Download Evolution chapters 16-17 test review sheet 1. Biologists in Darwin`s

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Evolution chapters 16-17 test review sheet
1. Biologists in Darwin’s time had already begun to understand that living things change over
time. How did Darwin contribute to these ideas? Changes happened in organisms and
collected evidence to support it.
2. What are adaptations? Allow the organism to survive in their environment
3. At the time of Charles Darwin what was understood about fossils? Preserved remains of
ancient animals.
4. What did the work of Hutton Lyell suggest about the earth? The earth was millions of years
5. Describe Lamarck’s evolutionary hypothesis. Body structures can change according to the
action of the animal.
6. Describe artificial selection and give example that humans may have used. Choosing
individuals to m ate to change offspring (example: dog breeding)
7. Organisms that live long enough, may become more adapted to their environment may be led
to greater fitness how will this affect their offspring? They will have more offspring that also
have better adaptations
8. Describe natural selection. Changes in the inherited characteristics of populations over time
9. What is the principle of common descent? Organisms that are closely related such as birds
and reptiles share a number of inherited characteristics
10. List evidence and research of others that influenced Darwin. Age of the earth, fossils similar
to living creatures
11. What is studied in biogeography? Where speciies and their ancestors live
12. Which structures are considered vestigial? Pelvis and femur
13. What do common ancestors suggest about similar modern species. Similar embryos in
seemingly unrelated organisms
14. List types of molecular evidence that supports natural selection. Similar proteins, universal
genetic code
15. What is a gene pool? Genes carried by all members of a particular population
16. What is the allele frequency of an allele that makes up one half of the populations allele?
17. What does natural selection act on? phenotype
18. What is a mutation? Change in genetic material
19. What are the three sources of genetic variation? Sexual reproduction, lateral gene transfer,
20. Give an example of a single gene trait. How many phenotypes will it produce? 2, sickle cell
21. The number of genes that control a trait will also produce a given number of _PHENOTYPE.
22. How would the frequency of phenotypes of a polygenic trait be illustrated? Bell curve
23. Identify each of
these graphs and explain
the events that could
cause this to happen
24. When does genetic drift occur in a population? When it is small
25. What is the founder effect? A type of genetic drift that occurs after a small population
inhabit a new habitat
26. What are conditions to maintain genetic equilibrium? No immigration or emigration large
population, random mating, no mutations
27. What is geographic isolation? A population that becomes separated by a barrier like a river,
or mountain
28. How does reproductive isolation result in a new species? There are no other organisms to
mate with
29. Give a definition of species. They mate and produce offspring
30. Give an example of temporal isolation. Flowers that open at different times of the day
31. What is speciation? How do the Galápagos finches show this concept? The finches became
different species
32. What do Hox genes control? Patterns of embryogical development