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Review for Test: Mitosis ,
Meiosis, DNA, Scientific
Method, and Earth Space
What is DNA and How does it work?
1. DNA shape
1. spiraling ladder or double helix
2. Function of DNA?
1. Acts as a blueprint for living things
3. Amino Acids?
1. tiny chemicals that make up proteins –
building blocks
4. Relationship between DNA and amino
acids (AA)
1. DNA tells the AA in what shape to line up
in order to create a protein
5. What are the 4 nitrogen bases in
5. adenine, thymine, guanine, and
6. Ribosomes make proteins by
reading the DNA and line up the
amino acids; List the Steps to make
DNA makes RNA
Ribosomes and RNA lines up aa
AA makes proteins
Proteins makes cells
Cells make life
sugar phosphate backbone
Hydrogen Bonds
Review DNA
Think about these questions on your own.
1. What is the function of DNA?
DNA acts as a blueprint for living things. It tells the ribosomes in what
order to line up the amino acids to create proteins.
2. Where is DNA housed in the cell?
3. What is the difference between DNA and RNA?
DNA is housed in the nucleus and RNA is a copy of DNA that is moved
to the cytoplasm to be read by ribosomes to make proteins.
4. What is the relationship between DNA , ribosomes, and amino acids.
DNA is copied to RNA and then ribosomes read the RNA and tell amino
acids in what order to line up in to create proteins.
• No membrane bound
• DNA – Circular
• No Nucleus
• Example: bacteria
• Antibiotics are specific
to these cells
• Genetic Material –
• Ribosomes
• Cell Membranes
• Have organelles
• Cells perform certain
• Membrane bound
• DNA – double helix
• Nucleus
• Example: fungus and
human cells
• Antibiotics don’t work
• Asexual reproduction
• Growth and repair in multicellular
• Makes body cells - Identical cells
• Unicellular organisms reproduce
• Does PMAT once
• End product 2 identical cells
• DNA is duplicated during
• Spindle fibers pull apart
• Used to create new cells
• Spindle fibers are attached to the
centrioles helping to pull apart the
• Sexually reproduction
• Homologous chromosomes – about
size and same types of genes in same
• Gametes are the sex cells the egg and
• Cells are all different from each other
at end
• End product 4 cells with half the
genetic material
• Does PMAT twice
• Crossing over- transfer of genetic
material between homologous
• Cross over occurs in Prophase I
• Non-disjunction – when chromosomes
do not separate correctly and lead to
genetic disorders
Interphase: DNA condenses
into a chromatid and is
Prophase: The chromosomes
are condensed, the spindle
fibers begin to form from the
centrioles, and the nuclear
membrane dissolves.
Metaphase :The
chromosome align on the
cell’s middle
Anaphase: Chromatids are
separated and moved to
opposite poles.
Telophase: The nuclear
membrane forms around
both sets of chromosomes.
The cell divides into two
identical cells
Cytokinesis: The cell divides
into two identical cells.
1. What do cells have to do during Interphase?
Interphase = the cell keeps growing , copies the DNA, duplicates necessary organelles
, takes up nutrients , makes proteins
2. What happens to the cell membrane , nuclear envelope , and centrosomes
during Mitosis?
The cell membrane gets larger than divides in half. (cytokinesis)
The nuclear envelope dissolves then reforms during telophase.
The centrosomes duplicate and make two centrosomes in the cells.
3. What two things make up centrosomes?
Centrosomes are made up of centrioles and microtubules.
4. What is the function of centrosomes?
The function of centrosomes are attach to the chromosomes and pull them apart
5. What is DNA wrapped around to be condensed?
When DNA is condensed it is wrapped around a protein called a histone.
6. The X shaped DNA is called a chromosome.
7. The two slashes are called sister chromatid.
Back of half
1. Draw the three parts of
2. Then the phases of Mitosis
during the video.
Draw on back of
half sheet leave
underneath each
drawing to take
• Nuclear membrane dissolves
• Spindle fibers attach to
• Chromosomes line up in
• Chromatids are
separated and moved
to opposite poles.
• The nuclear
envelopes reform
around the
• The cell splits in
Spiraling Lesson Launcher 11/4
1. What is the difference between rotation and revolution?
• Rotation is the movement of the Earth on its axis, causing day
and night.
• Revolution is the movement of the Earth around the sun.
2. What causes Seasons?
• Seasons are caused by the tilt of the Earth towards or away
from the sun.
3. What is Earth’s angle of tilt?
• Earth’s tilt is 23.5 degrees.
Lesson Launcher – Quiz Questions Review
1. Which of the following is a true
A. Cells prepare for Mitosis in prophase
B. During Mitosis a cell divides twice
C. During telophase the cells’ nuclear envelope
2. Mitosis is the process by which
cells grow in size.
a cell’s nucleus divides.
cytokinesis occurs.
DNA is replicated
3. What incorrectly describes what
happens during the phase labeled B.
The nuclear envelope dissolves
The DNA is copied
The centrosomes begin to form
This is prophase
4. Proteins are built in the
A. Cell wall
B. Cytoplasm
C. Mitochondria
D. Golgi Apparatus
• Gene – sequence of DNA that determines a trait and passed form parent to offspring
• Example: height , weight, eye color, hair color
• Genotype – an organism’s genetic make-up
• Example : order of nitrogen bases – ATCGCGTACG
• Phenotype - an organism’s physical appearance or traits
• Example - brown hair , blue eyes
• Heterozygous – two different alleles for a particular gene
• Homozygous – same alleles for a particular gene
chromosomes – are
about the same size
and same types of
genes in same
chromosomes are
separated during
telophase I
Crossing over –
exchange of genetic
information between
chromosomes, which
occurs during
Prophase I
Crossing- Over
Lesson Launcher Spiraling
1. What has to happen to classify a moon as a super moon?
A moon becomes a super moon when a new moon is closer to Earth
during its orbit.
