
Structure of Keratin in Hair
Chemistry of Curly Hair
Structure of Collagen
Collagen is an important constituent of connective tissue: tendons, cartilage, bones,
cornea of the eye
Each collagen chain is a long Gly- and Pro-rich left-handed helix
Three collagen chains intertwine into a right-handed superhelical triple helix
The triple helix has higher tensile strength than a steel wire of equal cross section
Many triple-helixes assemble into a collagen fibril
4-Hydroxyproline in Collagen
• Forces the proline ring into a favorable pucker
• Offer more hydrogen bonds between the three strands of collagen
• The post-translational processing is catalyzed by prolyl hydroxylase and
requires -ketoglutarate, molecular oxygen, and ascorbate (vitamin C)
Silk Fibroin
• Fibroin is the main protein in silk from moths and spiders
• Antiparallel  sheet structure
• Small side chains (Ala and Gly) allow the close packing of sheets
• Structure is stabilized by
– hydrogen bonding within sheets
– London dispersion interactions between sheets
Spider Silk
• Used for webs, egg sacks,
and wrapping the prey
• Extremely strong material
– stronger than steel
– can stretch a lot before
• A composite material
– crystalline parts (fibroin-rich)
– rubber-like stretchy parts
Motifs (folds)
Arrangements of several secondary
structure elements
Quaternary Structure
Quaternary structure is formed by spontaneous
assembly of individual polypeptides into a larger
functional cluster
Structure of the Cro-DNA complex
6Cro.pdb Albright, R. A. and B. W. Matthews (1998). "Crystal
structure of lambda-Cro bound to a consensus operator at 3.0 A
resolution." J Mol Biol 280(1): 137-51.
Protein Stability and Folding
•A protein’s function depends on its three-dimensional structure.
•Loss of structural integrity with accompanying loss of activity is called
•Proteins can be denatured by
• heat or cold; pH extremes; organic solvents
• chaotropic agents: urea and guanidinium hydrochloride
Refolding Experiment
Ribonuclease is a small protein that
contains 8 cysteins linked via four
disulfide bonds
Urea in the presence of 2mercaptoethanol fully denatures
When urea and 2-mercaptoethanol
are removed, the protein
spontaneously refolds, and the
correct disulfide bonds are reformed
The sequence alone determines the
native conformation
Quite “simple” experiment, but so
important it earned Chris Anfinsen
the 1972 Chemistry Nobel Prize
How Can
Proteins Fold
Proteins fold to the lowest-energy fold
in the microsecond to second time
scales. How can they find the right
fold so fast?
It is mathematically impossible for
protein folding to occur by randomly
trying every conformation until the
lowest energy one is found (Levinthal’s
Search for the minimum is not random
because the direction toward the
native structure is thermodynamically
most favorable
Chaperones Prevent Misfolding
Chaperonins Facilitate Folding
Protein Structure Methods:
X-Ray Crystallography
Steps needed:
• Purify the protein
• Crystallize the protein
• Collect diffraction data
• Calculate electron
• Fit residues into density
• No size limits
• Well-established
• Difficult for membrane
• Cannot see hydrogens
Proton NMR spectrum of a protein
Amides Aromatics
Structure Methods:
Biomolecular NMR
Steps needed:
Purify the protein
Dissolve the protein
Collect NMR data
Assign NMR signals
Calculate the structure
• No need to crystallize the protein
• Can see many hydrogens
• Difficult for insoluble proteins
• Works best with small proteins
Chapter 4: Summary
In this chapter, we learned about:
• the two most important secondary structures:
–  helixes
–  sheets
• how properties and function of fibrous proteins are
• how to determine three-dimensional structures of
• one of the largest unsolved puzzles in modern
biochemistry: how proteins fold?