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1) _____________ is the scientific study of the kinds and diversity or organisms, and their
evolutionary relationships.
2) In order for a scientific hypothesis to be valid it must be ____________.
3) The _____________ is a longitudinal, flexible rod in which only remnants exist in extant
vertebrates. (hint: intervertebral disks)
4) The phylum Chordata has three main subgroups, name them: ___________,
____________, ____________.
5) ___________ is the retention of larval characteristics into adulthood.
6) _____________ is defined as the discipline in charge of providing names for groups of
organisms and establishing rules by which organisms are named.
7) ____________ structures have similarities due to shared ancestry, _____________
structures have similarities that are not from shared ancestry – think convergent
8) The ___________ era is known as the age of the fishes.
Short Answer
9) Two major evolutionary events accompanied the emergence of the Gnathostomata –
name them.
10) List three characteristics each of the chondrichthyes and the osteichthyes.
11) List all 4 characteristics of chordates.
Essay Questions
12) Discuss Evolution by Natural Selection. Be sure to include all four components, and why
it is important.
13) There are two modes of speciation – Allopatric and Sympatric. Define both, making sure
to include definitions of both forms within the two modes.
14) In class, Dr. Adams talked about why the subclass Sarcopterygii was important in this
course, do you remember why? If so, try to think of some reasons that make this true.
There is no wrong answer to this question, I simply want to get your minds turning.