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GA Milestone Review 1
1 Carbon dioxide and water are converted to oxygen and glucose through which of the following?
A) respiration
B) water cycle
C) photosynthesis
D) decomposition
An organism that is capable of passing on a trait for a specific disease to its offspring, but which
NOT express the disease itself, is described as which of the following?
A) a carrier
B) a homozygote
C) a mutant
D) a purebred
A normal cell formed by fertilization, containing two copies of each chromosome, one from the
and one from the father, is
A) diploid.
B) haploid.
C) a gamete.
D) an allele.
4 The biome is the largest ecological unit. The type of biome is determined by what factors?
A) latitude and climate
B) energy flow through the system
C) ratio of producers to consumers
D) numbers of species in the food web
5 Which is usually considered a disadvantage of asexual reproduction?
A) It is a fast method of reproduction.
B) It produces a large number of offspring.
C) It requires two parents.
D) It produces identical offspring.
6 The enzyme amylase is found in saliva and assists with the break down of starch into glucose.
Explain how this
occurs without affecting the chemical makeup of the amylase.
A) Amylase bonds to the starch to speed up the reaction and detaches itself when complete, without
B) Amylase does not take place in the starch reaction, but raises the temperature of the saliva to
speed up the
C) Amylase changes starch into a vapor which increases the reaction rate, but is recreated by the
D) Amylase transfers all of its energy to the starch molecules to speed the reaction, but does not
take place in
the reaction.
7 Homeostasis is the maintenance of stable conditions within the body. Which of the following is a
method of
maintaining homeostasis in the human body?
A) working in air conditioning
B) shivering when cold
C) eating balanced meals
D) sleeping regularly
8 Which equation represents photosynthesis?
A) C6H12O6 + 6O2 = 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy
B) 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy = C6H12O6 + 6O2
C) 2S + 3O2 + 2H2O = 2SO + 4H+ + energy
D) C6H12O6 + O2 = C2H5OH + CO2 + energy
An animal cell containing 32 chromosomes divides by mitosis. Each of the resulting daughter cells
through mitosis. The cells that result each have
A) 4 chromosomes.
B) 8 chromosomes.
C) 16 chromosomes.
D) 32 chromosomes.
10 Which is the primary energy source for most animals?
A) carbohydrates
B) proteins
C) fiber
D) fats
11 Approximately 20 amino acids are essential to living systems. How are amino acids linked
together to form
A) genetic bonds
B) peptide bonds
C) acidbase
D) hydrogen bonds
12 Name the class of biomolecule with all of these functions in living organisms:
I) Longterm
energy storage for hibernating animals.
II) Buoyancy in marine animals such as whales.
III) Component of cell membranes in all organisms.
A) carbohydrates
B) lipids
C) nucleic acids
D) proteins
13 A police detective finds a speck of blood at a crime scene. He knows that there is not enough
DNA in the sample
for the crime lab to use directly. What is likely the first step that the crime lab will take, in order to
have enough
DNA to work with?
A) clone the DNA sample in bacteria
B) do a DNA fingerprint directly on the sample
C) use the polymerase chain reaction on the sample
D) use restriction enzymes to digest the sample into smaller pieces
14 In parakeets, the gene for green feathers is dominant to the gene for yellow feathers. Knowing
that meiosis
produces an assortment of alleles, suppose that a green male parakeet mates with a female yellow
parakeet. The
male's genotype is Gg, while the female parakeet's genotype is gg. What percentage of the offspring
will have
yellow feathers?
A) 0%
B) 25%
C) 50%
D) 75%
15 The genetic disorder trisomy 21 (Down syndrome) is caused by what genetic event?
A) crossingover
B) nondisjunction
C) base pair substitution
D) frameshift
16 Which class of biomolecule includes monosaccharides such as the blood sugar glucose, and the
fruit sugar,
fructose, which is found in energy drinks?
