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Lecture 22
• three key observations about life
– 1. organisms are suited for life in their
– 2. many forms of life share characteristics
– 3. life is diverse
• 150 yrs ago – Charles Darwin developed
a scientific explanation for these
• published his theory as the Origin of
– from his work categorizing species as a
member of the HMS Beagle
• evolution = descent with modification
• can also be defined as a change in the genetic
composition of a population from generation
to generation
• pattern of evolutionary change is revealed by
data taken from biology, geology, physics and
History of Evolution
• greek philosophers
suggested that life might
have changed gradually
over time
– but Aristotle – viewed
species as fixed and said that
life-forms could be arranged
on a ladder of increasing
complexity = scalae naturae
History of Evolution
• Carolus Linneaus – developed
the binomial system for naming
• developed a nested classification
system in contrast to Aristotle
– grouped animals according to
similar characteristics
– groups known as class, family,
– thought the similarities were due
to God’s creation
• many people proposed that life
evolves as the environment
• Jean Baptiste de Lamarck
proposed how these changes
• published his theory in 1809 –
year Darwin was born
• he was wrong
Lamarck: Use & Disuse
• many people proposed that life evolves as proposed two
principles at work: use and disuse & inheritance of
acquired characteristics
– e.g. the giraffe stretching
his neck to reach the
upper leaves of a tree
produces a longer neck
in subsequent
– also thought animals
evolve because of a drive
to become more
Evolution: Descent with Modification
• Charles Darwin – 1809-1882
• naturalist trained at
• recommended after
graduation to Captain Robert
Fitzroy – captain of the HMS
Evolution: Descent with Modification
• Beagle was embarking on a multi-year voyage around the
world to chart coastlines
• Darwin observed plants and animals in temperate regions
of South America resembled species in the South
American tropics more than they did species in the
temperate regions of Europe
• also studied fossils and saw similarities with living species
Galapagos Islands
• group of volcanic islands 900 km
west of South America
• fascinated by the unusual animals
and plants
• collected several kinds of birds
• many were similar to each other
but were different species
• some traits were unique to specific
• saw species on these islands that
resembled the SA mainland but
were seen no where else
• used these specimens to formulate
his theories on adaptations and
Natural Selection
• Darwin observed many examples of
– inherited characteristics that enhance their
survival and reproduction in the environment
• linked adaptation to the environment and the
origin of a new species
Descent with Modification
• Darwin never used the term evolution
• used the term descent with modification
• proposed that similarities between organisms
was due to descent from a common ancestor in
the remote past
• the descendants lived in various habitats &
developed adaptations to fit them to their habitat
• Linneaus grouped organisms based on similarities
but never recognized these similarities were due
to descent with modification
Artificial & Natural Selection
• so: Natural selection was proposed as the mechanism
explaining evolution
• Darwin used artificial selection used by humans in
breeding to explain his theory
• made two observations:
– 1. members of a population often vary in their inherited
• SO: individuals whose inherited traits give them a higher probability
of surviving and reproducing will leave more offspring
– 2. all species can produce more offspring than their
environment can support – many fail to survive
• SO: the ability to survive and reproduce will lead to an accumulation
of favorable inheritable traits
• if these traits make your offspring more successful at coping with its
environment = traits will persist over time = NATURAL SELECTION
Natural Selection: a recap
• 1. NS is a process in which individuals with
certain heritable traits survive and reproduce at
a higher rate than other individuals who don’t
have those traits
• 2. Over time, NS can increase the match
between organisms and their environment
• 3. if an environment changes (or if an individual
moves to a new environment) - NS may result in
adaptations – sometimes giving rise to new
The science of evolution
direct observations
fossil record
The science of evolution
• direct observations – evolution observed using
scientific studies
– introduced plant species – what happens when
herbivores begin to feed on a plant species with
different characteristics than their usual food source?
• soapberry bug – feed on fruits of various plants using a
hollow “beak”
• beak length must match the depth at which seeds are found
within their fruit
• introduce a plant with fruits closer to the surface –
evolution of shorter beaks within the bug population
– drug-resistant bacteria – e.g Staphylococcus aureus
The science of evolution
• homology – analyzing similarities among different
– similarity resulting from common ancestry = homology
– several types:
• 1. anatomical
• 2. molecular
• homology:
The science of evolution
• 1. anatomical – closely related species share similar features even though they may
have different functions
– e.g. forelimbs of humans, cats, whales and bats
– comparing early stages of development can reveal additional anatomical homologies –
e.g. pharyngeal pouches  gills in fish and parts of the ears and throat in mammals
– some “leftover” structures can give us important information about evolution = vestigial
• 2. molecular – similarities in DNA and RNA
– many genes have acquired new functions
– but other genes – e.g. ribosomal proteins – remain remarkably similar from bacteria to
Chick embryo (LM)
Human embryo
• although some organisms that are related share
characteristics because of common descent – distantly
related organisms can resemble one another due to
convergent evolution
– the independent evolution of similar features in different lineages
• i.e. different common ancestors!
