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Standard 5 Vocabulary Review
Name __________________________________
Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:
____ Adaptation
A. This is the process of organisms adapting to changes in their
environments over time  Survival of the Fittest.
____ Analogous
B. Structure reduced in size and has less important function in
some related organisms than in others.
____ Biodiversity
C. Physical features similar in structure & shared by related species.
____ Cladogram
D. Principle that states allele frequencies remain constant unless
factors cause change. Also called genetic equilibrium.
____ Vestigial
E. Similar organisms that can breed and produce fertile offspring.
____ 6 Kingdoms
F. This is a diagram which shows the evolutionary relationships
among groups of organisms. Also called a phylogenetic tree.
____ Adaptive
G. Number and variety of living organisms in an environment.
____ Species
H. Random changes in allele frequency.
____ Speciation
I. The area where an organism lives  HOME.
____ Embryology
J. This is an inherited characteristic that increases an organism's
chance of survival.
____ Convergent
K. Elimination of a species  species can’t adapt to environment.
____ Coevolution
L. Species evolve into different forms that live in different ways.
Also called divergent evolution.
____ Evolution
M. Two species changing together.
____ Extinction
This is the role of a species in an ecosystem  JOB.
____ Gene Flow
O. Change in genetic makeup of a population or species over time.
____ Gene Pool
P. Fossils that show links in traits between groups of organisms
used to document intermediate stages in the evolution of a
____ Genetic Drift
Q. Movement of genes into (immigration) or out (emigration) of a
____ HardyWeinberg
R. Study of early development of an organism. Shows common
____ Habitat
S. Animals, Plants, Fungus, Protists, Eubacteria, Archaebacteria
____ Homologous
T. Any living thing.
____ Natural
U. Same species living in the same area at the same time.
____ Niche
V. Formation of a new species.
____ Organism
W. Unrelated organisms evolve similarities to similar environment.
____ Phylogeny
X. Total number of genes of every individual in a population.
____ Population
Y. Evolutionary history of a species or group of related species.
____ Transitional
Z. Structures in different organisms that are common in function
but not structure. No common ancestry.