A) carbohydrates
B) lipids
C) nucleic acids
D) proteins
The picture shows several fish populations interacting with one another in a display tank at a
popular public
aquarium. What level of biological organization is depicted in the photograph?
A) a population
B) a community
C) a biome
D) an ecosystem
18 Julie often uses hairspray every morning. The hairspray is propelled by Chlorofluorocarbons
(CFCs). Julie is likely
contributing to which of these environmental problems?
A) acid rain
B) biomagnification
C) global warming
D) ozone depletion
19 Which of these kingdoms includes prokaryote organisms that were among the first forms of life
to evolve?
A) Fungi
B) Algae
C) Plantae
D) Archaebacteria
20 The overall organization of the human body follows which general pattern?
A) tissues, cells, organs, organ systems
B) organ systems, organs, cells, tissues
C) cells, tissues, organs, organ systems
D) cells, organs, organ systems, tissues
21 In 1950, about 97% of Strep throat infections that doctors treated received a prescription of
penicillin. By 2000,
only about 12% of Strep throat infections were treated with penicillin. From an evolutionary
standpoint, why
might this be true?
A) The penicillin made in 1950 was of better quality, due to changes in manufacturing processes.
B) Over time, the use of penicillin killed off weaker Strep bacteria, and most of what survives is now
resistant to
C) Over time, Strep bacteria have gradually learned how to defend themselves against penicillin.
D) The mold that penicillin is made from has become less common, because Strep bacteria have out
competed it.
Which of the organisms in the food chain shown above would have the LEAST amount of overall
A) animals
B) arthropods
C) bacteria
D) grass
23 A Columbian tropical rainforest food chain includes the following set of feeding relationships:
Fig leaves >
Leaf cutter ants >
Anteater >
Approximately how many pounds of ants would be needed to support one 300pound
adult jaguar?
A) 300,000
B) 30,000
C) 3,000
D) 300
What does the picture seen here show, and what practical use does this have in biotechnology?
A) It shows a polymerase chain reaction, which is used to identify relationships in organisms, based
on DNA
B) It shows a DNA fingerprint, which is used to identify relationships in organisms, based on DNA
C) It shows a polymerase chain reaction, which is used to make multiple copies of a single DNA
D) It shows a DNA fingerprint, which is used to make multiple copies of a single DNA sample.
25 Which biome is characterized by poor soil, abundant daily rainfall, plants with wide leaf blades,
and extremely
high animal biodiversity?
A) taiga
B) kelp forest
C) tropical rainforest
D) temperate deciduous forest
26 When ATP is converted into ADP, energy is
A) stored for later use.
B) released for immediate use.
C) absorbed from food or sunlight.
D) transformed into an electromagnetic wave.
The plant cell shown above is in which phase of mitosis?
A) anaphase
B) interphase
C) prophase
D) metaphase
28 An animal combines DNA from two parent organisms through sexual reproduction. Organisms
that do NOT
exchange genetic material must rely on what for new traits?
A) meiosis
B) mutation
C) hemolysis
D) cross breeding
29 Which of the following is an abiotic factor in an ocean ecosystem?
A) coral
B) whale
C) water
D) shrimp
30 Some decomposers get their energy by breaking down glucose in the absence of oxygen. This
type of cellular
respiration is a form of
A) electrolysis.
B) fermentation.
C) photosynthesis.
D) inorganic decomposition.
31 It was only very recently determined that giant pandas are much more closely related to bears,
than to raccoons.
Before this, many scientists believed that they were large members of the raccoon family. What is
the best piece
of evidence, that was probably used to reclassify
giant pandas with bears?
A) more behavioral similarities to bears than to raccoons
B) more similarities in appearance to bears than to raccoons
C) more similarities in bear DNA and giant panda DNA
D) a more similar habitat to bears than to raccoons
32 Which is in the shape of a double helix?
A) amino acid
B) deoxyribonucleic acid
C) enzyme
D) protein
33 Messenger RNA carries genetic information in groups of three bases known as
A) amino acids.