– marsupials vs. eutherians
– two lineages evolved separately but they experienced similar
environments and underwent similar adaptations
– these shared features are said to be analogous NOT homologous
The science of evolution
• fossil record – documents patterns of evolution
• fossils also show how evolutionary changes have occurred in
various groups of organisms
• can also shed light on the origins of new organisms
– e.g. cetaceans are closely related to ungulates
Most mammals
(a) Canis (dog)
Cetaceans and even-toed ungulates
(b) Pakicetus
(c) Sus (pig)
(d) Odocoileus (deer)
ankle bones between dogs (unrelated) and an early cetacean (pakicetus) and ungulates
The science of evolution
• biogeography – the geographic distribution of species
• species distribution is influenced by many factors
• including continental drift
250 MYA – one land mass = Panagea
200 MYA – Panagea began to break apart
scientists could predict where fossils might be found
horse evolution – based on fossils, present day horses originated about 5
MYA in north america
– at that time north and south america were close together but not connected
– scientist predicted that the oldest horse fossils should be found in north
america – found to be correct
Genetic Variation in Evolution
• smallest unit of evolution = microevolution
change in allele frequencies in a population over generations
one of the causes – natural selection
other causes: genetic drift & gene flow
only natural selection improves adaptation to the environment
Genetic Variation in Evolution
• genetic variation – seen in individual variations
– genetic variation is the differences in composition of an
individual’s genes or other DNA segments (i.e. junk)
– genetic variation produces variations in phenotypes
– only the genetic component of a phenotype can have
evolutionary consequences
• phenotypes are not necessarily passed on
• e.g. body builder changes his phenotype but doesn’t pass on the bigger
Genetic Variation in Evolution
• variation within a population
– characters that vary within a population: discrete or quantitative
– quantitative characters – most heritable variation uses these
• may can be measured – e.g. height, weight, IQ
• vary along a continuum within a population -e.g. hair color, eye color
• usually results from the influence of 2 or more genes on a single
phenotypic characteristic = known as Polygenic Traits
– discrete characters – classified on an “either-or basis”
• e.g. purple color of a flower or a white color
• usually determined by a single gene with different allele forms producing
distinct phenotypes
Genetic Variation in Evolution
• variation between populations
– species also exhibit geographic variation – differences in the genetic
composition of separate populations
– geographic variation can be observed as a cline – a graded change in a
character along a geographic axis
Sources of Genetic Variation
• formation of new alleles – arise through mutation
– must occur in a germ cell to be heritable
– most mutations occur in somatic cells and are loss when the organism
• altering gene number or position – chromosomal changes
that delete, duplicate or rearrange genes
– may not necessarily be bad – e.g. crossing over in meiosis
• rapid reproduction – increases the rate of mutations
• sexual reproduction – produces genetic variability due to
combination of gametes
Hardy-Weinberg Principle
• used to test whether evolution is occurring in a population
• population = group of individuals of the same species that live in the same area
and interbreed to produce fertile offspring
• the population’s genetic make-up = gene pool
– all copies of every type of allele at every gene locus in all members of the population
– if only one allele exists for a gene locus = fixed allele within the pool (all individuals are
homozygous – e.g. EE or ee)
– if there is more than one allele – individuals may be homozygous (EE or ee) or
heterozygous (Ee)
Hardy-Weinberg Principle
• each allele has a frequency or proportion in a population
– if a gene has two alleles (i.e. E or e) – p is used for the frequency of one allele (i.e. the
dominant), q is used for the other (i.e. the recessive allele)
– Hardy-Weinberg principle states that the frequency of these alleles in a population
will remain constant from generation to generation
– if the gene pool is in equilibrium = P+Q = 1 (NO EVOLUTION)
– p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 (i.e. 100%)
Hardy-Weinberg Principle
two alleles = E and e
p2 = expected frequency of the EE genotype in the population
q2 = expected frequency of the ee genotype
2pq = expected frequency of the Ee genotype
p+q - must equal 1 (i.e. 100% of the population) – population
is NOT evolving
• conditions for HW equilibrium
1. no mutations
2. random mating
3. no natural selection
4. extremely large population size
5. no gene flow in and out of populations
Applying the HW Principle
• HW principle can be used to measure the frequency of the
heterozygote – often hard to measure due to its similarity to the
dominant homozygote
• can be very helpful in diseases
• disease – PKU; 1 in 10,000 births
– therefore q2 = 0.0001
• frequency of q allele = 0.01 (1% of population - square root of
• frequency of p allele = 1.0-0.01 = 0.99 (99% of population)
• 2pq = 2x0.99x0.01 = 0.0198 or 2% of the population
Applying the HW Principle
according to the HW principle - p2 + 2pq + q2 must equal 1
does it?
p2 = 0.9801
q2 = 0.0001
2pq = .0198
0.9801 + 0.0198 + 0.0001 = 1
• so the frequency of PKU as a disease is stable within the