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Download Theory of Evolution Vocabulary Worksheet 1 Answers
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Theory of Evolution Vocabulary Worksheet 1 Answers Student Name: ____________________________________ Date: __________ Teacher Name: Richard Eckert Score: __________ Define these terms: Alfred Wallace This British biologist, who explored wildlife in South America and Asia, independently conceived of a natural, observable way for life to change over time. He also worked closely with Darwin on the theory of natural selection. Analogous Structures These are structures which are similar in different organisms because they evolved in a similar environment, yet do not have a common ancestor. Charles Darwin British naturalist who is responsible for originating the theory of evolution. Genetic Drift In a population, the changes in allelic frequencies of a gene that are due to chance. Homologous Structures These are physical features shared by organisms with common ancestry; they may have the same structure, but different functions developmentally mature organisms. Match the term on the left with its definition on the right: H Adaptation A. A condition in which two populations of the same species, over time, can no longer breed with each other to produce live offspring L Adaptive Radiation B. This is a type of natural selection that favors one extreme phenotype over the mean or opposite extreme. B Directional Selection C. This occurs when a new colony is started by a few members of the original population. This small population size means that the colony may have reduced genetic variation from the original population and a non-random sample of the genes in the original population. F Disruptive Selection D. This is a change in the genetic makeup of a population or species over time. G Embryology E. This is the total number of genes of every individual in an interbreeding population. D Evolution F. This is a type of natural selection that selects against the average individual in a population. The make up of this type of population would show phenotypes of both extremes, but have very few individuals in the middle. K Fossil G. This is the study of the early development of an organism, and it is quite often used to show similarities and differences between different organisms in their early stages of development. C Founder Effect H. This is an inherited characteristic that increases an organism's chance of survival. E Gene Pool I. This is the study of the solid matter that makes up the planet. It is an earth science. M Genetic Variation J. These are are plants or animals remains used to define and identify geologic periods. N Geographic Isolation K. This is the mineralized remains of plants or animals. I L. This describes the evolution of many diverse species adapted to their specific habitats but having one common ancestor. This usually occurs when the original species is separated from each other completely, such as geographic isolation. When this occurs, the organisms adapt to different resources, leading to a new species. Geology J Index Fossils M. This is one result of gamete formation through meiosis and fertilization during sexual reproduction that promotes biodiversity within a species. A Isolation N. This can occur when part of a population of a species becomes separated from the remainder, they may over time evolve different characteristics from the parent population.