If the moon is 90 closer to the Earth during its orbit.
2. What is a moon illusion?
A moon illusion is when a moon is near the horizon and creates an optical
3. What are the dates of the 3 super moons?
The dates of the 3 super moons are Oct 16th , Nov , 14, and Dec 14th.
4. What is the order of the following from largest to smallest: universe,
Andromeda galaxy , solar system, sun, planet, moon
Nature of Science Answers
#1 What should a scientist do after they have
created the problem they want to study?
#2 What is the variable that changes due to
the experiment?
#3 What is the purpose of a control variable?
Research the topic
#4 Maggie observed the foraging habbits of
birds during the different seasons. What is
the independent and dependent variable?
#5 Explain the difference between a scientific
law and theory.
IDV: different seasons DV: foraging habits
Dependent Variable
A control lets the scientist compared answers
A scientific law is simple and always observed true,
while a scientific theory is complex and has been test
multiple times by many different scientist to be proven
Cells and Homeostasis Answers
#6 Does diffusion require energy?
#7 What does a multi-cellular organism use cell Growth and repair
division for?
#8 What is the difference between cellular
respiration and photosynthesis?
#9 What is the order of the levels of
organization from smallest to largest?
#10 What organelle provides the energy for the
cell to actively transport materials across it?
Photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplast and uses
sunlight to make glucose, while cellular respiration
occurs in the mitochondria and coverts glucose to
energy for the cell.
atoms , elements, molecules, compounds, cells,
tissue, organs, organ systems, organism
Cell Parts and DNA Answers
#11 What is the lysosomes like Mr.
#12 What is the function of a
#13 Why is the DNA copied into RNA
and where does it go?
They both eat things.
to make proteins
There is not enough room in the nucleus for the DNA to
be read to make proteins , so a copy called RNA is made
and moved into the cytoplasm to make proteins.
#14 What are the 4 nitrogen bases of Adamine , thymine, guanine, cytosine
#15 What two organelles does a plant Cell wall and chloroplast
cell have than an animal cell does
Mitosis and Meiosis Answers
#16 What cell division is used to produce
#17 Give an example of a somatic cell
and what type of division creates
somatic cells?
#18 How many times does a cell divide in
#19 What is the reason you and your
siblings do not look alike?
Lung , heart, liver, skin cells Type of Division: Mitosis or
Twice because it produces 4 cells with half genetic
During Prophase I the homolgous chromosomes exchange
DNA ,which is called crossing over.
#20 Why does meiosis produce cells with The cells produced in meiosis have half the genetic
half the needed amount of genetic
information because they will combine with another cell
with half genetic information during fertilization and create
an offspring with a complete set of DNA.
Earth Space Answers
#21 How is metamorphic rock formed?
Heat and Pressure
#22 What is the oldest rock type?
#23 Which of Earth's spheres is all the water in the form
of ice?
#24 Order the following from largest to smallest: galaxy ,
moon, planet, sun
#25 What is the order of the celestial bodies to create a
solar eclipse?
Galaxy , sun , planet, moon
sun - moon - earth
1. Why does the gravity of the moon not move buildings on Earth?
The gravity of the moon does not move buildings on Earth because building have
foundations and are stable structures.
4. Neap Tide
2. High and Low Tide
3. Spring Tide
5. How does the sun enhance or diminish the moon’s gravitational pull?
The sun enhances the moon’s gravitational pull when it is in a line with the earth and moon.
The sun diminishes the moon’s gravitational pull when it makes a right angle with moon and
Scientific Method
All of these words are parts or steps
of the scientific method. Question
(problem) is the 1st step, Research is
the 2nd step. Variables are part of
the experiment and graphs are in
the data and analysis step of the
scientific method.
Nitrogen bases
Prophase I
Crossing over
Nitrogen bases make up DNA which
is found in the nucleus.
Chromosomes are DNA tightly
Crossing over occurs in prophase I
and it is when the chromosomes
exchange DNA and it creates
daughter cells that are not
genetically identical, which are
called gametes.
Questions to answer in Days of Week group
1. What cells in your body go through mitosis?
Somatic or body cells go through mitosis in the body. Mitosis is used for growth and
repair in multicellular organisms Examples: liver cells, skin cells, heart cells
2. Why does meiosis going through PMAT twice?
Meiosis produces 4 cells with half the genetic information. If it only divided once it
would produce 2 cells with a complete set of genetic information like mitosis,
therefore it has to divide twice.
3. How many cells are produced in mitosis and meiosis?
Meiosis produces 4 cells with half genetic material and Mitosis produces 2 cells with a
complete set of genetic information.
4. Why are you not genetically identical to your brother and sister?
Crossing over occurs in Prophase 1 of meiosis and it exchanges genetic information
causing the product cells to be different.
Lesson Launcher Spiraling
1. What is weather?
• Weather is conditions of the atmosphere at that period in time.
2. List the factors that affect weather.
• Factors that affect weather are temperature , humidity, air pressure.
3. What does high pressure bring?
• High pressure brings sunny clear days.
4. What does low pressure bring?
• Low pressure brings rainy cloudy days.
5. What is the difference between weather and climate?
• The difference between weather and climate is weather is the conditions of the
atmosphere at a given time and climate is the conditions of the atmosphere
over a long period of time.