B) codons.
C) enzymes.
D) helixes.
34 An ovum is a(n)
A) egg.
B) embryo.
C) fetus.
D) spermatozoon.
35 Which of these is NOT a feature of DNA?
A) doublehelix
B) adenine pairs with thymine
C) phosphate groups hold the backbone together
D) ribose sugar attaches to A,G,C, and T at the backbone
36 An individual's sex is determined by his or her sex chromosomes. Which is NOT correct?
A) Sperm carry only the Y chromosome.
B) A zygote with chromosomes XY is male.
C) A zygote with chromosomes XX is female.
D) The sex of the zygote is determined by the sperm.
37 A cell stores food or waste products in
A) chloroplasts.
B) nuclei.
C) ribosomes.
D) vacuoles.
38 Which part of the cell provides energy through the process of cellular respiration?
A) cell wall
B) cytoplasm
C) mitochondrion
D) cell membrane
39 Why is meiosis important?
A) The process allows an organism to reproduce asexually.
B) The process produces two cells identical to the parent cell.
C) The process produces cells with half the normal number of chromosomes.
D) The process causes a fertilized egg to multiply and develop into an embryo.
40 Sexual reproduction results from the joining of two specialized sex cells called gametes. When a
sperm and ovum
combine to form a cell, what is this cell called?
A) embryo
B) fetus
C) zygote
D) baby
41 During translation, the tRNA antiā€codon GGA codes for what amino acid?
A) alanine
B) tyrosine
C) proline
D) glutamic
42 To maintain the number of chromosomes from parents to offspring during sexual reproduction,
two steps are
required. The first, meiosis, results in
A) twice as many chromosomes as in the original cell.
B) rearranged chromosomes of the same size and number.
C) larger chromosomes than those in the original cell.
D) half the number of chromosomes as in the original cell.
43 Which statement BEST describes the role that DNA plays in storing and transmitting cellular
A) DNA acts as a molecular blueprint for proteins, storing information in the nucleus.
B) DNA carries amino acids to the ribosome in the construction of proteins.
C) DNA acts as a message that tells ribosomes what proteins to make.
D) DNA travels from cell to cell carrying messages.
44 Which statement regarding proteins is true?
A) Proteins are used to carry the genetic code in the nucleus of a cell.
B) Proteins make up most of the cell and tissue structures in animals.
C) Proteins are synthesized in the mitochondria of the cell.
D) Proteins are the building blocks of amino acids.
45 What event is most likely to be associated with secondary ecological succession in a forest
A) a forest fire that kills smaller plants and allows the improved growth of bushes and trees
B) the rapid evolution of a number of animal species from one ancestor
C) the development of an ecosystem with only mature forest trees
D) a meteor impact that kills every occupant of the ecosystem
46 What type of reproductive strategy would BEST allow an organism to rapidly produce many
clones of itself in
order to quickly populate an ecosystem?
A) alternation of generations
B) asexual reproduction
C) diploid sexual reproduction
D) haploid sexual reproduction
47 A certain gene for albinism occurs in alligators. When the defective gene is present, the
alligator's skin is white
and the animal has blue eyes. The DNA gene sequences for the normal coloration gene and for the
albino gene
are shown.
What type of DNA point mutation leads to albino alligators?
A) deletion
B) duplication
C) insertion
D) substitution
48 The field of science that studies the interactions among living and nonliving factors in the
environment is
A) anthropology.
B) ecology.
C) embryology.
D) zoology.
49 Genetics is the study of
A) bacteria.
B) evolution.
C) heredity.
D) reproduction.
50 Cells secrete proteins, often as enzymes, that have been engineered or directed by the DNA in
the nucleus. Which
processes are involved in protein synthesis?
A) transfer to RNA, then to amino acids
B) transcription into RNA, then translation into amino acids
C) replication of DNA, then transcription into enzymes
D) translation into RNA, then replication into DNA